
Monday, September 2, 2019

Thinking activity on Existentialism.

Hello , Everyone ! Welcome to my blog.

This blog is a part of my thinking activity.

[1]  What is Existentialism?

 Here I like most the idea that triangle of Individuality , passions and freedom. Existentialism is mainly popular in young people because firstly it has it's own subjects.

[2]. The Myth of Sisyphus : The Absurb Reasoning :- 

 • I find major idea of Suicide.
• "An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art".
• people want divorce from life , it's full of absurdity.
• Death is mistress of is totally meaningless.

[3].  The notion of philosophical suicide : -

• In video there is one statement like ;If there is no human being than there is no any desire.
• Philosophical suicide
• A total absence of hope,a continual rejection, conscious dissatisfaction.
• Reason is absurd and there is nothing beyond reason.
• Absurd men know there is no place for hope.
• Absurb + Faith = Escapism

[4]. Dadaism ,Nihilism and Existentialism : - 
• Dadaism declared against war ,both have not connected with eachother.They have their Arbitrary values.
• We condemn old values to death

[ 5]  Existentialism a gloomy Philosophy: - 

• Here I find notion of Anxiety, despair ,absurdity .
• Life + Anxiety = ?
• Become who you are ?

[6 ].  Existentialism and Nihilism : Is it one and the same ? 

• Existentialism is not a philosophical movement it has more concerned with subjectivity while Nihilism has more concerned with Objectivity.

[ 7 ]. Existentialist again ! 

• It examine Sartre's famous statement" Existence precceds essence " .
• Existentialist is the key concern of philosophy.
• It described ' Human condition' 1. Why I am here ?    2. What does it mean to be human ?   3. How should I live my life ?
• In video it has rejection of all Encompassing systems.

[8 ] Explain like I'm Five : Existentialism and Nietzsche  :- 
This video's speech was very easy to understand.we get it easy.because they are taughting to little children.with simple example it explained it said we don't have to believe in our grand parents Rosemary.we can make our own Rose.There is no universal morality.Here Nietzsche has given idea of "Ubermensche" .which was good .

[ 9 ]  why I like Existentialism? Eric Dodson ? 
 • Existentialism is way of life. It's connected with our religion, rituals, routine life etc
• It has combining of mind and heart also, there is two side of everything.
• Existentialism makes an appeal to our mind ,it also makes appeal to our heart and soul .

[ 10 ]  From Essentialism to Existentialism? 

• Here I like idea of difference between Essentialism and Existentialism.
• Example of Knife I like.
• Here one question raised'  what give your life meaning ?' have we understand our life ? .

# Which video I like the most and why? 

I mostly like the last video among all . Because here we talk about our life,our meaning of Life,for what and for why ? From what we got good things or happiness. Any of the things which said in video can give meaning to our life .Plato and Aristotle said that '  Everything has Essence including us '.

Thank you......

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