
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Movie review of " The Scarlett Letter "

The Scarlet Letter:

                    A Romance is a work of historical fiction by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850.Set in Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne who conceives a daughter through an affair and then struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. The book explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt.The Scarlet Letter was one of the first mass-produced books in America. It was popular when first published and is considered a classic work today.  It inspired numerous film, television, and stage adaptations. Critics have described it as a masterworand novelist D. H. Lawrence called it a "perfect work of the American imagination".

It was written in 1850. It was a masterpiece of Hawthorne. The novel goes around the protagonist character HESTER. She has played a vital role throughout the movie. On 16th we watched this movie at department of English.

About Novel : -

 The novel was about a strong and courageous women named Hester who has to tolerate alot as she has done any big sin.  We can find puritan age as a background of the movie. While Movie was little bit different from novel but concept wise it was very near. Here Hester have to Suffer from 3 'A' letter - A : Adultary
                                         A - Able
                                        A - Angel.

# Some central idea about Novel : -
• Salem with trial
• Education
 • Patriarchy
 •Multiple ideas are there
  •Love & sacrifice
   •Revenge, guilt and redemption

In movie pearl is narrating the novel whether in novel it was annonyms. Some scens are also different from novel.

Role of puritan age : -

 As I said above we find puritan age in background. So we find some rituals of that age which were very strict, there time we find democracy of priest, they are the judge maybe t there are no other kind of justification. According to that age women's hairstyle, they covered their face, clothes, they looked like a NUN. One more rituals of Drum butting which was blew to shame of Hester for her sin. At there time a baby without marriage it was like a huge sin, so this kind of women were not accepted by society and also leave without husband was not a good sign.

Role of  Nature :-

Here Hawthorne described Nature very well. In the very first meeting of Hester prynne and Dimmesdale ; she was in cart and she was in trouble and Dimmesdale helped her and remove cart wheel from dig of dirt. It also in forest. So the author wants to indiacate something through it about forest. Ome more thing is that Hester is living near water yet she is alone she is living along Nature and within Nature.

Role of Woman : -

In movie or novel we find very strongest character of Hester. When her husband left him in America alone she use to leave alone. After she build an affair with a men named Arthur Dimmesdale . They both loved each other. With it she got pregnant and when society known about this she has to be sent in prison. At end of the movie she never spoke the name of her lover as she promised to Dimmesdale. When she came out of prison with a baby girl in her hand named pearl, She has to stand on scaffold and to give Answer of society. As per strict rules of that time Hester becomes quite different from other women. If we gone to talk about Education then we can't find any women is studying, it shows patriarchy and only Hester among all women has a own library and she is reading books. She never back from her responsibility she gave born to pearl and grown him in good way. One more thing is that in movie she is doing horse riding which was a good thing for women that time.
In movie society also played a  role. All people raised a question on hester, her relationship and daughter pearl. They use to told with some bad name of Hester. When hester goes  in market she was insulted by the people and also blown drum to told about Hester and public awared about it. Till the end people use to ask hester that who was your lover? But hester never spoke name of Dimmesdale. Yet hester hasn't fear of society she has done whatever she wants.

Male figure in movie  : -

There are two major character of male which were - Roger chilling worth ; Hester's husband and second was Arthur Dimmesdale ; hester's lover. When roger comes back he wants to discover hester's lover and want to kill him. Both are played selfish role. Dimmesdale loved hester and father of pearl though he never confess it, in end he confessed it. In movie we find cruel character of Roger chillingworth .Roger torcherd Dimmesdale when he comes to know about reality of Dimmesdale.

So, at the end Hester and Dimmesdale make a plane to go away from the society and people and next day he confessed that he was the lover of hester and father of pearl. At the end Dimmesdale died, chilling worth dies ; after some times of chilling worth's  hester also died. End of the movie was also differ from novel.
I hope u will enjoy to read my review of movie screening.

Thank you........ 

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