
Friday, September 20, 2019

Sunday reading : August - Patriotism and religious fervour.

Hello ! Readers,

Welcome to my blog.

Here is a blogtask which was given by Dilipsir.we supposed to do that what we think about the month of August.

The month of SHRAVAN : -

•    The month of August (Shravan) is a full of festival,rituals, very strong feeling of patriotism.  It was also known as pious month. It was good month also because it has many holidays. In month of August there was a festival like ; Rakshabandhan, Independence day,Gaurivrat ( molakat,fulkanjali,Divaso,Kevdatrij ),janmastami.In this vrat Girls are doing fast for getting good husband so,this was a rigid and normal beliefs of people.But nowadays we are realised that there was nothing like that ,the husband which  we will getting is not dependent upon we have taken any vrat or not ? There was a thing to do fast in Shravan, people use to do fast for Bholanath, God shiva. But it was not it. Ancient Saint said to do this because to give rest or break our stomach.Because during this time there was a lot illness, pollution, change in atmosphere,due to this all reason we have to control on our food. To stay hungry is also a good benefit for our Saint joined it with a religion. If you say to people to do fast for health they are not going to do ,but if you say for God Shiva then all are doing happily. In a way they are not thinking about their own life or health but only to keep happy God shiva.  Some are doing fast for whole month ,whether their health is good or bad.People  are crazy for this full of month.A lot rushes at shiv temple in the early morning as well as full day. Ladies who are doing SATSANG for 3-4 hours the entire month.But why all are remembering shiv only in Shravan.

Shitla satam :- 

  • Shitla satam was a vital festival which people are celebrating.This day normally all ladies goes to temple of Shitlama. They have to eat cold or steal food of yesterday.They can't eat fresh and hot food.There was a belief that if we start Gas stove or Chula on that day then shitla mata will be angry or will burn in it. Ancient time,there was a diseases named shitla which was very dangerous.To cure from shitla was very difficult at that time .Then Vaccination of Shitla was found by Edward Jenner.It was not found after it.still people worshiping of Shitlama as they are frightening from Shitlama. people are celebrating this day with cold food. In some case ,if we are eating cold food,then it was not good for our health,still people are not understand.

15th August. :-

  •  This was a national festival of India.This was a day of Independence,so all are going to talk about Bharat Mata. This month is also known as patriotism, people want to show their love towards country, whether in reality they have done something or not. At that time many issues are open like History war, freedom fighters contribution,economical or political situation of country in contemporary time as well in past.

   •  So, if we really want to do fast,want to worship of shiva ,to do something for country then why we need a special kind of Month.why this all only in Shravan.What we can't do this all things in normal , regular days of any month.Recent time there was not name of Shitla disease still people are not recall Edward Jenner ,they worshiping for shitla devi.Our mentality was tightly tied with religion or it's rituals and beliefs.

Religion V/S Science : -

   •  India was a country which was full of many Religion,many caste, various types of culture,multiple languages, different life style of each and every person.Yet this all people are somehow related or connected with religion.If u want to tell some serious or good decision for country,then if u using medium of science then it becomes toughest for u to convince public.If u are using religion as a medium then it was a easiest way to convince people with your idea or concept. Nowadays,even in 21st century, science is growing on its highest step ,still who have their own rigid mentality towards religion,they can't accept science or it's innovation quick.we can see through the technology almost many problems are solving,the vaccination of many danger disease is found by scientists,Not  many people are dying because of illness,and they get also good quality treatment with technology. Slowly young generation is going towards or understanding Necessity of technology in today's era.Among them also some are not accepting this fact.In modern time this century becomes a digital then we also have to change in our life .we have to update ourself with the time and, why the humanbeing is not accepting science father than religion,why they are not broad mentality towards science.


Thank you...........


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