
Monday, March 9, 2020

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication

Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela
Batch :- 2018-20
Roll no :- 07
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190044
Gmail ID:-
Paper no:- 15 ( Mass media)
Total words:- 1537


••  Now,if we talk about Mass media, then it was a huge platform to connect and contact with many people and to communicate it was very useful and helpful. Nowadays social media plays a vital role for mass media. In social media there was a subcategory platform like; Whats app Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,Google,Hello app,G-Mail,you-tube. Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine also known as  a important part of Mass media.We are living in the 21st century; so we are using tools for using social media like; Mobile, Laptop,etc. But In current time people have a craze of Mobile Phone rather than any other tools.With very softly and easily we can use mobile anytime, anything, anywhere and we can know about whatever happing in the state, country as well as in the world. Social media was a fastest way to sent information to the people and we can get response immediately. Google was the app where we can learn  anything, anytime and  we can repeat it whichever time we want. According to me I think that we are so luckiest that we get a chance to use this kind of superb technology and media. Nowadays everything becomes online. As we know we can order food,cloth, whichever item we want we can buy through online. We can reserved the tickets of train,bus and also room of hotel. So,we can say that online app becomes today's market. It gives profit in business,we can do work at seating home with online and it also provides good facilities for Education also. So,I think internet gives a full package of our more thing with mass media people are getting married with app.Moreover,as we know that everything has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. So, social media also has some Disadvantages,as we have to face some difficulty like,some fake account,some viral videos and news,some wrong information,we can't full rely on it. So, at last I can say that social media and it's tool become an part of our life. Anyone can't live without it.

• In the 21st century,in which we are leaving,is the scenario of  Globalization, Industrialization, progress in science; we slowly and gradually developing with our progressive country. Than how can we forget or denie Mass media as our integral and important part of our life.Mass media is the fastest one who reaches to mass of the people within less time.If we take one simple example about phone than in our India from a simple or lay man to richest person who are using mobile.The Mass media itself includes many Subjects like Television, Radio,all social media, Newspaper, technology. As it is too broad concept and it conclude many things. Now a days in Education the media and technology helping alot.As it is said that we have to update with the time to time as all app needed to update. I accept that media has it's advantages and disadvantages both but what we want to learn from Media ,it surely depends on us. With the help of the media we can come to know about the information of the whole world within some minutes.From food , reservation, tickets booking for cinema ,etc everything happens with some certain apps regarding internet and media.The facilities which provides android system like GPS, Google maps,Google translate,any information regarding anykind of topic we can get anywhere, anytime. It gives us space to present ourselves also and it brokes the boundary of Time and place. In daily life most of all the people are doing smart use of it. We can do smart work with less time. It is mostly regarded as communication,it connects the world . It has some social issues also and changes also. As we know that a coin has it's two side heads and tails. Both can't be good enough with same place and time. We should be aware and knowable with the media and it's many perspective.

•• What is Media??

• According to Oxford dictionary, media is  the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet the news/broadcasting/national media The trial was fully reported in the media.So, as Oxford dictionary says that it is the main way of information and entertainment. On the other hand we have a question that in the 21st century,era of globalisation , urbanization, industrialization,the world is going to higher and so on ,than in this situation can we imagine our life without information and entertainment.we can't denie that this both things we got from media on large amount. We can also consider it at communication which is the most need of the people.There are many platforms on media where we can do two way communication also.In today's time which is the area or part where media don't play a vital role. Parreral we have a question that at which extents media is helping, the generation is considered as boon or what ? What is the idea about media in people's mind. Was it useful to everyone? Did everybody accepted it or not ? What is the role of media in Society,Social issues and some social change. With the help of technology how it used ?

According to Denis Macquail,

" Communication is a process which increases commonality - but also requires elements of commonality for it to occur at all".

• Need for communication:-

• This need is as strong as sleep,Eat and love
• Social need
• Requires active interaction with our physical, biological and social environments.
• Mankind can be traced through this from other species.
• Lack of communication leads to many danger problem.

• The ideal Process of Communication:-

Source →Encoding → Channel →Decoding → Receiver → Feedback

•• Types of Communication.

1. Intra- personal
2. Group Communication
3. Inter personal communication
4. Mass media communication
•• Functions of Mass Media:-
1] To inform
2] To educate
3] To entertain
4] Transmission of heritage
5] Commercial

There are 6 types of Mass Media:

• Traditional Media
 • Print Media
• Electronic Broadcasting Media
• Outdoor Media
• Transit Media
• Digital Media or New Media

• There are various types of mass media which provide us with various types of Political, Religious, Economics and Social related news and information to the masses or larger audience through print media or digital media.

• Each media has its significance in some or the other way. For example newspaper, a print provides news headlines and information in rural areas and urban areas as well as a TV which also provides information, news and entertainment shows through a digital medium.Mass media is a significant force in modern culture, particularly in America. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity: without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles, people could not become famous.Media language can be revealing, too. Media uses the terms “arch” or “ultra” conservative, but rarely or never the terms “arch” or “ultra” liberal.

Media Convergence

•• Media convergence is known “broadly as the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment” (Pavlik & McIntosh, 2004, p. 8). There are three major categories for media convergence. These categories are technological convergence, economic convergence and cultural convergence.To give a brief history on the beginnings of mass media some historians believe that medieval European cathedral architecture functioned as mass medium of religious communication by offering biblical stories and religious information to a largely illiterate population through the use of painting, sculpture, and other visual arts”, but really mass media starts as an “industrial-era phenomenon” with the Gutenburg printing press . It was the first form of mass media in 1450.

•• Conclusion:-

In short,if we want to say about massmedia then very easily we can define it. Can we imagine this scenario without Massmedia? As we know that Massmedia becomes an integral part of our life. Massmedia is the only most using platform by people from where we got fast information. It is giving space to us also ,that we can present ourselves,our views infront of the world. Massmedia is the platform with certain kind of facilities, people like it,and Interested in it. With the only single touching the whole information of anything is in your hand. It is more useful because in real sense it reaches to the Mass of the people through different kind of tool regarding internet.Now a days many people are using Mass or social media for Education,there are many platforms on such apps where we can learn English or other language,which was a quite interesting. If it is used for education purpose then it becomes more qualitative.we can imagine that for next upcoming generation Mass media will stand with more facilities and tools,and will be helpful as well as fruitful for everyone.

••• References:-


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Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...