
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blog on Novel "God of small things" by Arundhati Roy.

•Hello , Readers very warmly welcome to my blog!!!

•This is my academic blog task page. Here I supposed to reflect my views upon the text of my Bachelor's Text. So ,here I would like to talk about novel"God of Small things" by Arundhati Roy.

•Sazana Arundhati Roy (24 November,1961) was an Indian Author, activits,worked also in movie .she was a very good writer of that time. She was such an one of best female writer. In her Novel she recalls her childhood and also writes on the contemporary time's political as well as Social or Economic condition of her aroundings.She well touch upon the idea like 'Caste system', political issues,"The concept of UNTOUCHEBALE".It was very hard to go against government or to write about politics and it was by women.She also writes upon some political leaders with sone kind of metaphors and she makes satire.she was writing for simple people and the reality of life .She also writes on the Marxism and communist party .He get Man Booker prize for fiction for the novel " The God of small things" in 1977.For this novel she get wordly fame.

Arundhati Roy's Two major famous work :-
1] . "The God of small things"
2]. " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness"

1]" The God of Small things".

•  TheGod of Small Things is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It is a story about the childhood experiences of fraternal twins whose lives are destroyed by the "Love Laws" that lay down "who should be loved, and how. And how much." The book explores how the small things affect people's behavior and their lives. It won the Booker Prize in 1997.The story set in Ayemenem town in Kerala.The story revolves around the Rahel and Estha - twins of Ammu. Ammu marries with man after she realize that he was alcoholic and give divorce to him . Then she gives birth to this twins and get back to live at Ayemenem.Ammu's brother Chacko who comes from England after divorce with the Margaret.Here I am not going talk much about summary. Here I find that Ammu belongs to wealthy and rich family and Arundhati Roy here discuss about class and caste system. There was a man maned velutha who was a Dalit and working in their pickle factory,be belongs to lower class ,but Ammu and his children falls in love with him which was a biggest sin of that time. Roy write about Indira Gandhi's Green revolution.

 •  Aftert 23 years twins met and reunited after seperating in childhood. These both twins have some extra attraction towards eachother.So, at the end we can say that as a woman writer she collects very fresh and  good issues of her life and time.I personally like this work because this story revolves with some small things. It's goes with Ammu's life ,her children's life, Ammu's mother family and so on. There are many plots in between. There is a married women Ammu who leavs her husband and live at her father's home with her children. There she built a relationship with a man who belongs to lower class and untouchability.There is love relationship between two twins; brother and sister who meets after longtime. There is a concept of Untouchability we find. On the other hand the reference of Marxism comes along.In a way it creates real side and picture of our society. Arundhati deals with real events of our society. She is not writing all good side but she portrayed the real scene. So, with this we come to know about reality, can't assume only fiction.So, because of due reasons I like this novel.

Thank you......


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