
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Comparison of the "The scarlet letter" novel with the "kya kehna "movie..

Hello,Everyone !

Here is my blog task which was given by Heenama'am about the comparison between the "Kya kehna " movie and "The scarlet letter"....

1.What are the names of the protagonists in both the works?

Ans : In the novel "The scarlet letter" the protagonist character was Hester and in "Kya Kehna "movie the protagonist character was Priya.

2.Write their story in brief.

Ans : Both movie and novel has a major and most scene was that adultery scene .both were dealing with same kind of situation and events.

About the Novel:-

It was a story of a woman by a man.we can see concept of woman.A social frame was used who has broken.There is a Hester named leading character.she was married yet she leaves alone because her husband goes away for few years.when she leaves alone she falls in love with ARTHUR DIMMESDALE and had a child,but dimmesdale don't accepted her in Hester has to suffers alot from society .she stands strongly against all problems.she cares her child alone.

About "Kya Kehna movie":-

It was also a story of woman's struggle and courageous Priya was the protagonist of the movie.In her graduation time she falls in love with a boy named Rahul who belongs to upper class. Here we find love between middle class girl and upper class boy.They both have an affair and Priya became pregnat and  rahul denied to accept this. Though Priya decided to gave birth to her child and she becomes ready to face society. After that Ajay named boy accepted Priya with whatever she was.

3.What is the role played by society in Hester’s life?

Ans :In movie society also played a  role. All people raised a question on hester, her relationship and daughter pearl. They use to told with some bad name of Hester. When hester goes  in market she was insulted by the people and also blown drum to told about Hester and public awared about it. Till the end people use to ask hester that who was your lover? But hester never spoke name of Dimmesdale. Yet hester hasn't fear of society she has done whatever she wants.

4.What is the role played by society in Priya’s life?

Ans : The society played a vital role in Priya's life, because when rahul refused her to accept Priya with child.she decided to gave birth to her child then it becomes very difficult to sustain against society. They were directly questions upon our identity. Their sight of looking towards us was changed. At the end of the movie,at the end of year performance she confessed whatever she has done or what she wants.

5.Compare and contrast the male characters, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Rahul, and Ajay.

Ans : if we are talking about male characters in movie and novel then,first I would like to talk about Roger chillingworth; he was jealous man and left his wife for some years and when he comes back he comes to know about his wife's relationship with another he want to take revenge of it.If we talked about Arthur dimmesdale then he loves hester by heart but he can't conffess it into public because of some reason,maybe he was afraid of society's rule but he never leaves Hester.So,he was reflected as kind and good character. Now let's talk about Rahul and,Rahul belong to upper class and because of status he denied Priya and he left her. whatever he has done was not good .while Ajay has a major role because he decided to accept Priya with whatever she is.

6.Compare and contrast ‘The scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter’ and ‘a year-end performance in Kya Kehna in which a group of students performs a play on Priya and her pregnancy’.

Ans : In both scene both have to face society and have to give answer to people's questions.both are Adultery but difference was hester never take name of his lover infront of society and Priya asked all among the audience. They both accepted their child alone.

7.What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to accept their fatherhood? How do you they differ and what are the similarities?

Ans : I don't know much about specific reason of roger but I thought that maybe both want leave away from their responsibility.They don't want to take responsibility.

8.What is the role played by Chillingworth in Hester’s life? Why do you think he wanted to take revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale?

Ans : According to me,first chillingworth married with Hester and then he goes away from her and when he comes back he comes to know About Hester's relationship with dimmesdale and he wanted to take revenge with dimmesdale, it's was only aim of his life.

9.What is the role played by Rahul’s mother in Priya’s life? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on Priya?

Ans : In the movie Rahul's mother played a negative role.she doesn't like priya and she believes that her son hasn't did anything wrong. There is only fault of Priya so she has to pay alone .she thought my son was innocent and why he pays for it.she doesn't want to marry her son with Priya.Is it fair with priya?Is it for only that she don't like Priya? If this kind of people in our society then we never able to get justice from the society.

10.Write a note on class difference in Kya Kehna.

Ans : In movie we can see class difference between middle class and upper class.As Priya belongs to middle class and rahul belongs to upper class family.maybe Rahul denied to accept Priya because of to keep his status or standards in society.Normally the society blames on middle class.Those who belongs to upper class they don't have to much worry about it but the middle class doesn't get enough justice from,class difference affects alot in anyone's life.

11.Why do you think the director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life? What are the reasons of your YES or NO?

Ans : The director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state maybe because he want to make happy ending of movie,but it's not possible in real life in contemporary time it's not possible.

12.How do you see Hester and Priya as individuals?

Ans : If we say about both woman character as individuals then both are strong ,courageous and brave woman.both doesn't depend on anyone. They complete their responsibility. Here we find that Priya get support of his family members whereas Hester hasn't any kind of family.she remains alone.They don't loose their self against society's view or people.They stands and fights with it.

13. Write a critical note on the end of the movie and the novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given happy ending?

Ans : According to me , whatever happens with Hester with this Hawthorne shows that time's society,mind of that time's people.we are now forced to think about that age.

Thank you........

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflective blog on Prof, Balaji Rangnathan sir's lectures.

Everyone welcome to my blog!

Here I am sharing my view upon our 3 days (19th August  to 21st August)  journey of Prof. Balaji Rangnathan sir. Those days are memorable forever, we have learnt many good and new things about syllabus as well as outside world.

  • So, Balaji sir was deal with postcolonial studies, which was hard paper to read and understand. Before coming of Balaji sir, our department head Dilip sir have given a small, brief and information introduction about this post colonial paper. It becomes quite helpful. 

• On those days sir talked about various topic or unit like ;

1.Black skin, white mask : - Frantz Fanon 
2. A Tempest :- Aime cesaire 
3. Orientalism :- Edward said 
4. Imaginary  Homelands :- Salman Rushdie. 
5. How to prepare for Government exam [ GPSC, NET, G-SET]

*  Let's me ponder some glimpse of 3 days Amazing lectures.

  • On the 19th Aug, sir talked about the Concept of post colonialism and first unit Black skin White Mask. Firstly I was impressed by sir's tone or control, power on language. Sir has very good command and influency over the language. For a second I also wish to have a that kind of command on language. In very simple way, sir talked about Post colonialism and we understood . Then sir says about 8 chapter of the unit 1 ;

1. The Negro & Language
2. The Woman of color & The White Man
3. The Man of color & White Woman
6. The Negro & Psychopathology
7. The Negro & Recognition
8. By way of Conclusion

  •   During this discussion sir has given very relevant example with the topic, with which we understand more about that notion. The first three chapters deal with the modern negro. The 4th and 5th chapters rest on a fundamentally different basis. In this the fact of blackness is important for more than one reason. Balaji sir preferred to us that to read original book or work. Be habituated with to read original one. 

So, here are some original text's sentences ;

" Toward a new humanism....
  Understanding, among men....
  Our colored brothers....
  Mankind, I believe in you...
  Race Prejudice....
  To understand and to love..."

" What does a man want?
  What does the black man want?"

" The White Man is sealed in his whiteness.
  The black man in his blackness."

• Here fanon is rising about binary. He says that it is good form to introduce a work in psychology with a statement of its methodological point of view.  I leave methods to be botanists and the mathematicians. There is a point at which methods devour themselves .

• I should like to start from there, I shall try to discover the various attitudes that the Negro adopts in contact with white civilization. In the final chapters of it Fanon explores how people might move beyond this situation in which black people are depicted as inferior and often develop a feeling of inferiority as well.

Then on second day, Balaji sir dealt with another two chapters ;

• A Tempest by Aime cesaire :-
• Orientalism  by Edward said :-

 • Sir has thrown good light on both unit, sometimes when we feel like boring or sleepy, sir would know about it and take it lightly. Whenever we doesn't understand particular topic sir use to repeat it twice or thrice with examples. Sir has a habit to read faces of students so they understood us better.

  • Moroever, to understand A Tempest we have to first understand The Tempest by William Shakespeare, we have already gone through it in our class. Now, if we talk about orientalism, it was a entire book on America and Arabic world. It says how to read postcolonialism. Orientalism asks how do we come to we come to understand people, strangers, who look different to us by virtue of the color of their skin? The central argument of Orientalism is that the way that we acquire this knowledge is not innocent or objective but the end result of a process that reflects certain interests.

  •    On the third and last day Sir talked about Imaginary Homelands as well as Competitive exam. So here sir first give brief introduction of Salman Rushdie, about his life and work. Sir repeted many times to give a notion of Imaginary homelands. In during class sir liked to ask are you getting it proper?  Are you enjoying?  Do you have any questions?  Sir waits for our response and questions. This kind of nature make class live and we took interest in it. It shows whether we mentally present in class or not? 

  •   Meanwhile, sir widely talked about the tetm " Diaspora ". From when and where it comes?  Its specific reasons. Notion of Globlization, notion of Communism also about Nostalgia and Memory. After that Cosmopolitization - Multiculturalism (part of state policy). He says that here Rushdie is not talking about specific home, geographical place, he talking about vivid mind. Also says that Memory is always partial way. For the Diaspora they give many state's and country's example. So, this was the all thing about our syllabus. 

  •   On the other side sir talked about reality of our life. What should do in further? Sir advised that never take shortcuts, always try to read original one. Try to crack such kind of exam and if u are not able to this then make new another way, don't need to stick with it or disappointed. Make your own way in which you are good and can achieve something. In our class mostly all students want to be professor, but sir said that it is not so that only Prof, is good job. There are many other jobs also. In reality we have to fight and face problems, society, all kind of circumstances . Accept the reality and be happy with whatever u have.They showed real face of world infront of us and we are going to peeped into it.

At last, with this such an informative and bitter truth of life we ended our session with feedback and thanking speech by our classmates. So, it was a good and memorable days.

Thank you............ 

Task on ELT 1, unit no 3 Methods of English Language Teaching.

      Readers here I am going to share about my views upon the  Task - ELT :-1 (unit 3) Methods of English language Teaching which was given by Vaidehi ma' here is ma'am's blog link ;
Here, at first I want to clear difference between Approach and Method :-

  • Here is a difference between approach and method is that An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody and A method is the process  which used or the steps taken to deal with an issue or a person.

Next, there are many methods to learn language they are like ;

1. The Grammer Translation method 
2. The Direct method 
3. The Auto -lingual method 
4. TPR (total physical response) 
5. Suggestopedia  method 
6. The silent Way

This all method have different type of techniques, advantages and disadvantages. They all have own perception to deal with language. We are familiar with some method which we learn through our school to PG.

Que.:-1.) Which method appealed you the most from the above given methods? Give Reasons.

Ans :- According to me, to see contemporary time, The Auto-Lingual method was more appeals. We are not interested in reading bulky books, novels, etc.we more like to see and listen. For Ex; Nowadays in our syllabus there are many book and novel which we also have seen movie screening. So, with the help of movie we understand much better about plot, character, particular age or scene. Our memory catch and remember more with visualization. One more thing that when we have visited THE ANKUR SCHOOL - a school for special child ; Their teachers said that they also using Audio -Video, Music to taught child. The students are grasp more with it.

2.) Tell something about your favourite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?

Ans :- So, if I talked about my favourite method specially for English subject from school till PG then it was Grammer translation method which I like that time ; but now I realized that it doesn't useful for nowadays. School teacher use to read paragraph and then translate it and enough and we are only remember for to pass in exam. We doesn't have any idea that it would be not good for future. We find some difficulties with this kind of easy and shortcut type method. In PG there was little relaxion from this method, but still it wasn't enough.

3.)  Tell something going about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.

Ans :- I didn't like The Grammer translation method about which I have given reason in above my answer. The second method was The silent way. Because it is like oneway if we didn't questions or share our view with teachers. We find lack of communication.

Thank you......... 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Orientalism by Edward said.

Hello reader!
Everyone welcome to my blog. Here is a blog task upon Orientatalism by Edward said ; which was academic task and given by Dilip sir. So, have enjoy with reading. ☺

  •   Orientalism by Edward said :-

• About Edward said :- 

Edward Wadie Said was a professor of literature at Columbia University, a public intellectual, and a founder of the academic field of postcolonial studies. A Palestinian American born in Mandatory Palestine, he was a citizen of the United States by way of his father, a U.S. Army veteran. He influenced by Michel foucault, Karl Marx, William Shakespeare, Frantz fanon etc. As a cultural critic, Said is known for the book Orientalism (1978), a critique of the cultural representations that are the bases of Orientalism—how the Western world perceives the Orient.As a public intellectual, Said was a controversial member of the Palestinian National Council, because he publicly criticized Israel and the Arab countries, especially the political and cultural policies of Muslim rĂ©gimes who acted against the national interests of their peoples.

∆ What is Orientalism? 

:- According to the dictionary meaning, the representation of Asia in a stereotyped way that is regarded as embodying a colonialist attitude.
In art history, literature and cultural studies, Orientalism is the imitation or depiction of aspects in the Eastern world. These depictions are usually done by writers, designers, and artists from the West.

Definition by Edward said :- 

- Said's orientalism can be a critical tool to examine the validity of all the literature on the East written by the wester. Influenced by the imperialism and colonialism of the 19th century.

• Orientalism means the study of far and near Eastern societies and cultures, languages and peoples by western scholars.

• Orientalism by Edward said is a important text of cultural studies in which he challenges the concept of Orientalism or the difference between east and west.
This entire book on America and Arabic world. It says how to read postcolonialism. Orientalism asks, how do we come to understand people, strangers, who look different to us by virtue of the colour of their skin?
• The central argument of Orientalism is that the way we acquire this knowledge is not innocent or objective but the end result of a process that reflects certain interests. Orientalism and Empire shows what is difference between british and french colonialism . Arabs have participated and continue to allow themselves to be represented as oriental's in this orientalist way.

Thank you...... 

Thinking activity on shashi tharoor

Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog. Here is my response with my point of view or my opinion about task which was given by dilip sir.

Here l am sharing views of shashi tharoor. In this we found revising history, indian answe to western science & technology, knowledge system, about language, literature, science and technology, etc...

About shashi tharoor :-


Shashi Tharoor (born 9 March 1956)is an Indian politician, writer and a former career international diplomat who is currently serving as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, since 2009. He also serves as Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs and All India Professionals Congress.
Tharoor is an acclaimed writer, having authored 18 bestselling works of fiction and non-fiction since 1981, which are centred on India and its history, culture, film, politics, society, foreign policy, and more related themes.He is also the author of hundreds of columns and articles in publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME, Newsweek, and The Times of India. He was a contributing editor for Newsweek International for two years. From 2010 to 2012, he wrote a column in The Asian Age, Deccan Chronicle and, for most of 2012, until his appointment as Minister, a column in Mail Today; he also writes an internationally syndicated monthly column for Project Syndicate. He also wrote regular columns for The Indian Express (1991–93 and 1996–2001), The Hindu (2001–2008), and The Times of India (2007–2009).
Tharoor has been a columnist in each of India's three best-known English-language newspapers,most recently for The Hindu (2001–2008) and in a weekly column, "Shashi on Sunday," in the Times of India (January 2007 – December 2008). Tharoor began writing at the age of 6, and his first published story appeared in the Sunday edition of The Free Press Journal, in Mumbai at age 10.
Shashi Tharoor's non-fiction work An Era Of Darkness, published in the UK as Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India, arising out of a speech he delivered at the Oxford Union, was published in 2016.

He talks about various aspects and give his interpretations in his speech.

His speeches videos are :-

1. Speech at Oxford Union.
2. Looking back at the British Raj in India: The University of  Edinburgh.
3. Exclusive interview by Karan Thapar On His book  "An Era of Darkness."
4. About British Colonialism in India in His New Book ' An Era of Darkness'.
Shashi Tharoor blamed on British, they were responsible for India's participation because after Bangladesh participation they tried to made binary between Hindu and Muslim faith and they became success on their mission two pieces of India.

• In the one of speech he say according to GDP British ruler created poor condition of India. Because before their ruling India was number one in richest country.

1. Write on key arguments in Shashi Tharoor's book - " An Era of Darkness".

Tharoor’s debate established and wildly popular in India. Everything the British did in India, Tharoor asserts that it  was for their own benefit and never for that of the Indian.according to Tharoor, an era of darkness for India, throughout which it suffered several man made famines, wars, racism, deportation of its people to distant lands and economic exploitation on an unprecedented scale. Tharoor even demands a token restitution and public apology from the British for all the harm they had caused India. Shashi Tharoor wants to teaches the young Indian the importance of knowing the past and talking about it. Tharoor teaches us deep way about Satire/ Irony and wisdom/ learner's licence.

2.The Black prince..

The Black Prince is a 2017 international historical drama film directed by Kavi Raz and featuring the acting debut of Satinder Sartaaj. It tells the story of Duleep Singh, the last Maharajah of the Sikh Empire and the Punjab area, and his relationship with Queen Victoria.The story revolves around the young prince as he attempts both to regain his throne and reconcile himself with the two cultures of his Indian birth and British education.
At the age of 15, Duleep Singh is sent to England where he meets Queen Victoria. A relationship between the two develops.

Duleep Singh is eventually able to reestablish contact with his mother and as a result begins to reconnect with the culture of his birth. Duleep attempts to return to India to reclaim his kingdom, but is continually thwarted by British colonial politics.Edward never became king - he died before his father, Edward III - he is remembered as a great medieval military hero, with notable victories against the French in the Hundred Years War.In the movie prince Duleepsingh play roll as a protagonist. Movie reflected good side of British government though providing so many things for prince but Prince always prefers conman life. Mother of the princes also hate British government and people.

3.Ngugi Wa Thiongo's views...

Ngugi Wa Thiongo who was an African Writer & Professor of English Literature and language in Africa.
" Decolonizing the Mind" the book by Kenyan novelist and Postcolonial theorist Ngugi Wa Thiongo. It is the collection of essay about language & its constructive role in national culture, history and identity.
NgÅ©gÄ© describes the book as “a summary of some of the issues in which I have been passionately involved for the last twenty years of my practice in fiction, theater, criticism, and in teaching of literature…” Ngugi deals with this relationship by returning to the colonial history by which English was substituted for indigenous Kenyan language, and particularly with respect to literature as the title of the chapter suggests. For Ngugi, the detrimental impact of colonization and imperialism extend all the way down to the very language that is used by certain authors.

Thank you.... 

Thinking activity on colonialism, post colonialism and imperialism

Hello, reader
Welcome to my blog.

Here is my view upon task which was given by Dilip sir. So, enjoyed through reading of my blog.
So, here I would like to talk about colonialism, imperialism and post colonialism. We supposed to highlight history, culture, society, politics and literature.

* What is colonialism?

   •Colonialism is the policy of a nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of economic dominance.

# what is post colonialism?

  ∆ Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands.

# What is imperialism?

  • Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a nation's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. ... However, both are examples of imperialism.

  •   The critical analysis of the history, culture, literature and modes of discourse that are specific to the for men colonies of England, Spain, France and other European imperial powers. These studies have focused on the Third world countries in Africa, Asia , Latin America. We can see Hybridization in plurality and mixture of many thing. We also find Hegemony. Post colonialism says there are Nothing like " Univerality". One more thing is it deal with " universality of literature ", it has questoned, it has test of time.

 There are 3 words for How to voice out postcoloniality?

 - ADOPT : Realism (Slave - Copy the master)
- ADAPT : Slave becomes aware about their personality

   • This post -Structralist perspective is seen in the work of such representative figures as Henry Louis Gates, Gayatri spivak, Edward said. This study makes possibility for super reader. Colonialism and imperialism both are often used interchangeably. In imperialism Dominalion by Empire belief in empire building. Like colonialism, imperialism too is best understood not by trying to pin it down to a single semantic meaning but by relating it's shifting meanings to historical process.

 •     Colonialism/Postcolonialism discusses this question, situating postcolonial studies in relation to globalization and new imperial formations.postcolonial studies had already become, in the words of Stuart Hall, ‘the bearer of such powerful unconscious investments – a sign of desire for some, and equally for others, a signifier of danger’.

 ~    The so-called global war on terror, and the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, it is harder than ever to see our world as simply ‘postcolonial'.One another main point is that globalization as it has been imposed upon the world by institutions like the World Bank and the IMF.

Effects of Colonization:-
                                                As mentioned, post-colonialism asks the reader to enter a text through the post-colonial lens. The chart will help you see how to approach a post-colonial reading of a text. As a reader, you would look for the effects of colonialism and how they are addressed through the plot, setting, and characters' actions.

Colonial  discourse :

  • Knowledge is not innocent but profoundly connected with the operations of power. This foucaultian insight informs Edward said's orientalism which points out the extent to which knowledge about the orient as it was produced and circulated in europe was an ideological accompainment of colonial power. Colonialism reshaped existing structures of human knowledge. No branch of learning was left untouched by the colonial experience.

 •  Moreover in colonialism and literature humanist literary studies have long been resistant to the idea that literature has anything. In colonialism we can see conquer & conquest and politics. It shows history of cultural conflicts and war of civilization. Cultural study is also connect with politics. Normally, History was written by Victors and defeated have no voice.

Thank you... 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Thinking activity on Modernism and Modernist poem.

Everyone welcome to my blog, here I am going to sahre my view upon given task. This task was about modernism and modernist poem. We have to find modernist symbol, metaphor and imagery from the very short poem.  Before starting let's know that what is modernism?

About Modernism :-

Modernism is both a philosophical movement and an art movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the factors that shaped modernism were the development of modern industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed then by reactions of horror to World War I. Modernism also rejected the certainty of Enlightenment thinking, and many modernists rejected religious belief.

Modernism, in general, includes the activities and creations of those who felt the traditional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, philosophy, social organization, activities of daily life, and sciences, were becoming ill-fitted to their tasks and outdated in the new economic, social, and political environment of an emerging fully industrialized world. The poet Ezra Pound's 1934 injunction to "Make it new!" was the touchstone of the movement's approach towards what it saw as the now obsolete culture of the past. In this spirit, its innovations, like the stream-of-consciousness novel, atonal (or pantonal) and twelve-tone music, divisionist painting and abstract art, all had precursors in the 19th century.

#Major characteristics of Modernism :-

• Using words as parts of speech that they are not (nouns as adjectives, verba as nouns etc.) 
• Reworking traditional forms
• Using disjointed structure to reflect the disfunction of western society. 
• Addressing inner thoughts of regular people. 

 #  Very Short Modernist Poems:-

1) " The Embankment" by T.E.Hulme:-

Thomas Ernest Hulme  was an English critic and poet who, through his writings on art, literature and politics, had a notable influence upon modernism.He was an aesthetic philosopher and the 'father of imagism'." The Embankment is a well known poem. This poem has completed into 7 lines. According to me, this poem says, about a men's story. He got shelter from god. Whenever he was in trouble  he pray to god and need shelter. Here we find falling of man and his lust from god. He was maybe hopeless, don't want to do hard try or work . He urges for blanket, hide and protection.

2)." Darkness" by Joseph Campbell:-

                                                                      " Darkness"
                                              " I stop to watch a star shine in the boghole,
                                                 A star no longer, but a silver ribbon of light.
                                                 I look at it , and pass on."

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human experience. Campbell's most well-known work is his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies, termed the monomyth. The poem completed only in 4 lines. so, in this title we find darkness it means death, illness or negativity. Maybe the speaker don't want to see lightning of star ; he like light. With it as a symbol we find star and light.

3)" Image " by Edward Storer:-

Edward Augustine Storer (1880–1944) was an English writer, translator and this poem the poet uses white moon as a symbol. To connect heart of two lovers used white moon. opposite side they can't cheat each other. We also find loneliness in it.

4)  “In a station of the Metro” – Ezra pound

 This is very short modern poem written by Ezra pound. It is considered as a first haiku written in English. Petals on wet black bought" is a very good metaphor used by poet. Through this metaphor poet tells about the faces of individual in the metro. we also find loneliness of the people.

5). "The pool"- by Hilda Doolittle
 "The Pool"
                                                                   " Are you alive ?
                                                                      I touch you.
                                                                     You quiver like a sea-fish.
                                                                      I cover you with my net.
                                                                    What are you- banded one ?"

A poem written by Hilda Doolittle. Hilda "H.D." Doolittle was an American poet, novelist, and memoirist, associated with the early 20th century avant-garde Imagist group of poets, including Ezra Pound and Richard Aldington. She published under the pen name H.D. This poem starts with a question. It also deals with exiententialism . it is considered as one of the feature of modern literature. We can see that modern people are controlled by authority.

6) "Insouciance"- By Richard Aldington
.                                                     " In and out of the dreary trenches,
                                                       Trudging cheerily under the stars,
                                                       I make for myself little the stars,
                                                       Delicate as a flock of doves.
                                                       They fly away like white-winged doves."

Richard Aldington, born Edward Godfree Aldington, was an English writer and poet. Aldington was known best for his First World War poetry, the 1929 novel, Death of a Hero, and the controversy resulting from his 1955 Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Inquiry. The reference of " white winged doves " is used for modern culture of living life. We find that how people are living in carelessness. Isolation is also seen here.

7). “Morning at the Window”- 
T.S.Eliot : -

This is a short poem written by T.S. Eliot it was imagist poem. This poem completed into 9lines. It presents an image of poverty. The speaker is at the window he maybe the visitor of this kind of poor people. It has idea of poverty and feeling of sympathy. The theme of the poem " Morning at the window " itself shows poverty.

8).  " The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos :-

William Carlos Williams was an American poet and physician closely associated with modernism and imagism. In addition to his writing, Williams had a long career as a physician practicing both pediatrics and general medicine. This poem has completed into 8lines. In this poem we find metaphors like " red wheelbarrow "and " White chicken ". It represent craftsmanship of farmer.

9) “Anecdote of the jar”-  Wallace Stevens

Wallace Stevens was an American modernist poet. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his Collected Poems in 1955. It was his best known short poem. Here poet had a good imagination. The poet put jar on the hill, it shows the progress and beauty of nature.

10) " l " by E.E.Cummings:-

                                                                      "l "

                                               " l ( a...( a leaf falls on loneliness)
                                               l ( a
Edward Estlin "E. E." Cummings, often styled as e e cummings, as he is attributed in many of his published works, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. it contains only four words -a leaf falls loneliness. It gives feelings of loneliness.

Thank you...... 

Thinking activity on onness of literature

Readers welcome to my blog. Here I want to share my view on task which was given by Dilip barad sir about oneness of literature.

Oneness of literature :-

In World in everything there was a particular root from, which thing grown as different rather than another. Here the law of oneness of nature is used. Same as in literature there was a law of oneness in literature is include. Literature is a particular, from it many branches are coming like psychology, philosophy, etc. This all topic or subject are different but their purpose is same. All subjects are connected with each other. One more example is our body ; our body was the root but there are many organ in it. In English literature Northop Frye  used the theory of Archetypal literature. He used figurative language to decorate language but purpose was oneness of literature.

In the modern epic " The waste land "by T. S. Eliot is the best example of oneness in literature. He has used various references from different types of subject. His central idea was same but to decorate his literature he used vivid things. Here I want to put on stanza from " The waste land " ;

" And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My Cousin's , he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened.
He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free."

This stanza talked about a woman named Marie, who recalls her childhood memory with her cousin(arch -duke) . I think that according her talk, she is talking about sexual perversion and physical enjoyment. This is central situation of the world. So, the same situation we can find in story of Anton chekhov.

Anton chekhov's story " A joke" also represents the same situation of Marie. They both feel same thing. Here a woman was with her friend and Marie with her cousin . This story als told about sexual perversion of people. So here we can say that both poem and story has a same structure but branch was quite different.
So, with this discussion we can see onnesss of literature. Through the deep observation of any literature we can put oneness or criticize also. Perhaps good reader is differentiate this different because almost many writer using the same structure for literary text.

Thank you...... 

Thinking activity on the Scarlett letter ; Transcendentalism and Anti-Transcendenralism.

Hello, readers welcome to my blog. It was task given by Heenama'am about Transcendentalism and Anti - Transcendentalism. So, here is my response on task. We supposed to find this both things in the novel.

About Novel in brief :- 

The novel " The Scarlett Letter "was written  by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It originally published in 1850.The novel known as master work of Hawthorne. The novel set in puritan age. People live in religious way. They controlled by religion. It was a story about a woman by a men, frame was social. We can see themes like puritan morality, patriarchal power, belief in fate or free will, Discourse on sin etc. We also find salemn with trial and Education in novel. The woman has to Suffers alot  in whole novel.

Meaning of Trnascendentalism :- 

Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that started in the 1830s with the belief that the most important reality is what is sensed or what is intuitive, rather than what is thought such as scientific knowledge.Transcendentalism comes from the Latin word transcendere, which means to "climb over or beyond." Founders of the American transcendentalism movement were indeed trying to "climb beyond" traditional empirical thinking, favoring instead a person's intuition and natural spirituality. Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous transcendentalist, summed up the beliefs of transcendentalism when he said, "What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

An example of transcendentalism is the belief that man is at this best when he is independent, and not a part of organized religion or politics.

Meaning of Anti -Transcendentalism :-

Anti-transcendentalism was a literary subgenre that focused on human fallibility and proneness to sin. This subgenre is better known as dark romanticism, according to Education Portal.

The American Romantic period of 1800 to 1860 categorized writers into either transcendentalist or dark romantics, according to Education Portal. The dark romantics were characterized by the serious and horrific tones within their works. The most prominent dark romantics were Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. Poe utilized symbols to carry out his effect. Education Portal notes that the raven in Poe's poem "The Raven" symbolizes death. Hawthorne explored the psychological effects of guilt and sin through his characters. In his 1850 novel, "The Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne examines the emotions that a non-celibate minister experiences as he grapples with his sins. Hawthorne believed guilt, sin and evil to be innate qualities within humans, according to Education Portal.

For these dark romantic writers, evil was everywhere, in terms of how it was preached by many of the New England Puritans. Dark romanticism branched out farther than New England and was picked up by British and German authors like Lord Byron and E.T.A. Hoffmann. In the 20th century, existentialist authors such as Robert Howard also were influenced by dark romanticism.

Transcendentalism in novel :-

one of the most character of Transcendentalism was Nature. We can see how Hawthorne use nature in novel.

1). Nature :-

we can see presence of Nature very beautifully by Hawthorne many times which attracted us towards nature. In novel nature has given the space to Hester. Here Hawthorne described Nature very well. In the very first meeting of Hester prynne and Dimmesdale ; she was in cart and she was in trouble and Dimmesdale helped her and remove cart wheel from dig of dirt. It also in forest. So the author wants to indiacate something through it about forest. One more thing is that Hester is living near water yet she is alone she is living along Nature and within Nature.In movie screening we also see the loving part of Nature. we can see full of green forest in movie.

2). Presence of Individualism :-
Here we can see character of hester as individual. She is a strong character as individual. When hester stands in sacfold, she was a divine power, she has power to confess the people, who stand in the balcony. She has strong individual power and strength. Throught the novel she is facing many problems, questioning on her by society.

3). Spirituality or Religion :-
In novel we can see the more strong role of religion. Strict puritan codes are imposed on people and it's difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, between appearance and reality. The character of Arthur Dimmesdale who was trapped and framed by Religion. Because of fear of religion he can't go against religion. As he was priest of church, he was fully controlled by religion 's substance .

Anti-Transcendenralism in Scarlet letter : -

" The Scarlett Letter " has include feature of anti Transcendentalism. Because it studied and observed human limitations, the minds of people who believed in  belief. They believed that spiritual facts by behind everything. We find Dimmesdale as this feature that he feels guilt for what he has done. Moroever, the society who want prove through Hester as she has committed any big sin. as the result she has to leaved with an Adultary symbol. we also see good and evil things in novel.

Thank you....... 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Thinking activity on The old man and the sea.

Hello readers, welcome to my blog, here is my response about the task which was given by Hena ma'am on the old man and the sea(Short novel).

About Ernest Hemingway  :-

He was an American journalist, novelist, short - story writer and nates sportsman. His economical and understand style - which he termed the iceberg theory had a strong influence on twentieth century fiction.
His Notable Awards :- 

 :- He got Pulitzer prize for fiction (1953)
 :- Nobel prize in literature (1954)

About Novel in brief :- 

The old man and the sea is a short novel written by American author Hemingway. It was the last major work of fiction by Hemingway that was published during his lifetime. Whole novel swings between victory and defeat. It was a story about An old man's struggle , he was a skilled fisherman ; which he supposed to prove infront of society. He wants victory in his life. Throught the novel with a boy's eyes we can see the character of an old man. The novel's structure and plot was very good, limited characters, huge message we got with many interpretation.An old man many times dreamed about lion.  We can see theme of love, life and alienation. In novel sea symbolizes the universe and at the end sea makes the old man tragic hero. Manolin,  a great fish which was caught by an old man symbolizes the youth of Santiago (old man).
Now let's talk about some Questions and answers :-
Que: -1). Do you have any such person whom you recall in the crisis?
Ans :-  Yes, I have a such person whom I recall in the crisis. They were my parents from them always encouraged alot in all crisis or bad condition. One more person was my teachers from whom I inspired. This people are those from I got new strengths to fight back with more energy.

Que :- 2). What is the importance of that person? Why?
Ans :- So, This kind of person have a specific importance for me in my life. Because whenever I need some one they are always ready for me. Whenever I loose my self, think negative or not ready to stand in bad situation. We need this kind of inspiration person in our life to motivate us. So we can throw more energy on crisis.

Que : - 3). What is the importance of dream of lions in the novel?

Ans : - In the novel, an old man repeatedly sees dream of lions. For him, to catch manolin is a victory. From dreaming of lion he gets courage and strength. According to me, if we gone to image about lion, then lion is a full of victory, strength, happiness, bravery and power. Whenever he is sad he is imaging the image of lion and he became happy, gets new courage and strength, power. The spirit of lion inspired him.

Que :- 4).Do you have any such scene or image you frequently like to visit?
Ans :- Till today I haven't think about this kind of scene or image. But here I have to give Answer. I want to visit a specially image or scene from which I got new strengths, power, courage, happiness. I should continue with new freshness. I should got new spirit to move further in life. The image or scene shuolud like it emerges in our good as well as in  bad time.

Que :- 5). What is the reason of your obsession for that scene?
Ans :- I don't have any specific reason for obsession for that scene.

Que :- 6). Replace the old man with yourself. How would be the approach if you fail like the old man in life ?
Ans :- If I have to replace myself with oldman. Then I am not forcely going to proved myself or skills to society. Whatever we have done in our life there are certain question on our ability which some times maybe we don't able to fulfill. In novel, oldman caught the marlin he proveved himself yet he had nothing to left back when he returned from sea. If this situation happened with me then for a little bit time, I was disappointed with myself. Then I have to accept the reality. We should do whatever we want to do in our life. We don't have to worry about society. But still to give Answer for society is more essential in this modern era.

Thank you..... 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Task on ELT -1 explaining five Essays.

Hello readers, welcome to my blog.
Here I am going to share my view upon task which was given by vaidehi madam. This task is about ELT-1 (English language teaching). It includes many essays.
The Essays are;
     1). Teaching English as 'Second Language' in India" by Kapil Kapoor.(JNU,Delhi)
    2). Teaching of EST in Indian Conditions" by R.S.Sharma (Banaras Hindu University)  
  3). "Teaching English as a Second Language in India: Focus on objectives" by Shivendra K.Verma (Central Institute of Foreign Languages,Hyderabad)
4). "Socio-cultural Dimensions English as a Second Language" by Rekha Aslam
5). "Teaching of English: A Plea for Practical Attitude" by R.K.Singh (Indian Institute of Mines,Dhanbad)
Now, let's talk about some questions and Answers.

Que :- 1]. What is English Language for you? 
Ans : - According to me English was a dreaming language of me from my childhood. It was a kind of my passion. I want to learn it. Fortunately nowadays it becomes  a universal global language. There was a crush of this language amongst  most of the people. In contemporary time, it becomes compulsory or necessary for Education . it has a lot of opportunities for us. with this language I also enhance my knowledge about outer world.

Que :- 2].  What kind of challenges you are facing and have faced while learning this language?
Ans :- if I am talking about myself, what kind of challenges I facing,  i face problem when I am speaking. There are also mistake when I am writing but not as much while I am speaking. I have prepared what I am going to say but when I am speaking something is bounce out of mind, I don't how it happens. I feel  lack of vocabulary and knowledge about particular languages. To come out of this problems we need daily practice of speaking, listening of this language. For, to learn any particular language LSRW Skill is important.

Que :- 3]. Write in brief your understanding about any one essay.
Ans :- Normally, I liked all essay  it provided us to more knowledge. But if I had to talk about any specific essay then it would be ;
Essay 4:- "Socio-cultural Dimensions English as a Second Language" by Rekha Aslam. This essay deal with how translation played a major role in essay. There is a close connection between the form of English language and the social structure and the cultural sensitivity of Indian culture. Language is not an isolated entity. It is deeply rooted in socio -Cultural, religious, concepts of Native speaker's life. In all Essays a matter of challenge describe.

Que : - 4]. According to you which Position English Language should be given?
Ans :- As my view, the position of English in this modern era was proper, and it should be like this. All should aware about this language. I seen many example in primary school student's that they don't like English, this subject was bore to him because they don't know or aware about it. This language should spread among the world as fast as possible. Normally people don't aware about this language and its impotance, opportunity, outer world. We have to accept it because it has more benefit for us. it doesn't matter if we studied it as a second or first language. The thing was that all sholud taught English. Sometimes lack of confidence we don't get it proper. We are not trying to learn it.
Moreover it was not a hard and lengthy language, if we can try we can learn this language.

Que :- 5]. How you see your future with English Language?
Ans : - I see my secure future with English. Because there was a scope for it. In market, it was a demand of English and English teacher. To use and learn new digital technology this language help me alot. I can connect with the world. With this language to there are many online courses which certificate has a more value. I also want to go further with English. One example was contemporary time that whenever we go for job or education, bank, post office, etc even there we supposed to fill up form in English. So, with this we can understand the need of English Language.

Moroever I want to talk about Different functions of English  which we have already discussed by ma'am in class.

   # At National Level  #
• It is " Window on the world "
• " Language of Development "
• " Link language "
• " Library Language "

# At Individual Level #
• " The Language of Opportunity "
• " The Language of upward social mobility "

I hope u enjoyed through reading this blog.

Thank you......... 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Movie review of Super 30.

#Movie Screening of super 30. #
# At Top 3#
# Department of English #
# 1st August, 2019#

Today we gone for Academic movie screening of super 30. It was a biographical  movie directed by  Vikas Bahl. Main hero protagonist was ANAND KUMAR role played by Hritik Roshan. The film about brilliant Mathematics mind of Anand kumar, who got a gold medal. All dialogues of the movie are very good. It was short and sweet and proper with situation. One quote was repeated many time in movie that " Ab Raja ka beta Raja nhi banega, banega vahi Jo hakdar hoga ". It also proved till end of the movie. The movie deal with classes of the society. Here also we can see three class. Upper class, Middle class and Lower class. There was a conflict between religion and class. A middle class family of Anand kumar who's father had a good dream for his son's. Who is  doing duty of postman. There was a one scene in movie, we can find that even a postman is doing right talk where other officers not  agreed with him.

#  Concept of Corruption ;
‌In movie we find corruption through political party on the name of Education. There was one dialogue " Education was a road for the Heaven ". We also find this thing in our current time, because same thing was happening, private schhols and coaching centers are taking high fees for the Education. Everything was controlled by politics in movie. They had a power to do any kind of bad thing; they do but they failed. At last they tried to killed Anad kumar but he was not died. Anand who is giving free education to poor and lower class student's got full support from his family members. For the politician Education was a  just kind of business. As a teacher, when Anand decided for free education he had to face many Kind of trouble, he sustain his self in front of condition but though he doesn't loose himself. If we want to do something then there is always way but only if we want. Our will was more important.
After faced many problems 30 Students who taught by Anand gave IIT exam and they all passed. The students are also very good, they also using their minds, everywhere they find mathematics in day to day life and without facility, equipment they are learning; they invented things and proved themselves that they also want to learn..

Morever, there was a love story between high class girl and middle class boy. They never become one. They have to remain separated. At end movie ends with rain, which indiacates Happiness. So the Happy ending of the movie.......
I would like to say Thank you to Dr, Dilip Barad sir for Organising wonderful screening of movie....

Thank you..... 

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...