
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Novel :- The women of Brewster place by Gloria Nylor.(B.A. Text )

•• Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog.

• Here I am writing uopn my one of the most favourite novel "The Women of Brewster place "by Gloria Nylor.So, I hope you enjoyed reading.

••• The Women of Brewster Place (1982) is the debut novel of Americana Gloria Naylor. It won theNational Book Award in category First Novel. It was adapted as the 1989 miniseries The women of Brewster place. and the 1990 television show  Brewster place by  Oprah Winfreys Harpo Production.If you want to  know more about Gloria Nylor then Click here

• The Women explores the lives of both men and women in an urban setting and examines relationships, both in terms of friendship and romantic love, including homosexual relationships.
•  In each of the "Seven Stories" of its subtitle, one or more of the seven women are involved with the main character of that particular story, such as Mattie appearing in Etta Mae's story or Kiswana showing up in Cora Lee's.

• The Women of Brewster Place is a novel told in seven stories. Of the seven stories, six are centered on individual characters, while the final story is about the entire community. The primary characters and the title characters of each chapter are all women and residents of Brewster Place.
 • Brewster Place is a housing development in an unnamed city. It seems destined to be an unfortunate place since the people linked to its creation are all corrupt. Despite the secretive circumstances surrounding its development, Brewster Place survives for decades, offering a home to one new wave of migrants after another. The life history of Brewster Place comes to resemble the history of the country as the community changes with each new historical shift. Following the Civil Rights Era, Brewster Place inherits its last inhabitants, African-Americans, many of whom are migrants from the southern half of the United States. The stories within the novel are the stories of these residents.

• The first and longest narrative within the novel is Mattie Michael’s. Mattie, along with several other characters, arrives in Brewster Place from her parents’ home in the South. Mattie leaves her parents’ home because she is pregnant by a disreputable man named Butch Fuller. Mattie decides to move to the North at approximately the same time in history as the Great Migration.Mattie’s childhood friend, Etta Johnson, joins Mattie at Brewster Place. After a long life of running from one man to the next, she has arrived at Mattie’s, hoping to find some stability. Kiswana Browne is different from all of Brewster Place’s other residents in that she has chosen to live there voluntarily.Lucielia Louis Turner, also known as Ciel, is the granddaughter of Ms. Eva. Lucielia grew up with Mattie and her son, Basil.As a child, Cora Lee was obsessed with babies, and this obsession continues when she is an adult. Beginning in her sophomore year of high school, she has one child after another, almost all with different men. 
Lorraine and Theresa are the only lesbian residents of Brewster Place. The residents fear Lorraine and Theresa, even though they are a loving and considerate couple. 

• As above the story goes on ahead. I specifically liked this novel because this is the potrayal of different kind of women in one particular place. It including women's condition, situation,space,their place in society. Here  Mattie ,she is the longest remaining character in Brewster place, she is the women who is helping all women in their life and shelter in this place.  Here the potrayal of all women was unique and different from eachother. Some are modern, some are lesbian,some are leaving her husband and pregnent,some are leaving their family family. So, what is the status of this kind of women in our society. Are they accepted in social public. Here Gloria Naylor mainly touches the problems of women and the class system,which are the current issues of our world. Normally we find that one women is the enemy of other women. A women never can help of other women,but here the author deconstruct this idea through Mattie's character. As she understands and feels the issues of Womens and she is helping by sacrifices alot. So, this novel touches my heart.

Thank you.....

Blog on Novel Sangati by Bama (B. A . Text )

•• Hello,Readers welcome to my blog task. 

••• This blog is a part of my B.A syllabus. This novel Sangati by Bama which I like most. The reason why I like this because it revolves specially about Dalit literature which I remember. The "Dalits" who are the lower caste and lower people,last category in caste system ,so called "Untouchable"as they called. 

•• Sangati is an autobiography of Bama, which highlights the struggles of Paraiya women and it unlocks the physical and mental sufferings experienced by the suppressed, discriminated and marginalized Dalit women. Dalit literature is a revolution against exploitation and humiliation of Dalits.

•• The novel Sangati (Events) deals with several generations of women. The older women belong to narrators narrating the grandmothers’ generation,VelliammaKizhavi’s generation and downward generation. If a woman belongs to Dalit community, she has to suffer in two ways. The first being a woman and second is belonging to the lowest community. Bama’s Sangati is a unique Dalit feminist narrative carrying autobiographical elements of the whole community. It focuses the double oppression of females. The novel has several individual stories, anecdotes and memories that portray the events taking place in the life of women in Paraiyar community in Tamilnadu. Women are presented in Sangati as daily wage earners. They earn less than men do. 

•• However, the money earned by men, can spend as they please whereas women have to bear the financial burden of running the family. Women are also regular victim tosexual harassment and abused in the place of work. In this novel Marriamma tells a lot about the sexual assault faced by her and her community women and their inability to stand up against it. The physical violence is 
realistically portrayed in this novel like lynching, whipping and canning by fathers,husbands and brothers.

•• Sangati examines “the difference between women and their different ways in which they are subject to apportion and their coping strategies”. Bama focuses the protests against all forms of oppression and sufferings faced by Dalit women in the first half of Sangati. But later part of Sangati moves away from the state of depression and frustration. Instead, it presents apositive identity to Dalit women focusing their inner strength and vigor. The writer attracts our mind towards the education system about Dalit community. She gives the example of Pecchiamma belonging to Chakkili community studied up to fifth class. The girls of that community don’t go
to school that much.

••• As from our childhood we heard the departion of caste , specially about Dalit. Regarding to Dalit there were many restrictions, rituals,beliefs,they don't have their own life and ideas. As they are born for service of rich people. In villages they have to leave out side of village,they can't go on Temple ,even they can't take water from general well of village. They can't face or touch High class people. They don't have right for Education and business. They supposed to do only cleanliness of other home and  also Village. This is the condition of our Ancient time, in 21st century we find many important improvement and rights for their. Comparing to that time they have now more facilities rather than other. So, from Sangati I came to know more about Dalit literature.

Thank you.....

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Meeting pool ( Short story ) by Ruskin bond ( B. A . Text ).

Hello, Every one welcome to my Blog!

• Here I am going to talk about my B.A.text  particular on Short story written by Ruskin bond .

••• "The meeting pool"was a beautiful story written by Ruskin bond. It was a story about three friends . Who are together and find one pool by Rusty and the pool called as Rusty's pool. They have pledge that after the ten years of their Seperation they will meet at this pool. After this pledge they seperate. We can imagine that is is possible that after ten years they will meet. I heard that the promises are made to only that it can be broken . On 5th April 1964 ,Midday this time they have decided to meet. But that day only Rusty came and he finds no one of his friend here. All are busy with their life. After the marriage society, responsibility ,life tied them .The time of college we also like. It is considered as golden days of life,where we have good friends,have freedom,to enjoy,to eat,to do party,etc. We are in full flow of friends that we are ready to do anything for friends which we don't do for our family members. Our these days never came back." Time and Tide never waits for anyone". As this prose says we also don't have to disappoint with little things. Where Rusty comes here he finds another group there and recall his childhood and friends,still he hasn't any regret for their friends. So, the moral of the story we can say that don't depend , trust and waiting for anyone. You have to move on as the life carry wherever.

Thank you....

Reflective blog:- Professor. Atanu Bhattacharya.

• Hello,Readers welcome to my blog!!

• The purpose of the writing this blog is to reflect and review our ideas upon 3 days session on ELT by Professor. Atanu Bhattacharya from central University Gandhinagar. From 25th to 28th Atannu sir came to our department for ELT- 2 [ English language teaching- 2] . If I talk about Atannu sir then he was soft speaking person, nice person, deal every topic with patience; in a sesne he teach very good to us.

••• On the vary first day sir briefly talk about History of English language teaching. How it emerges with which perameters it comes .  He said that establishment of universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras (1857). Sir connected it with classical age, Theology, Education Drama. Sir starts with Renaissance with briefly detailing of it to 19th & 20th century. Then the Philology - study of word and psychology-critical comprehension. How the language played an important role in literature sir said and explain with many examples. Sir has very innovative style of writing, for explaining he is taking very relevant and appropriate example.Sir has a kind of tradition thing to teach. As he teach through handout and board working from which we passed in our school days.Sir broadly talk about The language teaching through literature.

• Sir mentioned the Methods like :-

• Natural Method/ Direct Method :- It is very Ancient and Natural Method . In which it expose the students in natural language or teach directly. For Ex:- If you are teaching English,you have to use only English, you can't take another language.

• Grammar Translation Method :- This method we uses from our childhood, we like it very much . But the other side it doesn't give space to think or speak. Within this sir talked about Latin and Greek grammar method.  Then the rhetoric questions and oral methods are also included in that.

•• Audio-lingual method :- it is also called as Audio visual and Army method. In which the process happens with drill kind of feature.It is primarily oral method. Here mistakes can be corrected immediately. Identification structure and dramatical structure take place.

•• Suggestopedia method :- The concept of'threshold'.

•• Macaulay's Minute ( English Education Act 1835)

•• Character Act (1813)

•• Noon Chomsky ; was a linguist about universal grammar.

•• Mastery learning:-
- No other language should be allowed in class.
- focus was on correct answer and correct pronunciation
- positive reinforcement

•• Pattern practice

•• Communicative Language Teaching :-
-   Discourse :- Cohesion and coherence ( it makes teaching and learning interestit)
- mistakes can be corrected later
- focus on speaking ( even if your sentence doesn't have meaning)
-focus on Functions of English ( Make statement of fact)
- Students are given practice

•• Schema activation

•• IPA :- International phonetic Alphabet
- you can't learn language by learning rules,you learn language by using the language. IPA sets the rules of English language, here translation should be used only as support.

••• On the second day sir takes us to the novel and poetry with language and literature. Sir teach with practical excercise. Language has skill to develop criticism,not only for communication but the thought process.

•• Learning Autonomy :-
- Motivatycan be provided by certain kind of external facts . Teacher shod teach through text.Cognitive skills are basically simple, identifying.Can be used to indicate literary and language techniques like Rhetoric and Prosody .

• Here sir takes our practical session :- On the poem " This is just to say :- we are giving jumbled and not proper settled sentence and we have rearranged it and have to give answer of 3 questions.So, it was a group task , through this we learn some new vocabularies,to arrange the sentence of poem.One more good thing that rather than only listening if we apply or do it practical then it will be more remember. In the second task we have to fill in blanks, discover the rhyming words.which also quite good one.

•• What do we do to teach language through poetry?
- Pre task , While task and post task.
- Language has capacity to perform action.
••• Speech Acts :-
- Representative ( common part of speech; assertion, conclusion)
- Directive ( Request, ordering and questioning)
- Communissives (promising, offering)
- Expressive ( thanking, apologising, welcoming)
- Declaration ( problems by specific person)

•• Considering Learner's learning styles :-
• Visual
• Auditory
• Kinaesthetic
• Studial
• Analytic
• Dependent
• Independent

•••• On the third day sir talked mostly about Testing and Evaluation
- CEFL :- Central European frame of language
• There are three terms :- Testing( Specific particular objective)
                                         :- Evaluation(general term could not be about linguistic skill)
                                          :- Assessment (feedback)
1]  Proficiency test :-
2] Achievement test :-
3] Diagnostic tests :-
4] placement tests:-
5] Norm referenced testing:-
6] Criterion referenced testing:-

••• Key concepts in Testing :-
1] Validity :- can be two types ; content validity and criterion related Validity.
 2 ] Reliability :-  depends on two factors ; test can be used repeatedly or used for various levels of students.
3]  Backwash :- The effect that tests have on learning and teaching.
At the this day we listen two videos and then testing it with perameters.

••• Then in combined session of sem 2&4 Sir talk about research and future study of English language.First the talk past of English study. English taught in England in 1930. Language taught through English literature. Language can create power. Then Visual culture ; Digital Culture and Digital Humanities.
" we are not living in a global village,but in customized cottages , globally produced and locally distributed "
• Linguistic Exploration

••• Thus, we ended our three days session. We gain and learn alot . Certainly it was a fruitful session. We came tk more about English language and it's past.

Thank you .......

Friday, January 24, 2020

Web quest activity.........

•••  Web quest activity on Harry Potter:- 

Hello Everyone .............!

••• welcome to my blog.This blog is a part of my thinking activity given by our professor . This blog is upon Harry potter series.we supposed to write upon our ideas and views upon it. We can call it "Web quest " activity. To know more about this blog and activity Click here

What is Webquest??

•=• According to me, what is Webquest,here the learner or students search and get information from web ; online,some authentic resources,use to make some charts and tables. How the students use technology in particular Blog starting from images to interconnected links.

Harry Potter series :-

     Harry Potter series is one of my most favourite. I am always too excited for it. In my B.A. syllabus we  had studied only first part of this series. From then I became big fan of it. As it is full of fantasy,Magic ,mystries, wonderful Hogwarts school. It is not only considered for Children.But when we look in depth then it has self help Culture,Moral and philosophical ideas.It can good for tiny tots,Young and also for adults. From each part we get such kind of Moral and themes. So, following are the points on which I presented my views. I have also given links of their. Plz click bottom to look it.

••• Here are the trailers of all movie parts (mix). See and enjoy...

••• 1] Feministic reading of Harmione's character and other women in Harry Potter:- To open this blog Click here

••• 2] Discourse on Purity of blood :- To look this blog Click here

••• 3] Discourse of Power and politics in Harry Potter:- To open this work Click here

••• 4] Self - help culture in Harry Potter:- To see this page Click here

••• 5] Children's literature in Harry Potter's series. To look this interesting blog Click here

••• So, these are the points upon which I tried to reflect my views.  I hope you enjoyed my work. Now, below are the links of three charts which we prepared due to this task.

••• To see Mini reviews Click here

••• To See Webquest activity   Click here

•••  To see Rubric evaluation  Click here

••• Thank you........

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Blog on self help Culture and Harry Potter :-

Web quest activity on Harry Potter:- 

Hello,Everyone welcome to my blog. This blog is a part of my thinking activity on Harry Potter which is given by my sir. So, here I am going to write upon Self help culture and Harry Potter. So, enjoy your journey of reading my blog.😊🤗Here is the blog by our sir to look it Click here

Self help culture and Harry Potter:-

• As the Harry Potter is the Fantastic,famous in children's literature,full of Magic . Though it considers as a self help book according to me. Because if we look deeply on it then we find many motivation and things which are good and proper for us. We can put it our life. First The Harry was a Brilliant and having more Confidence. As he is facing or accepting all task without desire to not only win but to learn. So, I got that whatever condition might we doesn't have to loose our confidence as well as ourselves. There is one kind thing,which is to have a good and kind feelings for all. As he saves many lives of human as well as animal. It shows Harry's journey from childhood to young age ,from his all parts we got something.

Harry is more brilliant , intelligent and confidential boy. In each situation he accepts and faces all problems. Though he was not treated well by his Uncle and aunty . He makes his own space as being strong. He has two good friend named Ron and Hermione which never leave him. All are in quest of searching and doing new things. They are more curious to know the secret of Hogwarts school. Ron and Hermione sacrifice for Harry. Manier time it happens that Harry was alone , has to fight alone ,there was no one to support him though he never loose his self and fights until end. It gives us confidence to stay in any kind of situation. Sometimes Harry believes that there are his parents who savings him, or supporting him. But it is not so. It was he who facing and fighting with his own smartness and strength. So, there is no one to save us or to support us. We have to fight alone. We can't depend or relie on anyone. So, in this way this series,which have more points about Self help culture which helps in our life.

"No divine, no dead ones, no loved ones comes to save us. It is we who save us". The patronus of Doe is just an illusion of Harry. In fact, he has performed the spell to expel dementors."      - : Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Thank you....

The Discourse of Power and politics in Harry Potter:-

• Webquest activity on Harry Potter:- 

• Hello, My all dear friends ! Welcome to academic work page. Here is my work upon Harry Potter which is given by our professor.Here I would like to write about Discourse of power and politics in Harry Potter. For the viewing of our sir's blog . Click here

In general we talk about the Power and politics then both played very vital role in our day to day life in all area. Anyhow it effects humanlife in their life. Here Rowling plays with the power and politics it means she has potrayed both as very significant with minute observations. How power gets involved in relation,etc. The power if we say then the Albus Dumbledore who is the principal of Magic school. He has a power on her hand to judge and mange full school. When we see parts of the movie then in first part we can see Fight between Harry and Voldemort. Most of in all parts Harry has to face many enemies and have to fight with power person. As Harry is good ,his character is potrayed as leading Moral things,or as positive ,while Voldemort who is the enemy and have not good intentions and have a evilness in ownself. At end we can see victory of right and good upon voldemort want to kill Harry and want more and more powerful in world. 

• We can say that voldemort has very strong evil power that he comes in all parts with new identity even though he destroy by Harry . In Hogwarts school there is Politics between students regarding their power. Here Harry has also have a wish to kill someone and he destroy one Horcrux. Draco Malfoy's father is strong character with power that in movie many times he misused and trying to control situation on his own by power. In a way whichever field it is somewhere and somehow power and politics played a major role.

      •  Go to main Blog..........

Thank you....

Blog on Children's literature in Harry Potter:-

Webquest activity on Harry Potter:- 

•  Hello Readers welcome to my blog!!This blog is a part of my thinking activity upon Harry Potter. We supposed to present our views on some particular topics. So,here I am going to write about Children's literature.How we can read Harry Potter as a children's literature. Here is a blog of our sir,to look it Click here

So, If first I talk about Harry Potter as a Children's literature then , I am always too excited and interested it's Magical world. I am always impressed by Wizard; school of witchcraft at Hogwarts.As it is Magic school; whenever we go inside of it's we comes to know about more and more interesting things .The Harry Potter series is full of fantastical magical elements. We find Magic, fantasy, happy ending,good v/s bad or evil, we find quest of hero. 

We reallyfeel maybe we goes there and have a Magical wand and magical elements,and we want to do Magic. It takes us in Fictional and imagination world. We like when Harry defeats enemy and saves many lives.When we see the first part of movie then it seems more childish world. A Harry was so brave and intelligent boy ,he is solving all mystery at night, dark night,too thriller . As it is restricted to students to roam out at night but Harry brokes many rules many times. He is opens all secrets of many parts. We can't denie that with the Children literature it has also some aspects like moral and philosophical things.Harry Potter series is more famous among Childrens.

       • Go to main Blog............

Thank you.....

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Discourse on Purity of blood.

Webquest activity on Harry Potter:- 

Hello ! My all dear friends. This blog is a part of my thinking activity which is given by our professor. This task is based on Harry Potter. So, here I am going to write about Purity of blood in Harry Potter.Here is blog of our sir to look it Click here

So, Here in all part we find the very strong concept of blood. Who belongs to which blood. Always the blood raises a question of identity as well.So, in all part of the movie we find specific role of blood ,it plays significant and major role. We feel as many of the things are revolving around blood matter. So, there are main three categories of blood like ; Pure blood, Half blood and Mud blood. So, Harry belongs to half blood because his parents belongs to pure and Mudblood. The female character Harmione comes from mudblood,this mudblood is very bad and impolite blood in Wizarding world according to some ideology.As Harmione having mudblood she has to listen alot from Draco Malfoy in tonting. Draco insults her many time due to her blood. She use to fight, and also Harry also give protection to her.The third one Ron's parents belongs to Muggle. If I am not wrong than Ron belongs to pure blood.So, atlast we can say that quality of blood matters at every place.

           • Go to main Blog..........

Thank you...... 

Feministic reading of Harmione's in Harry Potter.

Webquest on Harry Potter:- 

Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog. Here is my thinking activity upon Harry Potter unit. We supposed to write a blog on our views. So, here I am presenting Feministic reading of Harmione's character in Harry Potter. To look our sir's blog to evaluate my work Click here

 I mean, you could claim that anything's real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it doesn't exist!

If we talk about the potrayal of women's character then it becomes interesting to study them. Why is it? Because Rowling has shown the equal similarities between men and women at some extent. There are many women character named Harmione Granger, Ginny,Prof. McGonagall,Many other are also there. In series Rowling has described that many time without the help of Harmione, Harry can't succeed. I specially like the character of Harmione because she is potrayed as Brilliant, smarter,lover of books, always pushes further Harry for all work, in a way that she has a much knowledge but it was only Bookish,she knows History but at the same time she can't perform good ans well in open ground. She herself accept that she has only Bookish knowledge,she can't perform outside .I find in movie's begining part that in Ron,Harry and Hermione,the Harmione make fast and proper use of wand , I class she was always ready to give answer. 

Moroever,she was in quest for knowing some, has a question,and excited to know from library or from elsewhere.After the reading from book she also tries to do experiments for example; she prepares polymath juice - from which we can get anyone's shape or body. In between she builts relationship and feelings towards Harry and Kum. In one article which I used for feministic reading she knows as a librarian: that from very young age she loved and reads books,but doesn't know how to use it effectively. She proves to be mystery and problem solver from her knowledge .Here, Rowling has potrayed strong this character rather than all female characters.

One more thing we can add that we can't see her character as static because her role and perception are changing in all parts. Somewhere she is solving all problem,and somewhere she seems as dumb. She proves as a loyal and honest friend of Ron and Harry.

                      • Go to main Blog........

• Reference:-

Thank you.....

Thursday, January 16, 2020

How literature shaped me ?

• Hello, Students of literature as well as my all dear friends!Most welcome to my blog. Here I am going to reflect my views on "How Literature shaped me"  from my B.A and M.A studies.S here I go, plz look it and try to understand my views.

•••  How Literature shaped me ??

• The Literature first at all gave me dynamic kind of shape and personality. As our sir said that"Show must go on" . We shouldn't stick with some kind of imotional matter, mentally we have to ready for all kind of situation. Literature make me open for the world or universe. Through this I came to more aware about many religion, it's belief system. At first I was too limited,in the sense I don't have broader way to think with many perspective. In real I was like Shakespeare's play's Protagonist character" Hamlet". I was always confused in all things"TO BE OR NOT TO BE". I am not able to take decision immediately. But now, after learning and studying the Literature I don't behave as To be or not to be. I am able to take decision and don't hesitate. The one interesting thing is I started  to raise questioning first in mind then infront of people. If I gave my real example of Cinema including Movies, Serials ,etc, then before my M.A study I am looking only for the sake of entertaining or for enjoying. I was too attached with all actor's and their role. Now the thing has literally changed. Now I can't watch it for entertaining,but I had started to criticize,to do minor observation, Whether I don't want to look with critical way, but it happens itself. I developed inner sight with many perspective. During our two year we studied the many plays, Novels,Poems,Short stories, so from every work we got something,which we can put in our own life. It makes our life more fruitful and interesting. First I can't recognise,in a sense that people's attention. For what purpose people came to us. As Literature includes many Subjects like Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Economic,Politics, History, Geography. I have to say  thesthat withoute all subjects Literature literature maybe half. We are lucky that we have such a great teacher Dr. Dilip Barad sir who brings these all in our study. So, the main thing which I am telling that now I am enough able to recognise people and their intention towards us. Because of studying psychology we can read people's mind. There are many female characters like ; Ophelia,Hester Prynne,Eve, Sophie Neveu,etc who helps us to study the Feminist reading, they have some kind of extra ability or to say their role helps us to build our own character. I would like appreciate those female writer of the work, here I specifically like Virginia Woolf and her writings. With her work we can confidently say that there are the women like her who can creat history, means they have power to do something.

•  Moroever, I must say that Literature builds my personality as well . Once it was time when I was too worried about society, I have a fear,that if I do this and that then what people thought or to comment.  I think that I am leaving for society. Now I have my opinion which maybe differs from others in our society. I think we should not have to go on majority where people are going but we should choose right path. At least I am sure that whatever thing happens I will first see or understand it proper,then I will think with all perspective,only then I will  take decision.The literature gives me pleasure and also aesthetic delight. With learning literature with this way I am sure I never be back , atleast I will try for everything,if I don't know or don't no how to do it then perhaps we have to learn it. As the generation goes on and high we should also have to update ourselves.At first the literature seems like bitter Neem perhaps but all over it is good and healthy for our life.To survive in the 21st century the literature helps us alot with many way.From the novel entitled"One night at the call centre" by Chetan Bhagat we get that we all have our inner voice, we have to just note or work on it. Really literature teaches how to live life.At last, I would strongly say that this two year mainly, because during our B.A we don't learn more about literature. So I think these years are memorable parts of my life which I never forget,if is not there then perhaps there is some kind of lacking in my life.

Thank you...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blog on Book " The Diary of a young girl" by Anne Frank.

Hello, Viewers welcome to my blog. Here I am going to write about a book written by Anne Frank. To know more about Anne Frank Click here

• " The Diary of a young Girl "by Anne Frank:- 

• Anne Frank was a German diarist. She was the victim of Hitlar's Nazi party. She became famous after her death with the publication of the The Diary of a young girl. In which she documents her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944. During the German occupation of the Natherlands in world war 2nd. The Diary of a young girl is one of the world's most wildly known book and has been the basis for several place and films.

• The book begins on Anne's  13th birthday, June 12 ,1942. She receives as a present form her parents a diary among other presents. She thinks about it for several days and decides to write letters as her diary entries. She addresses each letter to kitty. Kitty is a fabricated friend someone in which Anne can expose her deepest feelings to. Anne's family has emigrated to Holland from Germany for two reasons the first is is Mr Frank has taken a job there and the second is second is to move away from the Nazi party. The Nazis are making life very restrictive for the juice people in Germany. Even though they have left  Germany, the Jewish restrictions of the Nazi party still exist in Holland. They all are are required to wear yellow star on their clothing, attend only Jewish schools shop at Jewish tours and other restrictions also apply. The full impact of the restrictions and horrors of the Nazi party are felt by the Family on the day Anne's sister, Margot,is called up. This means that she is to be taken away in all probability to our concentration camp. The family knew they would one day have to go into  hiding and had been making preparations for the move, this just moved  the time table of when they would go.

•  On July 9, 1942 to the friend family moved into the the building which housed the business that employed Mr. Frank. The rooms wear about warehouse floor and were referred to by Anne as the " Secret Annex" . The family was joined a few days later  by the Van Daan family. This family consisted of Mr and Mrs van Daan and their son Peter, who was a little older than Anne. These two families try to get along as best they can,of course,not everyone is happy with the situation. Anne feels as if everything she does it fodder for the adults to use to who criticize her. The group also decides to make room for  8th member, Mr Dussel. He is a dentist whose wife is in America. He is recommended by Miep, a young woman who worked for Mr. Frank. There are a number of people helping the families survive in the" secret Annexe" , they include Miep and her husband Henk,Elli and Mr. Koophuis. There are also others who take a smaller role in helping them survive world war second.Anne and her mother do not get at along at all.Anne also feels as if she cannot behave in a manner that pleases any of the adults. Her situation with her mother comes to a head one night as Mrs Frank asks Anne if she , instead of Mr.Frank ,can say Anne's prayers with her.So, with so many incident story goes on. It is good thing,that at the age of 13 ,she got Diary and she starts to write. It is told us also that cultivate a habit to write a Diary because it maybe happens that today's information or event became history or past of Tomorrow. We don't know our writing might be used or helpful to others.Another thing is that to write upon some memorable event or experience, in our future we can read and remembered that.In further, on September 10, 1943 Anne records in her diary the Fall of Italy. In such kind of situation where we have to live secretaly , and there is a lack of place to live , having no food to eat. They can't come out for manytimes. In this kind of situation to write contemporary condition is a big thing. Which should be appreciated.

Thank you....

Blog on play "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead" by Tom Stoppard.

Hello , Everyone welcome to my blog!!

• " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead"  written by.   TOM STOPPARD

• This blog  is a part of my academic work. Here I like write about one Absurd play  named " Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead " written by Tom Stoppard.I like this play most because of many reasons. First it is absurd play. If we heard the title then itself shows that there are nothing in it. But it is an interesting play to study. We can came to know about the unique character study of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.Both have their own dynamic perceptions according to their role in play. We seems as they have no sense and only entertaining us.

• Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1966) imagines Shakespeare's Hamlet from the perspective of two minor courtiers. In Stoppard's revision, the characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who are not fully developed in the original play, fumble around bewildered about their mission and the reason for their existence.The central issue that Stoppard focuses on is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's state of existential crisis. The two characters engage in repetitive, often nonsensical dialogue as they fumble through a plot that is incomprehensible to them. Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot is often cited as a source from which Stoppard draws much philosophical influence. Both plays focus on the absurdity of the human condition as two protagonists find themselves passing time, talking, or playing games until the "action" resumes. However, Stoppard invokes fast-paced comedy and theatricality that cut through Beckett's grave atmosphere. If we want to know or study the "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead" then first we must know the " Hamlet" written by Shakespeare.So,in Hamlet Shakespeare more focus on Hamlet the protagonist character, he don't give more importance to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

•While if we see them these two characters had their important significant place in play. If these two characters are not there then maybe Hamlet don't come from England where he send for his death. In journey if they are not dead then what about Hamlet's revenge,ha can't come back to take his father's revenge. Without this character the main ending of the novel maybe will not happen.In Tom Stoppard's play we find that this both characters are on way and path, the thing which shows absurdity that Where ,why and How they are going? What is the aim of their journey? To whom they are going. They even don't remember their names. They replace their name with eachother. They are playing with their toes and nonsense things. The play divided into 3 acts. The play opens as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are spinning coins in an indistinct landscape. As the coin is called "heads" or "tails," the winner places the coin in his sack. The coin has landed on heads over seventy-six times in a row, and Rosencrantz has won every time. Guildenstern, the more philosophical and probing of the two, is not angry at his loss, but is rather trying to hide his discomfort at the improbability of the situation. They forgot that they were called by King Claudius as they are the childhood friends of Hamlet. After the death of King Hamlet, young Hamlet seems to different,behave as he was mad. King Claudius through Rosencrantz and Guildenstern he want to clarify that what exactly happened with Hamlet.Here they both supposed to act on Murder of Gonzalo kind of act. At end when they are on boat,they forgot that why they are in boat and come to know to know they have to deliver Hamlet to England. Here they read a letter about Hamlet's death. In real they both are killed. So, here Tom Stoppard gives more significant and importance,place to these both characters. In Hamlet they are like Marginalized character. Here the writer raises their voice and give sympathy kind of thing. So, here we can see significance of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. There are many interesting sequence in play which played by both are worth to read and understand.

Thank you....

Presentation on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ( Group task ).

Hello , Readers very warmly welcome to all!!🙂

Here is the presentation on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which is a  7th part of Harry Potter series. It is a group task. So, plz look it and give your valuable comments.🤗😊

Presentation On Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling from DivyaVaghela1.   

••• Learning outcome:- 

•• In this part we supposed to reflect our ideas and views on the text "Harry Potter" on  which we had done our group work. Specifically what this text teach us and how? So, from my teenage I like this series because it is full fantasy and with full of magic world. It mostly called as children's literature. As there are Magic,Magic wand , mystery, imagination, thriller, horror. This series includes many of the things. This mostly described Good and evil both sides. We have to be ready for any kind of situation at anywhere, anytime. Problem never comes after saying that I am coming. As Harry was brilliant, intelligent and good character. In 4th part of movie"Goblet of the fire" Harry's age was not enough still he has to perform. It teach us that whenever and wherever you go , just going on participating and don't have only wish to win. If you are failed even though you learn many things. One more thing your success is not that you damage other once ,your competitors.As it was only movie,but if we talk about 21st century,then we also follow some artifacts from Harry. That you should be aware from the world and your own people, because on which step who dumb you who knows.In addition that we can't depend or relie on every one. One statement that comes in movie that there is no one to help or support.

"No divine, no dead ones, no loved ones comes to save us. It is we who save us". The patronus of Doe is just an illusion of Harry. In fact, he has performed the spell to expel dementors."      - : Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

•=•  This is your life and you should fight alone by ownself. We can't wait for Godot as Estragon and Vladimir are waiting for one person which they suppose as God kind of figure maybe, because they also don't know that who is Godot and what is Godot. This text also provides us self -Confident that if u have a wish and if u decided to do something then there is no one to stop you. But still there need self confidence or self desire. We should be able create a binary between good and bad things. I specially learn that whatever condition comes you should be stay strongly, shouldn't be loose, the results is good or bad, at the end you will get something surely. If  from beginning you loose your self then it is not good should fight till your last strength. So, this is how this text I like and for what I got I disscusted above.

Thank you.😊🤗

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Poem :- Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth.

• Hello , Everyone welcome to my blog!!
This blog is a pert of my reflecting view of my B. A. So, here I would like to discuss about poem " Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth.

William Wordsworth is one of the most important English poets and a founder of the Romantic Movement of English literature, a style of writing that focuses on emotion and imagination. Wordsworth became known as a Lakeland Poet because of the area where he lived, which is renowned for its beautiful, wild landscapes, charming pastures, and countless lakes. He was often called a nature poet because of his emphasis on the connection between humans and the natural world. 

'The Solitary Reaper' was written on November 5, 1805, and published in 1807 in the collection Poems, in Two Volumes. This poem is unique because while most of Wordsworth's work is based closely on his own experiences.
The poem, like most of Wordsworth's poetry, is distinguished by its straightforward use of language and meter as well as its natural theme and imagery. It reflects Wordsworth's belief in the importance of the natural world, the power of memory and the human mind, and his first principle of poetry - that poetry should be written to provide pleasure through a rhythmic and powerful expression of emotion and leave readers with 'a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings' long after it is read. Let's take a look at the text of the poem and then discuss what it might mean. So, why I like this poem because it is in simple language and phrase. As it is written for simple people in simple way . It connected with the common people also. Here Wordsworth finds and write beauty of nature,as he was the lover of Nature.He try to define nature with more skill and power.It speaks wonderful picture and landscape of nature.In a simple way, in simple language,for simple people and to reffer the nature is good thing. So, we like it.Morover he uses one girl's voice which he finds more beautiful and good rather than bird Nightingale.

Thank you....

Blog on Aristotle's poetics.( Criticism)

Hello, Readers welcome to my blog!!

Here I would like to reflect my views on my B.A.text . Specially on criticism paper. So, for that I would like to discuss here about Aristotle and it's Poetics. To know more about Aristotle CLICK Here

Aristotle's poetics:- 

• Aristotle was the disciple of Plato but he differs from plato in many points. Aristotle in fact give answer to plato's objection to  poetry. He seems to to be more open minded and liberal in thinking about poetry and poets. Plato speak as if he were a Strict puritan whereas Aristotle welcomes all the innovative ideas regarding poetry. Aristotle has written the book entitled the poet in which he has commented upon the nature and functions of poetry. He talks about all fine arts in general. He not only talks about poetry but also about painting and music. When Aristotle discusses poetry he means all literary forms like Epic , Tragedy ,comedy,etc. in the poetics he at length discusses the tragedy. Aristotle begins his discourse by admitting that all arts are imitations. In other words Aristotle says that all arts are inevitably representational. He says that the plot is  the soul of the tragedy. He also says that in any literary form plot is a most important element. He says that the plot maybe a simple one or it maybe a complex one. If the action proceeds in a straight forward manner and if it is one continuous whole then such a plot could be identified as a simple plot. Aristotle clarifies that when the change in the hero ' s fortune takes place without Peripety or discovery,the plot could be a complex one. Peripety means change from one state of things within the play to its opposite of the kind described. Similarly discovery means a change from ignorance to knowledge.

• Aristotle says that poetry is an imitation of an imitation twice removed from reality but it is not the carbon copy of  the physical thing. He says that if the poet gives something less than life he also gives something more than life. Plato missed to see that art  conveys something more than life too. According to Aristotle a thing is  seen in a work of art from the poet's point of view and the poet conveys his vision of life in his work. Aristotle says that all fine arts differ from one another in three ways. They are difference of means, difference of  objects and difference in manner  of imitation. In addition he says that in tragedy tragic events invoke the feelings of pity and fear in the minds of audience or the readers and thereby the writer causes the proper purgation of our minds. Aristotle gives the Greek word 'catharsis ' means purgation or purification of minds through pity and fear. Aristotle also emphasizes that there should be an organic whole in a work of art. He said that plot must have beginning middle and end. He also talks about the three unities required in a work of art. They are unity of time, unity of place and unity of direction. Unity of time means there should not be a vast gap of time between the two events of supply. Similarly unity of place  means the the events of the play should not take place at different places very far from one another. Majority of the events should take place at one place. Unity of action means the action done by the characters should be consistent and convincing. The characters should behave logically and according to their personality types. There should be no even action exhibited by the characters.

Thank you......

An Autobiography by Amrita Pritam.

 Hello! Everybody most welcome to my blog.
Here is my work upon my B.A syllabus. This is an autobiography written by Amrita Pritam. Which was really touches to our heart.

An Autobiography by Amrita Pritam:- 

THE REVENUE STAMP is the autobiography of the famous poet, novelist and short story writer, Amrita Pritam. Explosive in its revelations and poetic in its content, the book is a candid account of her extraordinary life. Pritam reflects on her full and creative journey of life—her uneasy relationship with her father, her forays into the world of literature, accolades received, brickbats borne and the rather turbulent equation she had with society at large. Pritam, who spent her early life in Lahore, was a first-hand witness to the tragedy of the Partition and this deeply influenced her writing. Always considered a controversial figure in the realm of literature, she was often criticized for her outspoken and allegedly explicit writing. Several of her books and poetry collections were banned for either being disrespectful to religion or being sexually vivid. In her autobiography Pritam has expressed her anguish over her contemporaries’ malice against her and the narrow-mindedness of the world of Punjabi literature.

On the personal front, Pritam has dwelt on her failed first marriage, her relationship with Imroz—the noted artist and writer and her rather unique and probably unrequited love for Sahir Ludhiyanvi—the famous poet and Hindi films lyricist. In her beliefs and writings, Amrita Pritam was much ahead of her times and consequently, had to face the angst of society. All this has been beautifully and lyrically brought out in this autobiography. According to me for a women writer to draw her own character infront of society which is a very difficult job. We have to keep ourselves for praises as well critical views.we can't proove our self to world that what we are. It is not necessary that from which perspective we have written,the reader will read with this only perspective,it might be changed.So , Here Amrita Pritam wrote his full life and experience with full clearity. As she married and then broke her relationship with Imroz  . After that she has a love with Sahir Ludhianvi . In our society what a wrong and bad image of a women who left her husband,and with with one men and had a love with another man. The story still goes or kneated with the partition of Lahore.  The writer has a big advance or lucky person that he or she can write the contemporary event with his skills. In the future it will be remembered. So, here Amrita has talk with the big controversial and critical situation of nation. This kind of female writer makes free to other women. Many female writer inspired by her to write her own autobiography.In our india whoever who read this work , they conclude Amrita as a very bad women who might be spoil more women. So, there are such many reasons for which we like this autobiography.

Thank you....

Blog on Novel "God of small things" by Arundhati Roy.

•Hello , Readers very warmly welcome to my blog!!!

•This is my academic blog task page. Here I supposed to reflect my views upon the text of my Bachelor's Text. So ,here I would like to talk about novel"God of Small things" by Arundhati Roy.

•Sazana Arundhati Roy (24 November,1961) was an Indian Author, activits,worked also in movie .she was a very good writer of that time. She was such an one of best female writer. In her Novel she recalls her childhood and also writes on the contemporary time's political as well as Social or Economic condition of her aroundings.She well touch upon the idea like 'Caste system', political issues,"The concept of UNTOUCHEBALE".It was very hard to go against government or to write about politics and it was by women.She also writes upon some political leaders with sone kind of metaphors and she makes satire.she was writing for simple people and the reality of life .She also writes on the Marxism and communist party .He get Man Booker prize for fiction for the novel " The God of small things" in 1977.For this novel she get wordly fame.

Arundhati Roy's Two major famous work :-
1] . "The God of small things"
2]. " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness"

1]" The God of Small things".

•  TheGod of Small Things is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It is a story about the childhood experiences of fraternal twins whose lives are destroyed by the "Love Laws" that lay down "who should be loved, and how. And how much." The book explores how the small things affect people's behavior and their lives. It won the Booker Prize in 1997.The story set in Ayemenem town in Kerala.The story revolves around the Rahel and Estha - twins of Ammu. Ammu marries with man after she realize that he was alcoholic and give divorce to him . Then she gives birth to this twins and get back to live at Ayemenem.Ammu's brother Chacko who comes from England after divorce with the Margaret.Here I am not going talk much about summary. Here I find that Ammu belongs to wealthy and rich family and Arundhati Roy here discuss about class and caste system. There was a man maned velutha who was a Dalit and working in their pickle factory,be belongs to lower class ,but Ammu and his children falls in love with him which was a biggest sin of that time. Roy write about Indira Gandhi's Green revolution.

 •  Aftert 23 years twins met and reunited after seperating in childhood. These both twins have some extra attraction towards eachother.So, at the end we can say that as a woman writer she collects very fresh and  good issues of her life and time.I personally like this work because this story revolves with some small things. It's goes with Ammu's life ,her children's life, Ammu's mother family and so on. There are many plots in between. There is a married women Ammu who leavs her husband and live at her father's home with her children. There she built a relationship with a man who belongs to lower class and untouchability.There is love relationship between two twins; brother and sister who meets after longtime. There is a concept of Untouchability we find. On the other hand the reference of Marxism comes along.In a way it creates real side and picture of our society. Arundhati deals with real events of our society. She is not writing all good side but she portrayed the real scene. So, with this we come to know about reality, can't assume only fiction.So, because of due reasons I like this novel.

Thank you......

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...