
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Paper no 12 Assignment Basic Skill : LSRW

Hello, Everyone welcome to my Assignment which was apart of Academic Work.
Name :- Divya  d. Vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Sem :- 03
Batch :- 2018-20
E-mail Id :
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190044
Paper no :- 12 ( ELT - 1)
Topic :- Basic Skill LSRW.
Words :- 1532
So,Now let's talk about what is ELT ??
• ELT :- English Language Teaching.
• English Language Teaching, or ELT, refers to the activity and industry of teaching English to non-native speakers.

Many large editorial companies have ELT sections which publish books for English teachers and learners to use.

∆ English Language Teaching (ELT) is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners. ... Teaching English as a foreign language.
General Notion :- The main objective of teaching is not simply to make the learner the LSRW Skills.
" Every social person is a bundle of personae,a bundle of parts, each part having its lines,If you do not know your lines,you are no use in the play."
# Functionally determined subcategories:-
First Language
Second language
Foreign language
Classical language ( it is sanskrit,Greek or used in past )
• Main function as a Teacher according to Students.How to pursue our needs for English in a multilingual setting?What is the kind and amount of English that the learners with need.What are the roles of different languages in our multilingual setting? What are the topic and situations that will necessitate the use of English?
# Different Functions of English:- At National Level - It is " Window of the world"
                                                         "Language of Development"
                                                         "Link Language"
                                                         " Library Language"
At Individual level:- " The language of opportunity"
                               " The language of upward social mobility"
# Primary aim of Teaching English:-
- Ability to read easily and with understanding.Readiness, To write English without errors,To carry conversation in English,we should have active command on our own language and on fact,To ensure that English is a service language, For teacher there is no specific age limit,You have to promote your cultural awareness.

• Education Commission 1964-66:-
The language question is the the most complicated problem that the country has faced since independence and one that has resisted solution. Kapil Kapoor argues here there is no place to you ask why this question become a problem since independence or why and what are the political reasons  involved and should have been involved. Of course it was a complicated problem because the national course was not adopted . It could reconstruct English as a foreign language but instead English was used to promote. The three language formula is a product of this thinking and policy. To make English and integral part of school education in India. It ironically restricted the learning and use of Hindi in non Hindi areas by allowing the student to learn English as a second language. If your aim is produce whole generation of young people who are not just ignorant of their identity and their heritage but have in fact a  positive contempt for it then they must not be taught Sanskrit the language of the powerful heritage. They must be taught English and through that the the Western values so that the Indian youth naturally respects the modern. In spite of this the standard of English have always fallen short of the ideal.
• now let's talk about four basic skills : - LSRW
It is a common desire for all of us to speak a second language well. To do this we need to know what skills are required to become a good speaker. This short article will help you to understand four important skills that you need to develop:
1).  Listening:- difference between listening and hearing. Basic types how to be good listener question mark. Connected with the speaking skill. Technique write  about own technique or content.Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. ... Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships.Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. ... Listening in any language requires focus and attention. It is a skill that some people need to work at harder than others.According to Oxford Living Dictionaries, to listen is to give attention to sound or ... Active listening is having good listening skills.

2] . Speaking Skill :- different types of speaking skills. Process through three parts 1. Interactive 2. Partially interactive 3. Non interractive .
• important types :- to be active listener, quick organisation of thought, structure of your speech, tractors and interact, know your audience.
• principal  of the formula :- keep it short and simple. Ending should be memorable. Fluency (speaking -  correct language)
We can say that speaking means to converse, or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language. ... Speaking skills: Speaking skills are the skills that give us the ability to communicate effectively.Speaking is the second language skill. This page looks at what speaking is and is not, and what it involves for English learners.Speaking effectively is defined as speaking in such a way that your message is clearly heard and, if possible, acted upon.
3] . Reading skill:- reading in particular and depend on mood ,choice, text etc,
1. Choosing the text ( note talking while reading is very important)
2. Not talking
3. Rereading text
4. Types of  Rereading : skimming, scanning, extensive reading, intensive reading.
Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows. Fundamental skills required in efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning of a word from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and to identify antecedents and references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage about its contents, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to answer questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the literary devices or propositional structures used in a passage and determine its tone, to understand the situational mood (agents, objects, temporal and spatial reference points, casual and intentional inflections, etc.) conveyed for assertions, questioning, commanding, refraining etc. and finally ability to determine writer's purpose, intent and point of view, and draw inferences about the writer (discourse-semantics).

Ability to comprehend text is influenced by reader's skills and their ability to process information. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read. There are many reading strategies to improve reading comprehension and inferences, including improving one's vocabulary, critical text analysis (intertextuality, actual events vs. narration of events, etc.) and practicing deep reading."Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear).Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read.
4] Writing Skill :- Basic type of writing.1. academic writing it should be very objective. 2. Non academic writing- it should be very subjective.
Basic things which connected with academic and non academic writing.1. basic rules of grammar.2. it is necessary to write everyday. 3. Handwriting. 4. Drafting it has six stages : prepare a draft , editing and accuracy , reducing errors, editing for consistency, linking, proofreading, feedback.Writing is a medium of communication. Writing skills help a person to express the ideas, opinion and thoughts in an easy and clear way. It is widely used for personal and official communication. Writing skills help to develop and compose any type of writing contents.Writing is a medium of communication. Writing skills help a person to express the ideas, opinion and thoughts in an easy and clear way. It is widely used for personal and official communication. Writing skills help to develop and compose any type of writing contents.To write clearly it is essential to understand the basic system of a language. In English this includes knowledge of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Vocabulary is also necessary, as is correct spelling and formatting.

A writer may write for personal enjoyment or use, or for an audience of one person or more. The audience may be known (targeted) or unknown. Taking notes for study purposes is an example of writing for one's self. Blogging publicly is an example of writing for an unknown audience. A letter to a friend is an example of writing for a targeted audience. As with speaking, it is important to consider your audience when writing. There are many different styles of writing, from informal to formal.

Thank you.......


Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

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