
Monday, January 13, 2020

A Doll's House : play by Norway's Henrik Ibsen.

• Hello, Readers!!

• This is my blog work. Plz have a look it once.

• So, here I will reflect my views upon "A Doll's House "play .This is my Bachelor's Text.

• A Doll's House  is a three-act play written by Norway's Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879. Problem plays were developed during the realism literary movement of  the 19th century.

 •Problemplays especially presented social issues or social problems in a realistic way. The social problem that Ibsen presents in a doll's house is the treatment of women particularly the entrapment of women. The problem he focuses on is especially portrayed through Nora. Norah appears to be happy in her marriage in fact at the beginning of the play she even thinks she is happy. However earlier in her marriage Nora was faced with the problem of needing extra money to save her husband's life. Her husband expressly forbade taking out loans and in her society  it was illegal for women to take out a loan without the signature of a man. At the same moment her husband was ill her father was on his deathbed. Therefore out of desperate need Nora was force to be a bit cunning and forge her father's signature on a loan. We learn as the play unfolds that in early years Nora secretly  struggled, fretted, and worked very hard to try and produce money to pay for the dept. However Nora now has a new anxiety she is being blackmailed by krogstad, her creditor which is the threat of exposing her fraud should not convince her husband to allow  krogstad to keep his post at the bank. Nora's personal problems portray the larger  social problems presented in the Play such as the unfair treatment of women. The unfair treatment of women is first presented presented in the fact that society forbade women to take out a loan  because society saw women as uneducated, irresponsible, ridiculous individuals.Had Nora not been forbidden by society to take out a loan on her own, she would have never been placed in a position in which she needed to commit fraud. The unfair treatment of women is also portrayed in Nora's struggles to earn money to pay back the loan. Back then, middle class women like Nora where forbidden to work. Lower class women however were allowed to work but only low income jobs, such as Clerks, teachers and domestic servants. Despite the fact that Nora was middle class she did however managed to find work to earn money that she could perform behind Torvald's back.The  Main subject or  issue on which drama a doll's house is written is the issue of women. More  specifically its subject is of women's status in the society and their treatment by man the lake of true love and respect for wife by husband and the lack of justice and dignity in the treatment of women in the society itself.

Thank you....


Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

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