
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Movie review of The Great Dictator by Charlie chaplin

Hello, readers welcome to my blog, here I am going to share my views and ideas on The movie "The Great dictator" by charlie chaplin.

The Great Dictator, American comedy film, released in 1940, that Charlie Chaplin both acted in and directed. Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, film maker and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. Satirizing Adolf Hitler and Nazism and condemning anti-Semitism, it was Chaplin’s most successful film at the box office.The Great Dictator was Chaplin’s first feature film with full sound. When the movie was released in 1940, the United States was still not officially at war with Nazi Germany. The movie was a political satire comedy drama. It was commercially success movie. The movie also deal with 1st world war. Here we can refer Hitler with charlie chaplin because Both born in same week just only 4 days of gap between them. We can see some similarity in them.

In the movie the protagonist played double roll, one as a police officer ; he took part in World  war -1 and then he goes in amnesia and second as a jewish barber. In the movie we can see the Yahudi -The High class people ; who had a power and can control lower class people and second the Jews - Middle or lower class people, they don't have power they have to stay in afraid of Yahudi people. We can see in movie there was a one area like Ghetto where Jewsish people are living. So, we can saw  conflict between them, casticism. when Yahudi 's police officer  came they use to close their shop and hide themselves if they do something wrong. In movie there was a one scene that yahudi officer came there and they wrote Jews on barber's shop and the barber  removed it. There we find a little quarreling scene between them. In that scene  we find rebelious nature of barber against yahudi.

Role of women :-

In movie we find very strong and courageous character of a girl named Hannah. She played vital role. She has rebel against yahudi. She also encounter for one or two time to yahudi officer. She praised of jewish barber that you gone against them and you should go. You have  done good job . She encourages other jewish people to that we should have to do rebel. She use to save barber when he was in trouble. When a situation comes of crisis, they have to hide themselves, and they all are discussed that who become leader it mean who is going to give sacrifice at that time Hannah has a trick and encouraged all that it's not about only one's fight we all have to do it together . After that all convinced. So, for me it was a great thing to convince men for rebel. She dreamed about living  happily with barber and movie also end with hope which was a indication of good future or life.

We can see that there are progress of technology and machines. In movie there are some comedy scenes also but in comedy or in minor scene that they use to understand more. I want to talk one more scene of movie which was; when a barber have to give speech in replace of officer it was by misunderstanding. So, when companion of barber told him that you have to gave speech, you must, and he was in confusion that what I am going to spoke he doesn't have any idea, he looked at public but when he gave speech it became marvelous and superb speech and also courageous or proper. So, movie ends with happiness.

So, This are my point of view about movie which I observed.

Thank you......... 

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