
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Movie review of " The Scarlett Letter "

The Scarlet Letter:

                    A Romance is a work of historical fiction by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850.Set in Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne who conceives a daughter through an affair and then struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. The book explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt.The Scarlet Letter was one of the first mass-produced books in America. It was popular when first published and is considered a classic work today.  It inspired numerous film, television, and stage adaptations. Critics have described it as a masterworand novelist D. H. Lawrence called it a "perfect work of the American imagination".

It was written in 1850. It was a masterpiece of Hawthorne. The novel goes around the protagonist character HESTER. She has played a vital role throughout the movie. On 16th we watched this movie at department of English.

About Novel : -

 The novel was about a strong and courageous women named Hester who has to tolerate alot as she has done any big sin.  We can find puritan age as a background of the movie. While Movie was little bit different from novel but concept wise it was very near. Here Hester have to Suffer from 3 'A' letter - A : Adultary
                                         A - Able
                                        A - Angel.

# Some central idea about Novel : -
• Salem with trial
• Education
 • Patriarchy
 •Multiple ideas are there
  •Love & sacrifice
   •Revenge, guilt and redemption

In movie pearl is narrating the novel whether in novel it was annonyms. Some scens are also different from novel.

Role of puritan age : -

 As I said above we find puritan age in background. So we find some rituals of that age which were very strict, there time we find democracy of priest, they are the judge maybe t there are no other kind of justification. According to that age women's hairstyle, they covered their face, clothes, they looked like a NUN. One more rituals of Drum butting which was blew to shame of Hester for her sin. At there time a baby without marriage it was like a huge sin, so this kind of women were not accepted by society and also leave without husband was not a good sign.

Role of  Nature :-

Here Hawthorne described Nature very well. In the very first meeting of Hester prynne and Dimmesdale ; she was in cart and she was in trouble and Dimmesdale helped her and remove cart wheel from dig of dirt. It also in forest. So the author wants to indiacate something through it about forest. Ome more thing is that Hester is living near water yet she is alone she is living along Nature and within Nature.

Role of Woman : -

In movie or novel we find very strongest character of Hester. When her husband left him in America alone she use to leave alone. After she build an affair with a men named Arthur Dimmesdale . They both loved each other. With it she got pregnant and when society known about this she has to be sent in prison. At end of the movie she never spoke the name of her lover as she promised to Dimmesdale. When she came out of prison with a baby girl in her hand named pearl, She has to stand on scaffold and to give Answer of society. As per strict rules of that time Hester becomes quite different from other women. If we gone to talk about Education then we can't find any women is studying, it shows patriarchy and only Hester among all women has a own library and she is reading books. She never back from her responsibility she gave born to pearl and grown him in good way. One more thing is that in movie she is doing horse riding which was a good thing for women that time.
In movie society also played a  role. All people raised a question on hester, her relationship and daughter pearl. They use to told with some bad name of Hester. When hester goes  in market she was insulted by the people and also blown drum to told about Hester and public awared about it. Till the end people use to ask hester that who was your lover? But hester never spoke name of Dimmesdale. Yet hester hasn't fear of society she has done whatever she wants.

Male figure in movie  : -

There are two major character of male which were - Roger chilling worth ; Hester's husband and second was Arthur Dimmesdale ; hester's lover. When roger comes back he wants to discover hester's lover and want to kill him. Both are played selfish role. Dimmesdale loved hester and father of pearl though he never confess it, in end he confessed it. In movie we find cruel character of Roger chillingworth .Roger torcherd Dimmesdale when he comes to know about reality of Dimmesdale.

So, at the end Hester and Dimmesdale make a plane to go away from the society and people and next day he confessed that he was the lover of hester and father of pearl. At the end Dimmesdale died, chilling worth dies ; after some times of chilling worth's  hester also died. End of the movie was also differ from novel.
I hope u will enjoy to read my review of movie screening.

Thank you........ 

Thinking activity on Register and sub -Register. (ELT -1)

Hello, Reader welcome to my blog ;  Here I  am going to write about Register and Sub -Register, a task which was given by vaidehima'am.

Register and Sub -Register things : -

# what is Register? 

- an official list or record of names or items.

# What is Sub -Register? 

- Sub-register means the record of Uncertificated Securities administered and maintained by a Participant, which forms part of the Securities Register in terms of the Act;.

After the Defination of both let's go for some example of it for better understanding.

  #Cloth -       Traditional .
                         Fancy(jeans  T-shirt, Top)


# Dance :-       HipHop
                          Free style
                          Belly dance
                          Break dance
                          Bharat natyam

# Sweet dishes : - kaju katri

# Education : -   Arts
                           Diploma (Engineering)
                           IT (information Technology)

I hope u all will enjoy from this blog.

Thank you.......... 

Thinking activity on " The waste Land " poem.

' The waste Land ' by T.S.Eliot :-

   The waste Land is a poem by T.S. Eliot, widely regarded as one of the most alternating narrations, in which vignettes of several characters address those themes experientially. It was published in 1922. It was very complicated poem to read. Eliot has take many references, characters,  languages, scenes and images. Eliot has done use of enjambment.

Poem's structure divided into five sections :-
1. The Burial of the Dead
2. A game of chess
3. The fire sermon
4. Death by water
5. What the Thunder said.

All parts are disjointed. In poem we can see the effect of World war -1, Globalization and Industialization. When poem published, there times critics don't like this poem. But I.A. Richard praises this poem. A very good things about this poem is that we can't understand when one matter was complete and another starts and when it go from one character to other and literature called it ' Enjambment '.

1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Ans :- yes, I agree that Eliot can compared to Nietzche 's views, and Eliot has a historical sense and he try to deal with universal problem of the world with religious way. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy.Nietzche was a scholar and good in various kind of fields and he gives solutions of the problem.

     2.  Prior to the speech, Gustaf Hellström of the Swedish Academy made these remarks:

T.S. Eliot and S. Freud
What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural trad. ition'?

Ans :- According to me, maybe it is true that t giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life. Because all human beings have their own desire and happiness. It is natural that they fullfil their desire and wish. They can't suppressed from their desire. And I am not agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural traition '. Because the spiritual and traditional people like saint they also fulfill their desire on hidden way, and it is a Eliot's point of view we can interpret it. Cultural tradition not control the human disaster or humanbeing.

3) Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)
Ans :- Here I found some Indian thought in ' The Waste Land';   in  part no ; 3 The fire sermon  its title which Eliot has taken it from Buddha's. It connected with Buddha. And then Then spoke the thunder
Datta means to give: not only charity but giving oneself for some novel cause
Dayadhvam means sympathise – empathise yourself with the sorrows and suffering of others

Damyata means Self Control, control over one’s
passions and desires

Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih

So eliot has taken reference from many languages and from many writer and culture. So it is a mixture of all this thing. Here eliot try to connected this all things and also try to deal with universal idea of world.

Thank you....... 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Review on Vinod joshi sir's Interview on " Sairandhri ".

Hello, everyone here I am going to talk about most famous Gujarati poet Vinod joshi and his interview.
Vinod Joshi is a postmodern Gujarati poet, writer and critic from Gujarat, India. His notable works include Parantu, a collection of Geets, Shikhandi, a long narrative poem based on Shikhandi, a character from the Mahabharata. He is the recipient of the Jayant Pathak Puraskar (1985), Critic's award (1986), Kavishwar Dalpatram Award (2013), Sahitya Gaurav Puraskar (2015), Narsinh Mehta Award (2018), and Kalapi Award (2018).

Vinod joshi wrote one prabandh kavya " sairandhri". The event and poem basically takes place on India but as it is written in Austrilia It reflects the character of Draupadi. The poem recalls the memory of MAHABHARATA. Specially a VIRAT PARV ; when pandva and Draupadi live in king virat's palace. They live in " Agyat vas ". They hide their identity. In Hastinapur Draupadi was a queen but here in palace she leaves as a Maidservant of King virat's wife. In Hastinapur she gets help of shri Krishna and bheema and many more but here she can't find anyone's help. Here vinod joshi's Sairandhri was quite differ from mahabharat. Vinod joshi applied his imagination in poem. He writes that sairandhri like to karna in first sight when her # swaymvar # is happening. Her first like karna. Arjun was the second for her. karn was her first choice and Arjun was second choice. Karna was also hide his identity as he was the son of Kuntama. So, both are hiding their identity. so here vinod joshi draw his imagination world. so,  in poem we can saw the question of identity. Five pandvas, Draupadi and karna hide themselves.

So, here Vinod sir present love story of Sairandhri and karna which was quite different from MAHABHARATA. From this poem we also for a while try to think on this type of condition, imagination. So it was a good poem which shows another perspective of the Mabharat's scene.

Thank you...... 

Movie review of The Great Dictator by Charlie chaplin

Hello, readers welcome to my blog, here I am going to share my views and ideas on The movie "The Great dictator" by charlie chaplin.

The Great Dictator, American comedy film, released in 1940, that Charlie Chaplin both acted in and directed. Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, film maker and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. Satirizing Adolf Hitler and Nazism and condemning anti-Semitism, it was Chaplin’s most successful film at the box office.The Great Dictator was Chaplin’s first feature film with full sound. When the movie was released in 1940, the United States was still not officially at war with Nazi Germany. The movie was a political satire comedy drama. It was commercially success movie. The movie also deal with 1st world war. Here we can refer Hitler with charlie chaplin because Both born in same week just only 4 days of gap between them. We can see some similarity in them.

In the movie the protagonist played double roll, one as a police officer ; he took part in World  war -1 and then he goes in amnesia and second as a jewish barber. In the movie we can see the Yahudi -The High class people ; who had a power and can control lower class people and second the Jews - Middle or lower class people, they don't have power they have to stay in afraid of Yahudi people. We can see in movie there was a one area like Ghetto where Jewsish people are living. So, we can saw  conflict between them, casticism. when Yahudi 's police officer  came they use to close their shop and hide themselves if they do something wrong. In movie there was a one scene that yahudi officer came there and they wrote Jews on barber's shop and the barber  removed it. There we find a little quarreling scene between them. In that scene  we find rebelious nature of barber against yahudi.

Role of women :-

In movie we find very strong and courageous character of a girl named Hannah. She played vital role. She has rebel against yahudi. She also encounter for one or two time to yahudi officer. She praised of jewish barber that you gone against them and you should go. You have  done good job . She encourages other jewish people to that we should have to do rebel. She use to save barber when he was in trouble. When a situation comes of crisis, they have to hide themselves, and they all are discussed that who become leader it mean who is going to give sacrifice at that time Hannah has a trick and encouraged all that it's not about only one's fight we all have to do it together . After that all convinced. So, for me it was a great thing to convince men for rebel. She dreamed about living  happily with barber and movie also end with hope which was a indication of good future or life.

We can see that there are progress of technology and machines. In movie there are some comedy scenes also but in comedy or in minor scene that they use to understand more. I want to talk one more scene of movie which was; when a barber have to give speech in replace of officer it was by misunderstanding. So, when companion of barber told him that you have to gave speech, you must, and he was in confusion that what I am going to spoke he doesn't have any idea, he looked at public but when he gave speech it became marvelous and superb speech and also courageous or proper. So, movie ends with happiness.

So, This are my point of view about movie which I observed.

Thank you......... 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Movie review of Modern time by Charlie chaplin.

Movie screening of Modern times by Charlie chaplin. (25th June ,2019)

 we have watched the movie
Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor, film maker and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He also called as #polymath # he can do many work at one time. Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed the music for most of his films.  We can find chaplin's image or acting in Indian actor Raj Kapoor. Raj kapoor was the first Indian actor to imitate Charlie Chaplin.

             It started with Bollywood icon Raj Kapoor and travelled through many actors. Raj Kapoor's grandson Ranbir Kapoor is the latest actor to bring alive Chaplin on the Indian screen. So, the movie open with an good frame of clock which says many things to us. The movie's tone is comic. It's a full comedy movie but it tells tragic story. Though the film is silent it uses less language it tells us about that time,people, condition. With the entertaining and minor symbols we understand much. The movie shows zeitgeist of chaplin's days. In the movie we can see that the unemployment and hunger were at the center. 

                 In the movie we find most of the people are unemployed. Here chaplin shows America's condition in modern time it was a time in America that most of People are facing unemployment. For the job they are doing STRIKES and RIOTS. It was the time of depression. Unemployment is the thing which in contemporary time also take place. charlie is writing on America which is already a good and rich country still his insight goes on this type of problems.

            The film shows ANTI - CAPITALIST. We can also see in movie industrialization and Mechanical life of the humanbeing. There time people are doing all thing for to fill their stomach. Even in the movie thief  are coming for food. Normally the women are doing knitting and this kind of work but in movie we find in prison one male person is doing knitting. Chaplin and the girl were dreamt of HOME, fresh fruit, milk, food. Even on dream they think about food. They Encounter many problems. But at the end chaplin get steadily job. The movie shows three types of symbols which are CLOCK, SHEEP, PEOPLE. The movie ends with the DAWN which shows a good sign of hope and  progress,  long road with mountains.


So, it was a very interesting movie for me to watch.I would like to say Thank you so much to  Barad sir for organizing this type of movie screening.

Thank you...... 

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...