
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blog on Aristotle's poetics.( Criticism)

Hello, Readers welcome to my blog!!

Here I would like to reflect my views on my B.A.text . Specially on criticism paper. So, for that I would like to discuss here about Aristotle and it's Poetics. To know more about Aristotle CLICK Here

Aristotle's poetics:- 

• Aristotle was the disciple of Plato but he differs from plato in many points. Aristotle in fact give answer to plato's objection to  poetry. He seems to to be more open minded and liberal in thinking about poetry and poets. Plato speak as if he were a Strict puritan whereas Aristotle welcomes all the innovative ideas regarding poetry. Aristotle has written the book entitled the poet in which he has commented upon the nature and functions of poetry. He talks about all fine arts in general. He not only talks about poetry but also about painting and music. When Aristotle discusses poetry he means all literary forms like Epic , Tragedy ,comedy,etc. in the poetics he at length discusses the tragedy. Aristotle begins his discourse by admitting that all arts are imitations. In other words Aristotle says that all arts are inevitably representational. He says that the plot is  the soul of the tragedy. He also says that in any literary form plot is a most important element. He says that the plot maybe a simple one or it maybe a complex one. If the action proceeds in a straight forward manner and if it is one continuous whole then such a plot could be identified as a simple plot. Aristotle clarifies that when the change in the hero ' s fortune takes place without Peripety or discovery,the plot could be a complex one. Peripety means change from one state of things within the play to its opposite of the kind described. Similarly discovery means a change from ignorance to knowledge.

• Aristotle says that poetry is an imitation of an imitation twice removed from reality but it is not the carbon copy of  the physical thing. He says that if the poet gives something less than life he also gives something more than life. Plato missed to see that art  conveys something more than life too. According to Aristotle a thing is  seen in a work of art from the poet's point of view and the poet conveys his vision of life in his work. Aristotle says that all fine arts differ from one another in three ways. They are difference of means, difference of  objects and difference in manner  of imitation. In addition he says that in tragedy tragic events invoke the feelings of pity and fear in the minds of audience or the readers and thereby the writer causes the proper purgation of our minds. Aristotle gives the Greek word 'catharsis ' means purgation or purification of minds through pity and fear. Aristotle also emphasizes that there should be an organic whole in a work of art. He said that plot must have beginning middle and end. He also talks about the three unities required in a work of art. They are unity of time, unity of place and unity of direction. Unity of time means there should not be a vast gap of time between the two events of supply. Similarly unity of place  means the the events of the play should not take place at different places very far from one another. Majority of the events should take place at one place. Unity of action means the action done by the characters should be consistent and convincing. The characters should behave logically and according to their personality types. There should be no even action exhibited by the characters.

Thank you......


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