
Monday, March 9, 2020

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication

Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela
Batch :- 2018-20
Roll no :- 07
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190044
Gmail ID:-
Paper no:- 15 ( Mass media)
Total words:- 1537


••  Now,if we talk about Mass media, then it was a huge platform to connect and contact with many people and to communicate it was very useful and helpful. Nowadays social media plays a vital role for mass media. In social media there was a subcategory platform like; Whats app Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,Google,Hello app,G-Mail,you-tube. Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine also known as  a important part of Mass media.We are living in the 21st century; so we are using tools for using social media like; Mobile, Laptop,etc. But In current time people have a craze of Mobile Phone rather than any other tools.With very softly and easily we can use mobile anytime, anything, anywhere and we can know about whatever happing in the state, country as well as in the world. Social media was a fastest way to sent information to the people and we can get response immediately. Google was the app where we can learn  anything, anytime and  we can repeat it whichever time we want. According to me I think that we are so luckiest that we get a chance to use this kind of superb technology and media. Nowadays everything becomes online. As we know we can order food,cloth, whichever item we want we can buy through online. We can reserved the tickets of train,bus and also room of hotel. So,we can say that online app becomes today's market. It gives profit in business,we can do work at seating home with online and it also provides good facilities for Education also. So,I think internet gives a full package of our more thing with mass media people are getting married with app.Moreover,as we know that everything has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. So, social media also has some Disadvantages,as we have to face some difficulty like,some fake account,some viral videos and news,some wrong information,we can't full rely on it. So, at last I can say that social media and it's tool become an part of our life. Anyone can't live without it.

• In the 21st century,in which we are leaving,is the scenario of  Globalization, Industrialization, progress in science; we slowly and gradually developing with our progressive country. Than how can we forget or denie Mass media as our integral and important part of our life.Mass media is the fastest one who reaches to mass of the people within less time.If we take one simple example about phone than in our India from a simple or lay man to richest person who are using mobile.The Mass media itself includes many Subjects like Television, Radio,all social media, Newspaper, technology. As it is too broad concept and it conclude many things. Now a days in Education the media and technology helping alot.As it is said that we have to update with the time to time as all app needed to update. I accept that media has it's advantages and disadvantages both but what we want to learn from Media ,it surely depends on us. With the help of the media we can come to know about the information of the whole world within some minutes.From food , reservation, tickets booking for cinema ,etc everything happens with some certain apps regarding internet and media.The facilities which provides android system like GPS, Google maps,Google translate,any information regarding anykind of topic we can get anywhere, anytime. It gives us space to present ourselves also and it brokes the boundary of Time and place. In daily life most of all the people are doing smart use of it. We can do smart work with less time. It is mostly regarded as communication,it connects the world . It has some social issues also and changes also. As we know that a coin has it's two side heads and tails. Both can't be good enough with same place and time. We should be aware and knowable with the media and it's many perspective.

•• What is Media??

• According to Oxford dictionary, media is  the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet the news/broadcasting/national media The trial was fully reported in the media.So, as Oxford dictionary says that it is the main way of information and entertainment. On the other hand we have a question that in the 21st century,era of globalisation , urbanization, industrialization,the world is going to higher and so on ,than in this situation can we imagine our life without information and entertainment.we can't denie that this both things we got from media on large amount. We can also consider it at communication which is the most need of the people.There are many platforms on media where we can do two way communication also.In today's time which is the area or part where media don't play a vital role. Parreral we have a question that at which extents media is helping, the generation is considered as boon or what ? What is the idea about media in people's mind. Was it useful to everyone? Did everybody accepted it or not ? What is the role of media in Society,Social issues and some social change. With the help of technology how it used ?

According to Denis Macquail,

" Communication is a process which increases commonality - but also requires elements of commonality for it to occur at all".

• Need for communication:-

• This need is as strong as sleep,Eat and love
• Social need
• Requires active interaction with our physical, biological and social environments.
• Mankind can be traced through this from other species.
• Lack of communication leads to many danger problem.

• The ideal Process of Communication:-

Source →Encoding → Channel →Decoding → Receiver → Feedback

•• Types of Communication.

1. Intra- personal
2. Group Communication
3. Inter personal communication
4. Mass media communication
•• Functions of Mass Media:-
1] To inform
2] To educate
3] To entertain
4] Transmission of heritage
5] Commercial

There are 6 types of Mass Media:

• Traditional Media
 • Print Media
• Electronic Broadcasting Media
• Outdoor Media
• Transit Media
• Digital Media or New Media

• There are various types of mass media which provide us with various types of Political, Religious, Economics and Social related news and information to the masses or larger audience through print media or digital media.

• Each media has its significance in some or the other way. For example newspaper, a print provides news headlines and information in rural areas and urban areas as well as a TV which also provides information, news and entertainment shows through a digital medium.Mass media is a significant force in modern culture, particularly in America. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity: without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles, people could not become famous.Media language can be revealing, too. Media uses the terms “arch” or “ultra” conservative, but rarely or never the terms “arch” or “ultra” liberal.

Media Convergence

•• Media convergence is known “broadly as the coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment” (Pavlik & McIntosh, 2004, p. 8). There are three major categories for media convergence. These categories are technological convergence, economic convergence and cultural convergence.To give a brief history on the beginnings of mass media some historians believe that medieval European cathedral architecture functioned as mass medium of religious communication by offering biblical stories and religious information to a largely illiterate population through the use of painting, sculpture, and other visual arts”, but really mass media starts as an “industrial-era phenomenon” with the Gutenburg printing press . It was the first form of mass media in 1450.

•• Conclusion:-

In short,if we want to say about massmedia then very easily we can define it. Can we imagine this scenario without Massmedia? As we know that Massmedia becomes an integral part of our life. Massmedia is the only most using platform by people from where we got fast information. It is giving space to us also ,that we can present ourselves,our views infront of the world. Massmedia is the platform with certain kind of facilities, people like it,and Interested in it. With the only single touching the whole information of anything is in your hand. It is more useful because in real sense it reaches to the Mass of the people through different kind of tool regarding internet.Now a days many people are using Mass or social media for Education,there are many platforms on such apps where we can learn English or other language,which was a quite interesting. If it is used for education purpose then it becomes more qualitative.we can imagine that for next upcoming generation Mass media will stand with more facilities and tools,and will be helpful as well as fruitful for everyone.

••• References:-


Thank you

Assignment of paper no-14 Character portrayal of Okonkwo

Topic :- Character portrayal of Okonkwo

Name :- Divya Vaghela
Batch :- 2018-20
Roll no :- 07
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190044
Gmail ID:-
Paper no:-14( The African Literature)
Submitted to:- Department of English, MKBU
Total words :- 1545

Brief information about Novel  :-

" Things fall apart" was a novel written by chinua Achebe. It was written in 1957, Nigeria and published in 1958. We can find period of post colonialism in novel . The novel's title was taken from W.B. Yeats's famous poem ' second coming' , one line was there like Things fall apart. Chinua Achebe was a Nigerian writer,he was  acclaimed for his unsentimental depictions of the social and psychological disorientation accompanying the imposition of Western customs and values upon traditional African society. His particular concern was with emergent Africa at its moments of crisis; his novels range in subject matter from the first contact of an African village with the white man to the educated African’s attempt to create a firm moral order out of the changing values in a large city.This is Achebe’s first novel, concerns traditional Igbo life at the time of the advent of missionaries and colonial government in his homeland. His principal character cannot accept the new order, even though the old has already collapsed.

•• Character sketch of Okonkwo:-

- Okonkwo was a main leading character from the novel. He was tall and has a good personality in his Igbo culture leaving in Umofoya land. He was a very good wrestler , because of this skill he was well known in Society. He was known by all near by villages and also in his village for his manliness. He was a son of Unoka.Unoka was idle, poor, profligate, cowardly, gentle, and interested in music and conversation. Okonkwo consciously adopts opposite ideals and becomes productive, wealthy, thrifty, brave, violent, and adamantly opposed to music and anything else that he perceives to be “soft,” such as conversation and emotion. He is stoic to a fault. So, he don't like his father and their habit. He want to be totally differ from his father.His father don't get good fame,as he hasn't done any men kind of work. So, Okonkwo want that he should proved as men, with hardworking. Further in novel we can find Colonialism, Gender issues, Class and caste conflict, Masculinity of men, Womens as subaltern and shown as dumb. Womens haven't right to speak or to present herself. She becomes only toy of men's hand. Okonkwo married with three wives it shows his attitude or Masculinity or to say Manliness of culture.Maybe in that to have a more numbers of wife ,is a good sign for men.One important thing was that it is not problem that with howmany women he is married,but the issue was that,How he treat them ? Was he accepted them well? Was he giving respect or bring only as a servant of house ; which supposed to do only work of house and they have nothing further in life. Okonkwo was a father of many children.For him the most important thing is to have a pride in culture, we find his character as too selfish, he is beautifying hisself,that he should be looking well. He is ready to do anything for Culture and cast but at the end we find that just his culture gave him betrayed.

•• Now for the further discussion of Okonkwo I taken some articles ; with it's argument I will talk more.

1] Okonkwo's fate and the worldview of Things Fall Apart :- 

Okonkwo's fate and the worldview of Things Fall Apart This article argues that despite the apparently exhaustive critical attention paid to Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart (1958), certain key aspects of the novel's meaning remain unresolved. At the heart of the problem lies the question of how to interpret the reasons for Okonkwo's downfall or fate. The article suggests that a number of different sources of explanation appear to be plausible at various levels, but it goes on to demonstrate that at least some of these putative explanations are incompatible if not mutual-ly exclusive. The more general difficulty arising from this is that several of these explanations are underpinned by worldviews which differ from and even conflict with each other. The article intends, therefore, through an ex-ploration of the possible reasons for Okonkwo's demise, to consider what worldview the novel finally supports and, indeed, whether the novel's outlook is coherent at all. The chief conclusion is that although the overall perspective of the novel is highly complex, it does not necessarily follow that the actual meaning of the novel itself is either illogical or self-contradictory. Okonkwo and divine justice Throughout the novel, it is clear that the  world of Umuofia is predicated upon  a  spiritual  dimension  to  existence,  and  particularly  upon  a  sense that  the  universe  is  ordered  and  controlled  by  divine  justice.  Given  this religious  aspect  of  the  text,  it  is  worth  considering  to  what  extent  the novel  supports  the  notion  that  Okonkwo  is  punished  for  violating  the divine order. More specifically, it is  necessary to examine precisely how the novel conceptualises this divine order and, consequently, whether or not Okonkwo’s fate ought to be regarded as just and deserved.

2]  Analyzing the character of Okonkwo in Things fall apart.

So, in this paper the writer says thatThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe documents the civilized and rich life the Igbo had before the arrival of Europeans and the ruinous social and cultural consequences that the arrival of European missionaries brought. This contrast of life in Umuofia, is profoundly shown by the author through the characteristics and sufferings of the protagonist Okonkwo. Okonkwo was a character with great internal fear, self-esteem and extreme devotion and loyalty to his own culture and tradition.Okonkwo was a self-made, well-respected member of the Umuofia clan. He was renowned as a leader of his tribe and also as a successful farmer and warrior. Though outwardly stern and powerful, much of his life was dictated by internal fear. The fear of being lazy, coward and feminine in nature like his father.Further it talks about how and which kind of contribution gave Okonkwo to his clan. During the battle of two villages, Okonkwo got a young boy which not belong to his clan. That boy was taken care by Okonkwo.That boy likes Okonkwo's style and work ,he want to be like his,he was inspired too. He has a good friendship with Okonkwo's old son. About that son Okonkwo believes that he should not be like his grandfather. Okonkwo want his boy as him. He should not be proove as a lazy and not working man.After some month one old man from clan came to Okonkwo and said him that ,now this is the time to kill that boy , because he doesn't belong to our clan. You should not keep him further. At that time without any kind of thinking he kills that boy, without any faults of boy.So, it Prooved that for his clan he is able to do anything.

•• One of Okonkwo‟s tragic flaws is his carelessness. It happens when he, due to his carelessness, accidentally kills a boy from his clan. It happens when Okonkwo comes to Ezeudu‟s funeral. During the ceremony, Okonkwo‟s gun explodes suddenly. A piece of iron pierces the heart of one of Ezeudu‟s sons. Even though the death is accidental, the act is abomination to the Igbo.It is clear that even though Okonkwo accidentally kills the boy, the act is still forbidden in their clan. It is against the earth goddess and Okonkwo should be punished. As a punishment, Okonkwo is to be exiled for seven years, and the next morning some men come and destroy Okonkwo‟s house. They also kill his animals and set fire to the building. This accidentally event becomes the starting point of Okonkwo‟s next tragic flaw.The end of Okonkwo‟s seven years of exile draws near. The white men and their Christianity foothold have grown stronger. The Mbanta community adjusts to the new situation. Okonkwo is contemptuous of his mother‟s people‟s accommodating response to the ever-growing strength of the new Christian community. In Umuofia, Okonkwo discovers that many things have changed. Many men of title have converted and joined the Christians. The white men have not only sought converts and built churches; they also have set up a government and a court system. It is the system that does not respect their traditions or social order.


 To sum up, we can say that the okonkwo for  his clan ,caste , culture ,his attitude were more important things. He spents his whole life for showing musculanity , showing hisself as Men, not giving respect to the womens,but at the end we find that no one will come to save us or for our last days nobody would came for to look. When Okonkwo returns village after seven years , he finds village was quite changed ,and people are accepting Christianity. When he raises his voice against white person , and decided to do suicide rather then giving space for them. At the end ,when he committed suicide nobody was come for his funeral ceremony. Moroever they said that it is there in culture that , if you committed suicide then nobody will come to touch us. So , all goes in water that ,for whatever he is doing all in reflection he doesn't get anything. I think I am also agree with that with proof reading.

Works Cited

 •• Foley, Andrew. Okonkwo's Fate and the worldview of Things Fall apart. Tuesday August 2001. sunday March 2020 <'s_fate_and_the_worldview_of_Things_Fall_Apart>.

 •• Habib, Md Arafat. Analyzing the character of okonkwo in Things Fall Apart. Tuesday November 2014. Sunday March 2020 <>.

Assignment of paper no -13 . Tony Webster and his memory.

Topic :- Tony Webster and his Memory

Name :- Divya Vaghela
Batch :- 2018-20
Roll no :- 07
Paper no:- 13 ( The New literature)
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190044
Gmail ID :-
Submitted to:- Department of English

About the Novel :- 

- " The sense of Ending" novel was written by Julian Barnes in 2011. Where  he potrayed all different kind of character,all are have some different things. Here ,Tony Webster was the protagonist and the Narrator of the novel.When he is telling story he is 60, retired person . He is talking about his history and memory.So, the play swings between History and memory throughout the novel.The novel was divided into two parts. The Title borrowed from Frank Kermode's book of the same name.In this novel we can find change in communicative mediums through E-mail. This novel has enigmatic tone and also find as philosophical novel.Here plot is not the soul of the novel,but characters and their life are the soul of the novel. Julian Barnes's Narrative technique was different because he is hiding the story from his own leading character in novel, In last when story unfolds at that time Narrator also opens as a strange character.

Some background information about major characters:-

•• The protagonist of the novel was Tony Webster and mainly he deals with his memory and history , how his youthful days are in school. Which kind of friend he has. One thing was clear which we can find that whenever the one is speaking or reflecting story he becomes the centre,in a sense that we can't see the negative side of particular one. If I am saying anything then I will portray my character as good. This hint we also find at some extent in Tony's narration. So,Tony has a friend's named Colin ,Alex, Robson. Afterwards Adrian also joins his group,which was totally differ from Tony. Tony try to recall his lecture, activities, some major events with his memory.He bulits relationship with Veronica,then broke it and then get married,and then divorced and have one daughter and the children of the daughter also. Adrian was a philosophical character,much interested in history,and brilliant in study,Rational rather than emotional,cultivated confidence . He considered as self conscious and serious. In further he has attractive personality,he had no herd mentality; kind of uniqueness. This all perspective we can come to know from Tony. The Tony who described Adrian like this. Next let's meet Veronica ford,woman character in the novel which is sophisticated, Independent and modern girl.She find as mysterious,self centred ,we can kind idea of class conscious and elitist from her character. She is known as calculative and Manipulative according to Throughout the novel we find two suicide case ; one is Robson and second is Adrian which is quite shockable matter.When Adrian died Tony said that;

" Adrian would have want be  first; He was right . First class degree, First class suicide"
•• Tony Webster :-

- Tony Webster was a kind of complex character,that we need to think to understand his character, because his character is changing. So, when he tells story he is at 60, almost going to end his life. He was retired person. Infact he was happy men. He was very satisfied with his life, He got married,have divorced,have daughter and the children of the daughter. He is doing charity work. He belongs to middle class family and specially he believes that he is as  good to people than people are good to him. In a way he believes himself as a good person,in initial part we also believed him as he said.The ending seems to be that of the 'old man' ( The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway) , Anthony Webster who is near the 'end' of his journey of life. He ponders - feels nostalgic about the 'past'. As humans near their end,they crave more for their youthful days.

•• Unreliable Narration:-

In novel we can find Unreliable Narration from Tony because at soem point we aren't agree with him.whenever he is telling any event he first framed the matter and then he itself deconstruct that. Sometimes he said with surity of time and place and sometimes he at the end of matter says that he wasn't sure,that what happened exactly. In beginning as the way tells story we are very curious or Interested in talk ,but when we find that it is unreliable then we find shock that how can this is possible? He has an issue of understanding that he is not understanding proper at right time. From very days in school to end of the novel we find that he presented as unknowable,or not trying to get it, from everybody he use to listen that you are not understanding and you will never,yet he feels himself good and knowable person. At the end when story folds at that time also he don't get it. In real sense he got Unrest in his life.This are the last words of the novel;

" There is accumulation. There is responsibility.And beyond these,there is unrest. There is great unrest."

In meaning,when he is getting end of life, his history comes infront of him and in real he get sense of ending of life,at 60 he realizes that he has done gravely wrong to somebody. That time we can come to know about the real character of Tony.When Tony deal with History and memory,then we can easily find that Memory is the particular one's matter,we can design as we want to present,but the History was not the particular one's. It is major event of the past time. We should recall it as it was there. Many people's lives are attached with History. So, Tony also got betrayal from his own history and memory.

•• Now to make my arguments strong for Tony here I am using three articles which are followed by and cited at below:-

1] Title :- Deconstruction of the complex Human relationships in Julian Barnes's The sense of Ending by Dr. Arpit Kothari

• This paper mainly talks about complex Human relationships. Dr. Arpit says that Tony Webster does not have much confidence on his memory. Tony recalls past events after receiving a letter written forty years ago by someone who was very close to him. Moroever the writer says that he colours events and relationships to his needs in the grab of his fading memory during his old age. Moroever,says that Tony reminds us, comprises of the lies of the victors,yet in addition of the self fancies of the defeated.Then he talks about the relationship of Veronica and Tony in college.I am agree with this paper at some extent,further I want to say we can know about the history confidence of Tony ,that where he was,and his relation with Veronica. He says that 'History is the lies of the victors and self delusion of the defeated'. He also says Adrian's definition of History that" History is that certainly produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet,the inadequacies of documentation".

2] Litcharts :-

In this cite,it says that Tony is eager to tell a certain story of his life,one in which he might appear in as positive a light as posdtand isn't understand the other character. I his life he doesn't retain certain qualities like : he is wry and ironic,pleasant in company and as he dubs himself,' peaceable'- quick to avoid confrontation.Here is one quote by Tony ;
" But school is where it all began, so I need to return briefly to a few incidents that have grown into anecdotes,  to some approximate memories which time has deformed into certainly".
So, this mainly talks about the character of Tony and his school days that how the discussion is going on in the class of the history. We can know the many perception of students regarding history and how it plays role in their past as well as I'm future.

3] Memory Revisited in Julian Barnes's the sense of an Ending.

• Here the article states that the main protagonist of the novel is a retired man quite comfortable and contented with his present life,and at the end of the novel he receives an unexpected inheritance from the mother of a girlfriend from his education time in university. He related on the quality and function of memory. At the second hand,the act of revisiting and revising that specific episode,brings with it feelings of guilt and remorse as the Tony realises that his past acts were not as noble as he remembered them to be.
So, These articles talks about the Tony and his history. There is one accumulation in novel was ;
A2 + V+ a1× s= b
Here we can find that this accumulation starts with Tony and his relation with Veronica and then Veronica's relation with Adrian and his multipal with Sarah( Veronica's mother) and at the end the baby comes from Adrain and Sarah Ford, Tony is not understanding this. He believes that this boy was of Veronica and Adrain. He doesn't know that because of his words of letter,all are suffering alot. The letter which he written in past but he didn't remember his history. We can see that because of his 5 lives are destroyed,but still he is not getting. But at the end of the novel in real sense he gets sense of the sense of an Ending.So, like this Tony and his memory plays a vital role in the novel.

•• Works Cited

••  Baena, Victoria. The Sense of an Ending characters: Anthony ( Tony ) Webster. 15 June 2018. 8 March 2020 <>.

•••  kothari, Dr.Arpit. Deconstruction of theComplex Human relationships in julian barnes's The sense of Ending. saturday February 2019. Sunday March 2020 <>.

••  oro-Piqueras, Maricel. Memory revisited in Julian Barnes's The Sense of an Ending. 1 February 2014. 8 March 2020 <'s_The_Sense_of_an_Ending>.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Blog on NCC.

Hello, Everyone Here I am going to talk about my three years journey of NCC. Now I am X cadet of NCC.

NCC- National Cadet Corps.

So, I joined NCC (Army) during my Bachelor days. With the 3 years of college I joined Sports and NSS also. This time was a golden time for me which never came back. I feel like Nostalgia because now I can't got those days.So, NCC's Motto is "Unity and Discipline". We can find uniqueness in NCC. For the first year we have attende only drill and one local camp at Sidsar. To select in NCC I have to do struggle, because of my height I don't selected. Then I regularly attended drill without selection,then some girls move out and I got selected. On first year I go for local camp as well as National camp at Maysur which was my second camp in NCC. At Maysur we have to represent Gujarat and it's culture and have to participate in various competition. We got third rank in cultural for Garba. At this platform we can know about all India's people and their culture. It was a very good chance to meet people of our whole country. We can know their language, culture,food, tradition, rituals, festivals.So,it was a memorable camp for me which I can't forgot.

In second year I  went for TSC( Thal Sainik Camp). To complete this camp we have to alot means very hard work. First I got selected from my college with other 4 girls. For TSC we have to do 10 days camp for continuously 3 months. There is selection after one camp. If you selected from one only then you can went for second camp. We have to learn many things for this like ;
- Map Reading
-Tent pitching
 -JD (Judging distance)
- FS( Field signal)
- Health and Hygiene
- Firiing
You should be good in this activities only then you can stand till end. It is not that if you are good in one or two activity then you are selected,this kind of happening before,bu now you should known all things. In camp you have to wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 A.M and go for running,warm up, excercise, obstacles then you got breakfast
 After breakfast we went for Firing then lecturers ( H&H, JD,FS).Then at noon your lunch, free only for 30 minutes and again we went for Tent pitching or for lecture. Every work should be done on time with discipline and unity. There is buddy system that wherever you go you need one partner with you. Specially NCC provises us good quality of food as well as refreshment.Fortunately with my hardwork I selected for all camp and in end I went to Delhi our final destiny of TSC.Before going Delhi I spend my 34 days at Thamna( Vallabh Vidhyanagar).In Delhi we stay for 12 to 13 days. We enjoyed alot. We represented our Gujarat group in all activities which we learn during our training camp of TSC. There I got my turn in Tent pitching and Healthy and Hygiene competition. For other days I was free for looking other's competition. We also keep mentioning the cleanliness and proper arrangements of things at proper place.So, this TSC was second National camp for me. With this I got major success in NCC as well as in my life also.
During three years of NCC I attended 15 camp at various place including local and National.Then in third year I got a chance to went in Dhanghra desert trekking camp which was a wonderful experience for me. There we walk in Kuttch's small desert as well as near by place with walking.
I got Best student of the year trophy from NCC college. Within l got alot certificate. Surely,I want to say that NCC changed me alot. It shapes me and my personality also.NCC becomes a part of my life which I can't seperate from me and I'll remember forever.

I love NCC.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Webtools :- Google translate.

•• Hello, readers welcome to my blog!!
Here I am going to share my views upon am interesting task which is about webtools. In which we supposed to find one or two web tools or to say App from which we can atleast learn any two or three skills from LSRW. Which kind of facilities it provides us.So, let's go to further. I hope you enjoyed.

•••• So, here I take one webtool named Google Translate which is providing by Google which has some interesting and useful features for us. Through this we can improve our Speaking and writing and also listening skill. Basically at first I am using it only for Gujarati meaning of particular world. But afterwards I found that it has some other amazing fetures as well. So, it's first use is that you can came to know the particular word's gujarati meaning.It is good and noticeable thing of this app is that it is providing 104 languages in which we can translate any language into any language.In this translation you can use to write as well as you can speak also and you get meaning.Within this you also got that particular word is a noun or pronoun and then the definition of it's particular. Moroever it is giving some examples also and synonyms with itself.So, with a very single click you can came to know more about the thing.You can copy the particular meaning from there and paste when we need.

••• Secondly, the facility which this giving is handwriting. It gives us space and place for out handwriting,we can write without the keyboard with our fingers. And you can translate or get meaning of particular things. You write and after it you can convert in any language which is given here and got meaning.

•••• Furthermore, third tool is conversation. In which you can speak one sentence to paragraph and it is translating with voice ; speaking phase. So you are speaking then your reply in meaning is also speaking.So, here you are free to learn or use any language.You can repetitively use and stop to listen it. So, if you don't want to write then you can speak and if you don't want to see answer than you can listen it's voice.

••• Lastly and fourth tool is camera is also there. Immediately we have a question in mind that in such kind of translation app why and for what we need camera. Which kind of facilities given by camera.So, once you open camera than you supposed to put particular thing or book or anything on which English is written you can find it's translation but still it is not pure. It might give blur and not comfortable one. So, whenever, wherever you see new world you can translate it through the camera of this app. If In other State and country we are traveling than it is helping alot,to understand their language.One most big advantage of this is that it includes 104 language. You can also import some writing from your gallery of phone and there you have touch upon word on which we want translation. So we get each and every word's translation.In edition,that you can go or jump to your previous and past history.

••~•• Limitations:-

- As it is said that  a coin has two sides heads and tails,same as every thing has it's two sides. Both can't be good enough at one place and one time.So, it has some disadvantages or to say laking.
• First and foremost thing is that it is not run without internet. You need internet. Without it you can't be able to access it or translate anything. This is very big and problematic thing. If it is providing offline all helps than it would be better for all users.
• In this you can't record your voice and save it. And can't find translation in audio or can just speak and listen.
• In camera we can get translation of one language to other language. But if we don't know the any language's name then it's not helpful. We can't get it.It can give information only about written things.
• It is not fruitful and useful for LSRW (all ) skils.

••• Here I want to genuinely mentioned the another one web tool is What's app. Which is the most used by Everyone,but every body is not using it for learning basic skills of language.In what's app we can record our voice,can send audio ,video,can send anykind of Documents,images, emojis,Gifs, etc. With this you can improve your all four skills.Here anykind of link is working. So, I think it is the simple and easiest way to learn LSRW.From this we can prove our Pronunciation,as we have to record our voice and pronunciation and you can listen it or someone can suggest it. That's how it is working well.

Thank you......

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Thinking activity on the Sense of Ending.

••• Hello! Everyone welcome to my blog.This is my academic work page where I supposed to reflect my views upon particular unit. Here I am going to write about the Thinking activity on"The sense of ending" by Julian Barnes.So, I hope you will enjoy this blog. This task is given by our professor,Dilip Barad. So,if u want to know more about this task thenClick here

Que :- 1] . How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.
Ans :-  Here I would like to put couplet of definition of History which is given in the novel :-

• History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation'.

•• ' History isn't the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It's more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated'

'History is the lies of the victors'

'History is the self-delusion of the defeated'

First at all Memory is concerned with individual or personal one while the History is not reffered individual's life. History is about some specific events , experiments,etc. So, our memory is changing day by day and making some changes or if we are writing then we are writing in favour of us only. We try to keep clean and good side of our. Further the history is history whether it is good or bad it keeps infronts of us. It showing reality to us.There are many references of Memory and history in novel. Here Tony is the Narrator itself so, he is writing hisself good and he was not quite sure about his past and memory. Sometimes he is making statement after sometime he hisself broking his statement. He is not confident with what he is saying.He makes comments also upon history.By his memory his Narration is keep on Changing with time to time.we can't come to conclude with our memories. With the memory of Tony he got "Unrest ,Great unrest "at the end of novel.

Que :- 2] How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th century Existential Philosophy and this 21st century novel The Sense of an Ending?

Ans:- The concept of Suicide is a very broad concept in literature and life. During discussion of the novel we have seen 10 author's suicide. We also have example of Shri Rama from Ramayana that he also do suicide in the river saryu. There are many reasons behind the Suicide. But I impressed by Virginia Woolf's death and Adrian's deathe. They both have logical and good reason. They have enjoyed their life. Virginia has wrote alot at the end by happiness she accepts death and decides to leave his life. Here Adrian also do suicide. But the death should be your own choice.The birth is not in our hand but death  is in our hand. We can finish it whenever we want to complete it. In the Hamlet,suicide is a kind of sin. In recent it is given freedom to people to commit suicide.In about the Hamlet  then it's soliloquy "To be or not to be " is more popular. Hamlet is always confused with what to do or not .He can't take immediate action and decision. He was known as philosophical person.  Here Adrian's death is also consider as philosophical death but not reliable.

Que: - 3 ] Adrian's diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. Why did Sarah Ford own it? Why was it in the Possession of Veronica?

Ans :- Here in novel at the end we find that and little bit shocked with one event that a letter written by Tony is found from Sarah Ford ( Mother of Veronica). Actually when Tony goes to Veronica's house at that alos he was warned by his that be careful and stay away from Veronica,so it seems that both mother and daughter have not good relationship. When Veronica leave Tony and accept Adrian,at that time Tony writes letter Adrian about Veronica that she is not good and trustworthy girl. He added that you should go to Sarah Ford and asked him about Veronica and you got truth. So, here Sarah and Adrian built a relationship and have a child. That's why the letter of Tony Found from Sarah Ford. This all situation is Veronica trying say or understand to Tony but Tony don't understand as before he don't and he will never.

Que :- 4 ] Unreliable narrator: “Was this their exact exchange? Almost certainly not. Still, it is my best memory of their exchange.” (Pg 19)

Ans :- We found the unreliable narrator from Tony Webster. As he is narrating story or event. But subsequently we find it is broken or deconstruct by himself.As he is talking about History regarding his memory, and I  have already mentioned about Memory and History in first answer. He is not confident or sure about his memory. He is telling as far as he remembered,that this and this kind of things,their childhood,their school time,their friends,their teachers.One thing is happening is here is very interesting if we are reading the original book, then as a reader we believe what first Tony described about his memory and his self,but ahead we find that he is reconstructing whole event.The Narration is very good that first we haven't any doubt or we believe and suddenly to change whole thing was a kind of different technique.

Que :- 5]      Julian Barnes center in not to discuss ‘class difference’ or ‘culture’. They are rather shifted on the periphery of his discourse that centers on ‘memory’, ‘history’, ‘time’ and ‘quest for truth’. Illustrate with your reading of ‘The Sense of an Ending’.

Ans :- Julian Barnes's styles of writing is a quite different from other. He tries to touch upon many topics. As mainly he deal with Memory and History throughout the whole novel. But still there are some minor topics which not mostly discussed still it has it's deep significant. As we can see the class difference between Veronica and Tony. Hence Barnes not focused on it,but through the character of Tony we can come to know about. When he goes to Veronica's home there he damaged , insulted by her Father and brother,Tony said that it doesn't matter or worried for him still somewhere , somehow this situation causes him,gave him deep wound in memory.In Ford's family also Sarah Ford has to suffer from class difference.So, that is how the class difference is not directly discuss but still it mentioned it's space in novel.

Thank you....

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ode to Autumn ( Group task)

•• Hello Everyone welcome to my blog! Here is the group task which was given by Heena mam. It is about poem "Ode to Autumn" by John Keats.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Swamp dwellers (Group task)

• Hello, Everyone this is a group task done by me and Sejal Parmar which was given by Heena mam  from African Literature. I hope you enjoy this .

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Short story :- A potrayal of a lady by Khushwant Singh.

••• Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog!!
Here I am going to write about one Short story which is my favourite during Bachelors. Hope you enjoyed this blog .

•• The Portrait of a Lady’ is written in first person and is in the biographical mode. In this story, the writer gives a detailed account of his Grandmother with whom he had a long association. Khushwant Singh recalls his Grandmother as short, fat and slightly bent. Her silver hair was scattered untidily on her wrinkled face. She hobbled around the house in white clothes with one hand resting on her waist and the other telling the beads of her rosary. Khushwant Singh remembers her as not very pretty but always beautiful. He compares her serene face to that of a winter landscape, During their long stay in the village, Grandmother woke him up in the morning, plastered his wooden slate, prepared his breakfast, and escorted him to school. While he studied alphabets, she read the scriptures in the temple attached to the school. On their way back home she fed stale chapattis to stray dogs. The turning point in their relationship came when they went to live in the city. Now, the author went to a city school in a motor bus and studied English, law of gravity, Archimedes’ principle and many more things which she could not understand at all.

•• Grandmother could no longer accompany him to school nor help him in his studies. She was upset that there was no teaching of God and scriptures at city school. Instead he was given music lesson which, according to her, was not meant for gentlefolk. But she said nothing.

•• When Khushwant Singh went to a university, he was given a separate room. The common link of their friendship was snapped. Grandmother rarely talked to anyone now. She spent most of her time sitting beside her spinning wheel, reciting prayers, and feeding the sparrows in the afternoon. When the author left for abroad, Grandmother did not get disturbed. Rather, she saw him off at the railway station. Seeing her old age, the narrator thought that it was his last meeting with her. But, contrary to his thinking, when he returned after a span of five years, Grandmother was there to receive him. She celebrated the occasion by singing songs of the home coming of warriors on an old dilapidated drum, along with the ladies of the neighbourhood.

•• Next morning she got ill. Although the doctor said it was a mild fever and would go away soon, she could foresee that her end was near. She did not want to waste time talking to anyone. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling the beads till her lips stopped moving and the rosary fell from her lifeless fingers. To mourn her death thousands of sparrows flew in and sat scattered around her body. There was no chirruping and when Khushwant Singh’s mother threw breadcrumbs to the sparrows, they took no notice of the bread. They flew away quietly when the dead body of Grandmother was carried away for last rites.

•• So, here generally we can see that How the writer recalls his childhood days with his grandmother,which kind of life living with her. The writer has done very minor observation of each and every thing. From description of grandmother to education system,way of living. When Khushwant Singh goes to university then how the all atmosphere changed. It takes to urbanization. Here he more attached with his grandmother and when he lost her he feel bad for it.

Thank you.....

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Novel :- The women of Brewster place by Gloria Nylor.(B.A. Text )

•• Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog.

• Here I am writing uopn my one of the most favourite novel "The Women of Brewster place "by Gloria Nylor.So, I hope you enjoyed reading.

••• The Women of Brewster Place (1982) is the debut novel of Americana Gloria Naylor. It won theNational Book Award in category First Novel. It was adapted as the 1989 miniseries The women of Brewster place. and the 1990 television show  Brewster place by  Oprah Winfreys Harpo Production.If you want to  know more about Gloria Nylor then Click here

• The Women explores the lives of both men and women in an urban setting and examines relationships, both in terms of friendship and romantic love, including homosexual relationships.
•  In each of the "Seven Stories" of its subtitle, one or more of the seven women are involved with the main character of that particular story, such as Mattie appearing in Etta Mae's story or Kiswana showing up in Cora Lee's.

• The Women of Brewster Place is a novel told in seven stories. Of the seven stories, six are centered on individual characters, while the final story is about the entire community. The primary characters and the title characters of each chapter are all women and residents of Brewster Place.
 • Brewster Place is a housing development in an unnamed city. It seems destined to be an unfortunate place since the people linked to its creation are all corrupt. Despite the secretive circumstances surrounding its development, Brewster Place survives for decades, offering a home to one new wave of migrants after another. The life history of Brewster Place comes to resemble the history of the country as the community changes with each new historical shift. Following the Civil Rights Era, Brewster Place inherits its last inhabitants, African-Americans, many of whom are migrants from the southern half of the United States. The stories within the novel are the stories of these residents.

• The first and longest narrative within the novel is Mattie Michael’s. Mattie, along with several other characters, arrives in Brewster Place from her parents’ home in the South. Mattie leaves her parents’ home because she is pregnant by a disreputable man named Butch Fuller. Mattie decides to move to the North at approximately the same time in history as the Great Migration.Mattie’s childhood friend, Etta Johnson, joins Mattie at Brewster Place. After a long life of running from one man to the next, she has arrived at Mattie’s, hoping to find some stability. Kiswana Browne is different from all of Brewster Place’s other residents in that she has chosen to live there voluntarily.Lucielia Louis Turner, also known as Ciel, is the granddaughter of Ms. Eva. Lucielia grew up with Mattie and her son, Basil.As a child, Cora Lee was obsessed with babies, and this obsession continues when she is an adult. Beginning in her sophomore year of high school, she has one child after another, almost all with different men. 
Lorraine and Theresa are the only lesbian residents of Brewster Place. The residents fear Lorraine and Theresa, even though they are a loving and considerate couple. 

• As above the story goes on ahead. I specifically liked this novel because this is the potrayal of different kind of women in one particular place. It including women's condition, situation,space,their place in society. Here  Mattie ,she is the longest remaining character in Brewster place, she is the women who is helping all women in their life and shelter in this place.  Here the potrayal of all women was unique and different from eachother. Some are modern, some are lesbian,some are leaving her husband and pregnent,some are leaving their family family. So, what is the status of this kind of women in our society. Are they accepted in social public. Here Gloria Naylor mainly touches the problems of women and the class system,which are the current issues of our world. Normally we find that one women is the enemy of other women. A women never can help of other women,but here the author deconstruct this idea through Mattie's character. As she understands and feels the issues of Womens and she is helping by sacrifices alot. So, this novel touches my heart.

Thank you.....

Blog on Novel Sangati by Bama (B. A . Text )

•• Hello,Readers welcome to my blog task. 

••• This blog is a part of my B.A syllabus. This novel Sangati by Bama which I like most. The reason why I like this because it revolves specially about Dalit literature which I remember. The "Dalits" who are the lower caste and lower people,last category in caste system ,so called "Untouchable"as they called. 

•• Sangati is an autobiography of Bama, which highlights the struggles of Paraiya women and it unlocks the physical and mental sufferings experienced by the suppressed, discriminated and marginalized Dalit women. Dalit literature is a revolution against exploitation and humiliation of Dalits.

•• The novel Sangati (Events) deals with several generations of women. The older women belong to narrators narrating the grandmothers’ generation,VelliammaKizhavi’s generation and downward generation. If a woman belongs to Dalit community, she has to suffer in two ways. The first being a woman and second is belonging to the lowest community. Bama’s Sangati is a unique Dalit feminist narrative carrying autobiographical elements of the whole community. It focuses the double oppression of females. The novel has several individual stories, anecdotes and memories that portray the events taking place in the life of women in Paraiyar community in Tamilnadu. Women are presented in Sangati as daily wage earners. They earn less than men do. 

•• However, the money earned by men, can spend as they please whereas women have to bear the financial burden of running the family. Women are also regular victim tosexual harassment and abused in the place of work. In this novel Marriamma tells a lot about the sexual assault faced by her and her community women and their inability to stand up against it. The physical violence is 
realistically portrayed in this novel like lynching, whipping and canning by fathers,husbands and brothers.

•• Sangati examines “the difference between women and their different ways in which they are subject to apportion and their coping strategies”. Bama focuses the protests against all forms of oppression and sufferings faced by Dalit women in the first half of Sangati. But later part of Sangati moves away from the state of depression and frustration. Instead, it presents apositive identity to Dalit women focusing their inner strength and vigor. The writer attracts our mind towards the education system about Dalit community. She gives the example of Pecchiamma belonging to Chakkili community studied up to fifth class. The girls of that community don’t go
to school that much.

••• As from our childhood we heard the departion of caste , specially about Dalit. Regarding to Dalit there were many restrictions, rituals,beliefs,they don't have their own life and ideas. As they are born for service of rich people. In villages they have to leave out side of village,they can't go on Temple ,even they can't take water from general well of village. They can't face or touch High class people. They don't have right for Education and business. They supposed to do only cleanliness of other home and  also Village. This is the condition of our Ancient time, in 21st century we find many important improvement and rights for their. Comparing to that time they have now more facilities rather than other. So, from Sangati I came to know more about Dalit literature.

Thank you.....

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Meeting pool ( Short story ) by Ruskin bond ( B. A . Text ).

Hello, Every one welcome to my Blog!

• Here I am going to talk about my B.A.text  particular on Short story written by Ruskin bond .

••• "The meeting pool"was a beautiful story written by Ruskin bond. It was a story about three friends . Who are together and find one pool by Rusty and the pool called as Rusty's pool. They have pledge that after the ten years of their Seperation they will meet at this pool. After this pledge they seperate. We can imagine that is is possible that after ten years they will meet. I heard that the promises are made to only that it can be broken . On 5th April 1964 ,Midday this time they have decided to meet. But that day only Rusty came and he finds no one of his friend here. All are busy with their life. After the marriage society, responsibility ,life tied them .The time of college we also like. It is considered as golden days of life,where we have good friends,have freedom,to enjoy,to eat,to do party,etc. We are in full flow of friends that we are ready to do anything for friends which we don't do for our family members. Our these days never came back." Time and Tide never waits for anyone". As this prose says we also don't have to disappoint with little things. Where Rusty comes here he finds another group there and recall his childhood and friends,still he hasn't any regret for their friends. So, the moral of the story we can say that don't depend , trust and waiting for anyone. You have to move on as the life carry wherever.

Thank you....

Reflective blog:- Professor. Atanu Bhattacharya.

• Hello,Readers welcome to my blog!!

• The purpose of the writing this blog is to reflect and review our ideas upon 3 days session on ELT by Professor. Atanu Bhattacharya from central University Gandhinagar. From 25th to 28th Atannu sir came to our department for ELT- 2 [ English language teaching- 2] . If I talk about Atannu sir then he was soft speaking person, nice person, deal every topic with patience; in a sesne he teach very good to us.

••• On the vary first day sir briefly talk about History of English language teaching. How it emerges with which perameters it comes .  He said that establishment of universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras (1857). Sir connected it with classical age, Theology, Education Drama. Sir starts with Renaissance with briefly detailing of it to 19th & 20th century. Then the Philology - study of word and psychology-critical comprehension. How the language played an important role in literature sir said and explain with many examples. Sir has very innovative style of writing, for explaining he is taking very relevant and appropriate example.Sir has a kind of tradition thing to teach. As he teach through handout and board working from which we passed in our school days.Sir broadly talk about The language teaching through literature.

• Sir mentioned the Methods like :-

• Natural Method/ Direct Method :- It is very Ancient and Natural Method . In which it expose the students in natural language or teach directly. For Ex:- If you are teaching English,you have to use only English, you can't take another language.

• Grammar Translation Method :- This method we uses from our childhood, we like it very much . But the other side it doesn't give space to think or speak. Within this sir talked about Latin and Greek grammar method.  Then the rhetoric questions and oral methods are also included in that.

•• Audio-lingual method :- it is also called as Audio visual and Army method. In which the process happens with drill kind of feature.It is primarily oral method. Here mistakes can be corrected immediately. Identification structure and dramatical structure take place.

•• Suggestopedia method :- The concept of'threshold'.

•• Macaulay's Minute ( English Education Act 1835)

•• Character Act (1813)

•• Noon Chomsky ; was a linguist about universal grammar.

•• Mastery learning:-
- No other language should be allowed in class.
- focus was on correct answer and correct pronunciation
- positive reinforcement

•• Pattern practice

•• Communicative Language Teaching :-
-   Discourse :- Cohesion and coherence ( it makes teaching and learning interestit)
- mistakes can be corrected later
- focus on speaking ( even if your sentence doesn't have meaning)
-focus on Functions of English ( Make statement of fact)
- Students are given practice

•• Schema activation

•• IPA :- International phonetic Alphabet
- you can't learn language by learning rules,you learn language by using the language. IPA sets the rules of English language, here translation should be used only as support.

••• On the second day sir takes us to the novel and poetry with language and literature. Sir teach with practical excercise. Language has skill to develop criticism,not only for communication but the thought process.

•• Learning Autonomy :-
- Motivatycan be provided by certain kind of external facts . Teacher shod teach through text.Cognitive skills are basically simple, identifying.Can be used to indicate literary and language techniques like Rhetoric and Prosody .

• Here sir takes our practical session :- On the poem " This is just to say :- we are giving jumbled and not proper settled sentence and we have rearranged it and have to give answer of 3 questions.So, it was a group task , through this we learn some new vocabularies,to arrange the sentence of poem.One more good thing that rather than only listening if we apply or do it practical then it will be more remember. In the second task we have to fill in blanks, discover the rhyming words.which also quite good one.

•• What do we do to teach language through poetry?
- Pre task , While task and post task.
- Language has capacity to perform action.
••• Speech Acts :-
- Representative ( common part of speech; assertion, conclusion)
- Directive ( Request, ordering and questioning)
- Communissives (promising, offering)
- Expressive ( thanking, apologising, welcoming)
- Declaration ( problems by specific person)

•• Considering Learner's learning styles :-
• Visual
• Auditory
• Kinaesthetic
• Studial
• Analytic
• Dependent
• Independent

•••• On the third day sir talked mostly about Testing and Evaluation
- CEFL :- Central European frame of language
• There are three terms :- Testing( Specific particular objective)
                                         :- Evaluation(general term could not be about linguistic skill)
                                          :- Assessment (feedback)
1]  Proficiency test :-
2] Achievement test :-
3] Diagnostic tests :-
4] placement tests:-
5] Norm referenced testing:-
6] Criterion referenced testing:-

••• Key concepts in Testing :-
1] Validity :- can be two types ; content validity and criterion related Validity.
 2 ] Reliability :-  depends on two factors ; test can be used repeatedly or used for various levels of students.
3]  Backwash :- The effect that tests have on learning and teaching.
At the this day we listen two videos and then testing it with perameters.

••• Then in combined session of sem 2&4 Sir talk about research and future study of English language.First the talk past of English study. English taught in England in 1930. Language taught through English literature. Language can create power. Then Visual culture ; Digital Culture and Digital Humanities.
" we are not living in a global village,but in customized cottages , globally produced and locally distributed "
• Linguistic Exploration

••• Thus, we ended our three days session. We gain and learn alot . Certainly it was a fruitful session. We came tk more about English language and it's past.

Thank you .......

Friday, January 24, 2020

Web quest activity.........

•••  Web quest activity on Harry Potter:- 

Hello Everyone .............!

••• welcome to my blog.This blog is a part of my thinking activity given by our professor . This blog is upon Harry potter series.we supposed to write upon our ideas and views upon it. We can call it "Web quest " activity. To know more about this blog and activity Click here

What is Webquest??

•=• According to me, what is Webquest,here the learner or students search and get information from web ; online,some authentic resources,use to make some charts and tables. How the students use technology in particular Blog starting from images to interconnected links.

Harry Potter series :-

     Harry Potter series is one of my most favourite. I am always too excited for it. In my B.A. syllabus we  had studied only first part of this series. From then I became big fan of it. As it is full of fantasy,Magic ,mystries, wonderful Hogwarts school. It is not only considered for Children.But when we look in depth then it has self help Culture,Moral and philosophical ideas.It can good for tiny tots,Young and also for adults. From each part we get such kind of Moral and themes. So, following are the points on which I presented my views. I have also given links of their. Plz click bottom to look it.

••• Here are the trailers of all movie parts (mix). See and enjoy...

••• 1] Feministic reading of Harmione's character and other women in Harry Potter:- To open this blog Click here

••• 2] Discourse on Purity of blood :- To look this blog Click here

••• 3] Discourse of Power and politics in Harry Potter:- To open this work Click here

••• 4] Self - help culture in Harry Potter:- To see this page Click here

••• 5] Children's literature in Harry Potter's series. To look this interesting blog Click here

••• So, these are the points upon which I tried to reflect my views.  I hope you enjoyed my work. Now, below are the links of three charts which we prepared due to this task.

••• To see Mini reviews Click here

••• To See Webquest activity   Click here

•••  To see Rubric evaluation  Click here

••• Thank you........

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...