
Friday, April 5, 2019

Assignment of paper no 5 The Romantic literature

Name : Divya d. Vaghela
Sem :02
Batch 2018-20
Roll no :07
Enrollment no : 2069108420190044
Email ID :
Paper no :05
Subject :  The Romantic Literature.
Topic :Characteristics of the  Romantic age and Wordsworth as a Romantic poet.
Submitted to : MKBU Department  of English.
Words : 2050

• Romanticism :

Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century. Various dates are given for the Romantic period but here the publishing of William Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads in 1798 is taken as the beginning, and the crowning of Queen Victoria in 1837 as its end.Romanticism arrived later in other parts of the English-speaking world, such as America.

The Romantic period was one of major social change in England, because of the depopulation of the countryside and the rapid development of overcrowded industrial cities, that took place in the period roughly between 1798 and 1832. The movement of so many people in England was the result of two forces: the Agricultural Revolution, that involved the enclosure of the land, drove workers off the land, and the Industrial Revolution which provided them employment, "in the factories and mills, operated by machines driven by steam-power". Indeed, Romanticism may be seen in part as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution, though it was also a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment, as well as a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature. The French Revolution was an especially important influence on the political thinking of many at this time.

  While Dryden, Pope, and Johnson were successively the of English letters and while under their leadership, the heroic couplet became the fashion for poetry and literature in general became satiric or critical in spirit and formal in expression, a New Romantic movement quietly made it’s appearance. Thomson’s  ‘The Seasons’ (1730) was the first noteworthy poem of the romantic revival and the poems and the poets increased steadily in number and importance till in the age of Wordsworth and Scott. The spirit of romanticism dominated our literature more completely than classicism had ever done. This Romantic movement which Victor Hugo calls “ Liferalism in Literature ”  is simply the Expression of life as seen by imagination rather by prosail ‘common sense’ in the 18th century.

The Age of Romanticism is known as the second creative period of English Literature. This Age produced many great poets like William Wordsworth, S.T.Colerdige, Lord Byron, P.B.Shelley, John Keats, and many more.

The characteristic of Romantic Age :

● Reaction against Neo - Classicism :

 Romantic Poetry is different from Neo Classical Poetry. In Neo classical Poetry is based on the reason and intellectual while Romantic Poetry. Which begins in 18th century. It was reaction against set standard of poetry of classical age. According to William. J.Long :

 " The Romantic movement was marked and it is always marked by a strong reaction and Protestant against the bondage of rule and custom which in science and theology as well as literature generally tend to fetter the free human spirit."

So Romantic Poetry is come after the Romantic movement and this movement become the way of new poetry which is free from classical Poetry and it's rules and regulations later on it called as " Romantic Poetry ".
● Imagination :
 Imagination is main and important element of Romantic Poetry. In  Classical Age there is important of Reason but in Romantic Poetry there is important of imagination. Classical writers believed in Reason but Romantics poets believe in imagination. Imagination is the main  one of the main element of Romantic Poetry.

● Back from set rules :

Poetry of the Romantic is different and contrast with the Neo Classical Poetry. Neo Classical Poetry was based on the 18th century rules and regulations. There were well prepared line of composition poetry. So the Romantic Poetry breaks all the rules and regulations of Neo Classical Poetry. They set New rules that the poetry should free style without following rules and regulations. So Romantic Poetry believe in free style of expressing emotions without using or follow any rules and regulations.
● Nature :
  In classical Age Poetry concerned with the clubs and coffee houses , social political life of London. So it was poetry about town life. In the Romantic Period Nature is main element of poetry. Because of Romantic Revival happened so the interst of poets was transformed from town to ruler life and from artifical decoration of rooms to the Natural beauty and loveliness of the Nature. So nature is most important element of this age. Wordsworth was a great example of Nature poet. His works were based on the physical and spiritual beauty of Nature. It shows the beauty and charm the people who could not see the beauty in wildflower, Green fields.
● Common Life :
 Romantic poets were interested into talking about the lives of the common people like Shepherd and gay butterflies of fashion. They interested into the simple life of people and it is marked as  poetry of Romantic Age. A feeling of humanitarism coloured the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge and Shelley. So the Romantic Poetry was marked as a intense of human sympathy and understanding of human heart and human behaviours.
● Love of liberty and Freedom :

Romantic Poet love library and Freedom. In the classical age the poet not get freedom in expression of their emotions. But the Romantics poets believe in Freedom and liberty. This thing also expressed through their poetry. Poetry is based on the Liberty and Freedom of individual. Romantic Poet believe in the individual freedom of expression and emotions into their poetry. So the Literary and Freedom plays vital role into publishing and writing many poems in this age.

● Predominance of Imagination and Emotions :

  In the classical Poetry based on the Intellect and Reason. It is marked as a chief characteristics of classical Poetry but in Romantic Poetry reason is dominated by emotions , passion and imagination. So the Romantic Poets give more importance to imagination rather then reason and intellectual. So the imagination and Emotion is considered as a important characteristics of Romantic Poetry.
● Super Naturalism :

Supernaturalism is the main and important characteristics of Romantic Poetry. There are many poetry which is based on the Supernatural elements. Supernaturalism gives the special atmosphere to the poetry and it added extra charm , mystery and wonder. Poets like Wordsworth, Coleridge and Scott gave the sense  of wondering and Mystery into poetry.

● Endless Variety :

In the Romantic Poetry there endless form of variety. There are many types of variety sees in the Romantic Poetry. This age of poetry is full of varieties in the characters and moods of different writers.

● Simplicity in Style :

The style of the Romantic Poetry is simple. Romantic Poets believe in the simplicity in their style. They followed the simplicity in their works. They not followed the artifical mode of the expression of classical Poetry. They have express thoughts in natural Diction and spontaneity way.

The poets of Romanticism :

1)     William Wordsworth ( 1770-1850)
2)    Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772 – 1834 )
3)    Robert Southey  ( 1774 – 1843 )
4)    Walter Scott ( 1771-1832 )
5)    George Gordon, Lord Byron ( 1788 – 1824 )
6)    Percy Bysshe Shelley ( 1792 – 1822 )
7)    John Keats ( 1795  - 1821 )

About  Wordsworth & Coleridge

Life of Wordsworth
Wordsworth was born in 1770 at Cokermouth, Cumberland. His mother died when he was eight years old and his father died some six year later and the orphan was taken in charge by relatives, who sent him to school at Huskshed in the beautiful lake region.

Here, apparently the unroofed school of nature attracted him more than the discipline of the Classics and he learned more eagerly from flowers and hills and stars than from his books.
Three thing in this poem must impress even the casual reader 

Ø First, Wordsworth loves to be alone and is never lonely with nature.

Ø Second, like every other child who spends much time alone in the woods & fields he feels the presence of some living spirit.

Ø Third, his impression are exactly like our own and delightfully familiar.
When he tells of the long summer day spent in swimming, basking in the sun and questing over the hills or the winter night when on his skates, he chased the reflection of a star in the black lie, or his exploring the lack in a boat and getting suddenly frightened when the world grew big and strange in all this he is simply recalling a multitude of our own vague, happy memories of childhood no man can read such readers without finding his boyhood again.

          The second period of Wordsworth’s life begins with his university course at Cambridge in 1787. All his life he was poor, and lived in an atmosphere of “plain living and high thinking”. Wordsworth was hailed by critics as the first living poet ,and one of the greatest that England had over produce. He died Tranquilly in 1850, at Grasmere. Poetry was his life, his soul was in all his works and only by reading what he was written can we understand the man.

Outwardly his long and uneventful life divides naturally into four periods;

1)    His childhood and youth in the Cumberland Hills from 1770-1787.

2)    A period of uncertainty of storm and streets, including his university life at Cambridge his travels abroad and his revolutionary experience from 1787-1797.

3)    A short but significant periods of finding himself and his work, from 1797 to 1799.

4)    A long period or retirement in the northern lake region where he was born and where for a full half century he lived so close to nature that her influence is reflected in all his poetry.

The poetry of Wordsworth

             William Wordsworth is the greatest poet of nature that our literature has produced. We find four characteristics of Wordsworth’s poetry. In his Exquisite ode, which he calls “Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of early childhood (1807)”. Wordsworth sums up his philosophy of childhood.
“ Tintern Abbey ”,  “ The Rainbow ”, “ Ode to Duty ”, “ Intimations of Immortality” is very well known poem by Wordsworth the early poets o the revival began the good work of showing the “ romantic interest of common life” Wordsworth continued it in “Michael”, “The Excursion”. To this natural philosophy of man Wordsworth adds a mastic element, the result of his own belief that in every natural object there is a reflection of the living god.

Yet he excels especially in the face of nature in the expression of reflective and analytic mood which is both personal and general. The following lyric illustrates this mood to perfection :
                   “ My heart leaps up when I behold
                             A rainbow in the sky :
                       So was it when my life began;
                       So is it now I am a man ;
                       So be it when I shall grow old,
                             Or let me die
                       The Child is father of the man;
                       And I could wish my days to be
                       Bound each to each by natural piety.”
Nature is everywhere transfused and illumined by spirit, man also is a reflection of the devine spirit. The Home at Grasmere which is the first book of “ The Reause” was not published till 1888 long after poet’s death. “ The Excursion” is the second book of The Reause and the third was never completed.
   He tries to see more deeply and to find the secret springs of this joy and thanksgivings. He Says ;
                   “ To me the meanest flower that blows can give
                      Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.”
The best Known of his work appeared in the “ Lyrical Ballad (1798)” and in the sonnets, Odes and Lyrical of the next ten years ; though “ The Duddon Sonnet (1820)”, “ To a Syklark (1825)”, and “ yarrow Revisited (1831)” shows that he retained till past sixty much of his youth enthusiasm.
 No other poet ever found such abundant beauty in the common world “He had not only sight, but insight”.     
          Thus, he was one of the great poet of romanticism.

Thank you.......................

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