
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reflective blog:- Professor. Atanu Bhattacharya.

• Hello,Readers welcome to my blog!!

• The purpose of the writing this blog is to reflect and review our ideas upon 3 days session on ELT by Professor. Atanu Bhattacharya from central University Gandhinagar. From 25th to 28th Atannu sir came to our department for ELT- 2 [ English language teaching- 2] . If I talk about Atannu sir then he was soft speaking person, nice person, deal every topic with patience; in a sesne he teach very good to us.

••• On the vary first day sir briefly talk about History of English language teaching. How it emerges with which perameters it comes .  He said that establishment of universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras (1857). Sir connected it with classical age, Theology, Education Drama. Sir starts with Renaissance with briefly detailing of it to 19th & 20th century. Then the Philology - study of word and psychology-critical comprehension. How the language played an important role in literature sir said and explain with many examples. Sir has very innovative style of writing, for explaining he is taking very relevant and appropriate example.Sir has a kind of tradition thing to teach. As he teach through handout and board working from which we passed in our school days.Sir broadly talk about The language teaching through literature.

• Sir mentioned the Methods like :-

• Natural Method/ Direct Method :- It is very Ancient and Natural Method . In which it expose the students in natural language or teach directly. For Ex:- If you are teaching English,you have to use only English, you can't take another language.

• Grammar Translation Method :- This method we uses from our childhood, we like it very much . But the other side it doesn't give space to think or speak. Within this sir talked about Latin and Greek grammar method.  Then the rhetoric questions and oral methods are also included in that.

•• Audio-lingual method :- it is also called as Audio visual and Army method. In which the process happens with drill kind of feature.It is primarily oral method. Here mistakes can be corrected immediately. Identification structure and dramatical structure take place.

•• Suggestopedia method :- The concept of'threshold'.

•• Macaulay's Minute ( English Education Act 1835)

•• Character Act (1813)

•• Noon Chomsky ; was a linguist about universal grammar.

•• Mastery learning:-
- No other language should be allowed in class.
- focus was on correct answer and correct pronunciation
- positive reinforcement

•• Pattern practice

•• Communicative Language Teaching :-
-   Discourse :- Cohesion and coherence ( it makes teaching and learning interestit)
- mistakes can be corrected later
- focus on speaking ( even if your sentence doesn't have meaning)
-focus on Functions of English ( Make statement of fact)
- Students are given practice

•• Schema activation

•• IPA :- International phonetic Alphabet
- you can't learn language by learning rules,you learn language by using the language. IPA sets the rules of English language, here translation should be used only as support.

••• On the second day sir takes us to the novel and poetry with language and literature. Sir teach with practical excercise. Language has skill to develop criticism,not only for communication but the thought process.

•• Learning Autonomy :-
- Motivatycan be provided by certain kind of external facts . Teacher shod teach through text.Cognitive skills are basically simple, identifying.Can be used to indicate literary and language techniques like Rhetoric and Prosody .

• Here sir takes our practical session :- On the poem " This is just to say :- we are giving jumbled and not proper settled sentence and we have rearranged it and have to give answer of 3 questions.So, it was a group task , through this we learn some new vocabularies,to arrange the sentence of poem.One more good thing that rather than only listening if we apply or do it practical then it will be more remember. In the second task we have to fill in blanks, discover the rhyming words.which also quite good one.

•• What do we do to teach language through poetry?
- Pre task , While task and post task.
- Language has capacity to perform action.
••• Speech Acts :-
- Representative ( common part of speech; assertion, conclusion)
- Directive ( Request, ordering and questioning)
- Communissives (promising, offering)
- Expressive ( thanking, apologising, welcoming)
- Declaration ( problems by specific person)

•• Considering Learner's learning styles :-
• Visual
• Auditory
• Kinaesthetic
• Studial
• Analytic
• Dependent
• Independent

•••• On the third day sir talked mostly about Testing and Evaluation
- CEFL :- Central European frame of language
• There are three terms :- Testing( Specific particular objective)
                                         :- Evaluation(general term could not be about linguistic skill)
                                          :- Assessment (feedback)
1]  Proficiency test :-
2] Achievement test :-
3] Diagnostic tests :-
4] placement tests:-
5] Norm referenced testing:-
6] Criterion referenced testing:-

••• Key concepts in Testing :-
1] Validity :- can be two types ; content validity and criterion related Validity.
 2 ] Reliability :-  depends on two factors ; test can be used repeatedly or used for various levels of students.
3]  Backwash :- The effect that tests have on learning and teaching.
At the this day we listen two videos and then testing it with perameters.

••• Then in combined session of sem 2&4 Sir talk about research and future study of English language.First the talk past of English study. English taught in England in 1930. Language taught through English literature. Language can create power. Then Visual culture ; Digital Culture and Digital Humanities.
" we are not living in a global village,but in customized cottages , globally produced and locally distributed "
• Linguistic Exploration

••• Thus, we ended our three days session. We gain and learn alot . Certainly it was a fruitful session. We came tk more about English language and it's past.

Thank you .......


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