
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blog on Sigmund Freud's Creative writing and Day -Dreaming.( Criticism ).

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Here I am going write about my Criticism paper from B.A syllabus.

Sigmund Freud :- Creative writing and Day -Dreaming ;

      ∆ Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 and died in 1939. He is one of the prominent figures in psychology and his influence has extended far beyond the boundaries of psycho analysis. He is is recognised as the founder of psycho analysis, the branch of psychology. In a long series of publication based partly on his clinical experience of treating neurotic patients, he developed a theory of and descriptive terminology for the workings of the human mind. Perhaps the most significant emphasis in his work was the idea that most human mental activity is unconscious and the primary source of psychic energy libido is sexual.

 ~ creative literature is connected to various branches of study and fine arts. A piece of literature could be well appreciated through to the  interdisciplinary approach. Art of creative writing is also connected to psychology and modern protects highlight the relation of creative writing to neurosis. It was Sigmund Freud the neurologist who founded psycho analysis as a branch of modern psychology, highlighted the relationship between creative writing and daydreaming. He wrote the articles like' interpretation of dreams' and ' Totem and Taboos 'and analysed the human mind dividing it under three categories: Id ,Ego and Libido. He also talked about different levels of mind like Conscious, half conscious and subconscious. Freud observe that the human mind is full of complexities and it registers numberless perceptions from the external world. The disturbed state of psyche visualizes hallucinations, nightmares and daydreams. Sometimes the suppressed desire of human being come to the surface in the form of daydreaming. Freud watched the stage performances of Shakespeare's play a 'Hamlet' many times and also' oedipus the  Rex' by Sophocles from which he developed his theory of oedipus complex. In Literature especially in creative writing number less references of characters who indulge in daydreaming. According to Freud the creative writer does  the same as the child a play. He creates a world of fantasy which he takes  very seriously that is which he invests with large amount of emotions while separating it sharply from reality. Language has preserved this relationship between children's play and poetic creation. Freud says that the on reality of the writers imagenative world matches with the world of the child. He says that if the creative work includes real events they could give no enjoyment which we find in the play of  fantasy.So, I like this work of Freud because with this first time  we came to know about psychology and it's some aspect. As it is talks about our Conscious and unconscious mind and our day dreaming. This kind of situation we feel in our real life. Before Freud's work there are the day dreaming or conscious, unconscious and subconscious mind,but we don't know about it. After this we can feel and got more knowledge about our process of mind. As a student of literature we should know the psychology, we have to need to know how to read people and their mind or how to deal with any person.

Thank you....


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