
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Assignment paper no: 09 The modernist literature ( Comparative study of the character Vladimir and Estragon).

Name :- Divya d. Vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Batch :- 2018-20
Sem :- 03
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190044
Email Id :-
Paper no :- 09
Topic :- Comparative character study of Vladimir &Estragon
Submitted to :- Department of English.

Hello,Everyone welcome to Assignment which was a part of my Academic work.

So,Here I am going to write about the Character Vladimir and Estragon from "Waiting for Godot " play .

• " Waiting for Godot" is a absurb play written by Samuel Beckett in 1949.

✓ About Samuel Beckett :-

Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish novelist, playwright, short story writer, theatre director, poet, and literary translator. A resident of Paris for most of his adult life, he wrote in both English and French.Beckett was awarded through the Noble prize in 1969 for Literature and died in 1989 in Paris.

• Most Famous Beckett's subsequent plays :-
1] Endgame
2] Krapp's Last
3] Happy days .

Now,let's talk about the play .Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting they engage in a variety of discussions and encounter three other characters.It was a Beckett's first play originally written in French 1948.It begin in very tiny theatre.
• Major characters of the play :-
• Estragon
• Vladimir
• Pozzo
• Lucky
 •  A little boy (Messenger )
• Godot ( never appeares in play )
The play decided into two acts.It was a story about two person who are waiting for Godot.Eventually they don't know who is GODOT ? They don't know the reason why they are waiting and what are they doing.Even they don't know if Godot comes then what good happens and if still now godot hasn't come then what is going wrong with them. They have only one work that waiting for Godot but they don't know when the Godot is comes ? They get a message from a messenger (a little boy).Time is going on and on they have to wait from morning to the night .For the timepass they are doing many different and interested activities.They use tool like belt,hat and shoes with different kind of perspective.
Here,I want to connect the Situation of Vladimir and Estragon with The Myth of Sysphus because he is getting punishment from the god for his some sin or bad work. He supposed to take one huge marble stone on the mountain through the down to top .He has doing it everyday and God makes put it down every morning and still he has doing it all  day.Then we have a question that why he is doing for all time .why he is not rebeling or going against God. Why he can't raise his voice that why he should do it everyday.why can't rid our of it.well,maybe he likes this work,He likes to do repetation of work.He is getting it as enjoy.Same we can see that Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot .Then why they are waiting? Is it necessary? Why they can't stop it .So, maybe they likes this work of waiting.
• " Waiting for Godot " in many ways simply extends those uncertainties ; Why are we here ? Are we alone in an uncaring universe,or not ? what are we to do while we are here? How can we know? And ultimately,what does it matter?Here we find the reference of Hamlet.Hamlet,similarly , questions the kind of universe .we live in whether there is an afterlife with rewards and punishments,whether justice can be found in this world or the next,and whether we can ever know with certainty the truth of our situations and then act with moral responsibility,and if we think we do.
Here I would like to refer Albert Camus ; He identifies three characteristics of the absurb life :-
1). Revolt :- ( we must not accept any answer of reconciliation in our struggle)
2). Freedom :- ( we are absolutely free to think and behave as we choose)
3). Passion :- ( we must pursue a life of rich and diverse experiences)
• Albert Camus gives four examples of the absurb life:-
1. The seducer :- who pursues the passions of the moment
2. The actor :- Who compresses the passions of hundres of lives into a stage career
3. The conquer,or revel :- whose political struggle focuses his energies ;
4. Artist :- Who creates entire world's
Further more, I would like to talk about the Vladimir :-
 • He was a major character of the play.He has a complimentary personalities .He was a practical man and very intelligent.He was always remember that they are waiting for Godot.He thinks about all things as practical.He is persistent.He is hopeful for Godot.He is doing conversation with a boy who was a messenger from Godot.He was a kind of protector.He was more intelligent than Estragon.They both are talking as they have alot of knowledge about world and their questions were of  high level.He don't like to listen or stand for Estragon's dream or his talk.He was stinking breath . He had a very good mind and memory.He remembers past events,he was a good memory . He was always remind the events of past and he can't forgot that what was their purpose of doing things. Due to his, memory he can't sleep and eat.As he was connected with memory,sort of anxiety, anguish and restlessness.Here we can take two examples of the movies like ; Memento and Ghajini.Memento talk about memory.Vladimir  was upset by the stories.when the the boy comes ; a messenger of god at that time Vladimir talks with him or he curious to know about the god . He asked the god how was god ? Fair or black? He asks about behaviour of God and also asked to a little boy that "Have you seen god ".when Estragon sitting on a low mound,is trying to take off his boot.He pulls at with both hands.when Estragon was disappointed at that time Vladimir give hopes to him and said we haven't done real hardwork.why we can't do. We can ,we have to practice more and more .But at last both have same condition."Nothing to be done " here we can see the beauty of beauty of the simplicity of the language. He use to sing Lullaby for the Estragon.

2] Estragon :-
Estragon tells Vladimir about the coloured maps of the Holy Land and that he planned to honeymoon by the Dead Sea; it is his short-term memory that is poorest and points to the fact that he may, in fact, be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Al Alvarez writes: "But perhaps Estragon's forgetfulness is the cement binding their relationship together. He continually forgets, Vladimir continually reminds him; between them they pass the time.They have been together for fifty years but when asked–by Pozzo–they do not reveal their actual ages. Vladimir's life is not without its discomforts too but he is the more resilient of the pair. "Vladimir's pain is primarily mental anguish, which would thus account for his voluntary exchange of his hat for Lucky's, thus signifying Vladimir's symbolic desire for another person's thoughts." These characterizations, for some, represented the act of thinking or mental state (Vladimir) and physical things or the body (Estragon). This is visually depicted in Vladimir's continuous attention to his hat and Estragon, his boots. While the two characters are temperamentally opposite, with their differing responses to a situation, they are both essential as demonstrated in the way Vladimir's metaphysical musings were balanced by Estragon's physical demands.Both have ulterior ego,with eachother,both want to seperate but next morning both met. He claims to be a poet and idealist. He is also volatile. He has kind of Dreams and he use to sleep anywhere, anytime,any moment. He likes to sleep whenever. He was stinking feet.He can also get hungry for several times.He tells Funny stories to Vladimir. He was skeptical.He always forget that for whom they are waiting,for what they are waiting? Why they are there ? When boy comes he was slept. He can't see or talk with a boy.He was a weaker ,so he was beaten.He create Ver funny scene when Pizzo and Lucky comes.He tries to understand the relation of master and slave and he was surprised looking at lucky's loyalty or his slavelibess through his master pozzo.Many times Estragon try to immitate of lucky and he going against pozzo and asked lucky that why are you doing this slavery. Why don't you get rid of it. Why you allow to pozzo to keep control on you.When they are talking about get out of your servant job , lucky don't get this or don't be ready to listen against his master . He likes to do this even he is carrying a whip through which Pozzo is beating him.still he tolerate this all things and torture.In act 2 When pozzo becomes blind at that time also he don't left Pozzo and his slavelibess is going on and on. He was fully devoted to his master as blindy.As a servant he is fully fill his duty or responsibility but it should not be as blind person.

Thank you...........

1 comment:

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

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