
Friday, December 27, 2019

Reflective blog on Cultural studies by Dr. Kalyani Vallath

Hello , Everybody very warmly welcome to my blog!!!!!

Here I am  writing about my such one wonderful and memorable experience of lecture by DR. Kalyani madam. So, here I am reflecting my learning which I learn from her lecture.Mam has special came to take Cultural studies and also talked about Net and SET exams.

• I remembered in last year we have also listened mam but it online not live. That time we also enjoyed.  This time luckily she come to Department for enhancing our knowledge. The topic with which she dealt, we had already studied it two times and we know about it. As cultural study was an umbrella term  and including all kind of theory, it is a large context or subject. But now after attending Mam's class I would sure that I came to more know about cultural studies.

• she touched upon topics like ;

What is cultural studies?
• The Beginning of cultural studies
• About Pioneers
• Circuit of culture
• Major influences
• Cultural Intermediaries
• Popular culture studies
• Subculture studies
• public sphere
• Posthumanism
• Trauma Studies
• Queer studies

# What I meant by cultural studies???!
• If I talk about Cultural studies then in simple words we can say it studies about us human beings who are living on earth. It is interdisciplinary study, relates to the larger society,it has political dynamics of Mass media and everyday cultural practices. In a way it relate with a lay man to high class man . It deal with every person's life, way of living, culture, business. It talks that how culture transforms individual experiences,social realities and power relations,social theory, Philosophy, History, Linguistic and Media.In simple language it talks about everybody's life,their culture, what ,why and where they living,what they are wearing,their food,their rights. It doesn't discuss on any particular class of people.It doesn't mean that only elite or high class of people only have their culture but every single man has culture. If anywhere we goes and met there new people and their culture and we happily accepted or it touches our heart then it is Cultural studies. It gives space to us to not only stuck or remain with our culture but it give space to us.

# How would you explain lay man about Cultural studies????

 • If we have to explain lay man about Cultural studies then it is easy that there is culture or tradition where they are living, with which they are leaving.Mam has explained it well that she says our India is a great that it has different kind of culture in over all india. She gave one example of Aasam that in case maybe their have lot of slavery, poverty, in a case they don't have anything to eat and they cut and eat animals with their blood,then we can say that they are bad or we are good because they are doing it by their situation.

# Examples which we get cathchy from lecture:-

• So, first at all I want to say that she has taken many examples from our routine life ,from a middle class family. She is taking very much relevant and real or silly examples which we can easily understood.Here I like two examples of her own life one at Singapore and second at Aasam , both place she has to sacrifice for food.As we know that Cultural studie is also developing of updating with today's time. On more thing that whatever matter she is telling is directly connect with cultural studies. She don't talk only about high classes's culture but also middle class stream which which she is dealing.She has taken example of water bottle from which she is gone to drink but suddenly she look bottle as example and well discuss about political act . We learnt that how cultural studies connect with our Perspective, Tradition, society,our own experience and etc.

So, as the way mam has taught is superb. What an superb personality she is. She knows where to stop,where to repeat,where to give hard voice or sharp tone and with many  interesting marvellous expression she touch directly our heart. She has a talent to keep grab student's attention or to teach them even a boring some topics. She don't talk about only particular city, County but she talks about all our world.So,At end I surely can say that I enjoyed this full-day session and also gain alot of knowledge about cultural studies.


Thank you!!!!......

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Language Lab review

Hello , readers welcome to my academic page or blog.

•  I supposed to first go through Language Lab software in computer in lab of department as well as we have to  go through the Language lab software in NAMO E TAB which is provided by government of Gujarat. In all tablet there has a language lab and many more other useful, here I am defining my ideas about both. This task is given by Dilip sir. Here is link of his blog.Click here

•  So first let's talk about Language Lab software in computer:- 

• So, according to me in this 21st century to work computer rather than Mobile is a little bit hard. The second thing was that the computer takes more time to open or work,it was a kind of boring thing to wait for it.  We also need remember some such kind of password or username for open this software.Moreover it works slowly,sometimes it gets hanged type so we have to work with too patience .In additional it introduces three kinds of level and also have 5-6 subcategory part in each one.So, in every part has it's own many lessons in it ,so in short we can say that it is very long ,lenghty subject to study. Somehow we dealt it with in group of 7. Whichever part we open first we get introduction page ,then some basic information then lesson to read for exercise and then it takes excercise. However it is good that it giving three options like VERIFY, SHOW ANSWER and RETRY.So, with the help of it ,if we are wrong then we can easily set our answer second time or we can see answers.

Some points about this software:-

• It is time consuming or we can say boring

• We have to do it only on lab or we can only sit on chair for  long time

• We have to work with patience

• we can't take it anywhere or do in our comfortable zone

• yet it's fundamental skill is good as it provides speace to us also that we can record our voice then compare and analyse it with software which I don't find in mobile. I think it is advantage of it's.

• The grammar excercise and language is easy to learn.

• We have to keep our attention to it.

• We find many new words from it.

• At the end I would like to conclude that as Every coin has it's two sides good or bas as the same this software has also but still I say that it provides a lot of information or knowledge about how it works in ancient time or which kind of problems people have to face earlier.It also teach us that  as we are going with smart and brilliant technology whether we can handle this kind of tipical traditional idea or software. But one thing which I found that as we enters in it we feel more interested with it, we like to do more and more it. So , really I am satisfied and happy after learning it.

Now, furthermore let's talk about Namo e tab and it's Language Lab software.

• so,  first I was surprised after knowing that Namo e tab has providing this kind of facilities for us. I think many less students who uses this tablet don't know about this. I came to know about it after installing it. In comparing of computer it is easy to open , we don't need to remember anykind of password and it doesn't take more time. It is providing knowledge for Arts,commerce , science,others as well. In contemporary time if u asked anyone that which tool you prefer or choose for learning then everyone choose the mobile. In my words it is a biggest and best advantage that it providing in mobile so ,it is handy. We don't need to do in Language Lab. Moreover it improving our  LSRW as well as other many skills .

Some good and bad points about mobile's language lab:- 

It don't take much time .

• It works well , we don't bored by it

• We can access it anywhere, anytime . 

• It is handy so, we can work with it anytime, anywhere, we can do it with our comfortable mode. We don't need to stick on chair or to hold mouse of computer. 

• It covers more course or knowledge or we can say major presented skills rather than computer.

• It is giving us first preparation or previewing task, then summary or video with Transcript ; that if we are not interested in looking or listen then we can read it and at last there are 2-3 task to do.

 • It has disadvantage that in speaking skills, it don't give space to us , we supposed to only listen , we can't record then compare or analyse like the computer software is giving.

 • It doesn't necessary that we have to do it only at our study time because this mobile software we can use it at our home also, as it is not time consuming or working easily.

 • It maybe happens that if in mobile we are doing then notification of social media never let us to do whole course and we can't concentrate on this particular thing.
So, hereby I discuss some good points about both  Language Lab as per my views. I enjoyed in both learning and also gain good quality of knowledge which will be useful for my further future life. 

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thinking activity on One Night @The Call Center.


 Readers welcome to my blog!!
This blog is a part of thinking activity which is given by Prof. Dilip Barad.Here is link of his blog . Click here

 • Chetan Bhagat:- 

 • Chetan Bhagat is a indian and most favourite writer among youngest generation. His works is so populated by everyone. With reading his books or novel  we feel as he writes for us, or he understands our problems,or he is giving some such kind of our problems. As he is the student of Marketing and Management he very well known how to do Marketing or selling of books.He has a special talent or strength to observe, understand and then to write upon it.Within very short time he became well known writer and create a unique space in literature. Normally it happens that writer has so many time to observe his time's crisis or condition but Bhagat has a special talent to observe and then immediately act or write on it.
So, Now let's talk about some themes which are applying in his most famous novel ON@TCC.

1]  Effect of Globalization:-

 • So,if we talk about Globalisation process then it is related to the whole world, whole world is connected with this such kind of process. Basically it connects the world. This particular process is very well reffered or connected with One night@the call centre. In novel the main six characters who working in Call centre. They have to work throithe night. They have to deal with foreigners, supposed to help with their simple kind of and minor problems. In novel there was one scene is about 10= 35; it means they have to behave with their as they are only 10 years,as we are talking with children.Yet they are not giving us respect or whatever they ask , this guys have to answer. Sometimes they ask some silly questions till we have to give answer.This is how they connecting the world and work as human resources. Here mainly it discuss mostly on America and India. Actually it is very well criticize by Varun ,he represents as a Anti -Americanist. It also force us to think on this kind of questions. As the Globalisation has touch or cross his limit in current time. So, The concept of Globalization is softly and beautifully described in the novel.They have to work under one Boss (Bakshi) and have to use sugarcoated language.

2] Narrative Structure of the Novel  and it's comparison with Life of Pie :- 

• Chetan Bhagat's Narrative style and structure is a little bit different. As in ON@TCC one lady is telling a story to Chetan Bhagat. First she tell and then ask Chetan to write second book without giving her name. So, in the novel it specify as UNRELIABLE NARRATIVE. Same as In "LIFE OF PIE" protagonist is telling full story to Writer. Then Chetan choose Shyam to narrate whole story.Both books includes Talk on God , But in Life of Pie ,here the director or writer thinks deeply and connect the God's call with some real logic. While in Bhagat's novel we can't find this kind of deeper depth.

3] Theme of Nationalism in the Novel :-

•  In novel, the Theme of Nationalism is also applying ,as I early mentioned about Americans that 10= 35. We have to treat as they are only ten. So, the character potrayed as a Anti Americanist.All are working in call center. They none of like this job . All are doing this job by so and so reason. In a way they are not living happy life because they evene can't sleep proper. And they are not making profit for India but from here they are making more powerful to America. Manier time on call it maybe happens that the customera of America they believe that India is a poor country or they also behave rudely with Call centre's people. Here varun rebels against them and at the end we can find one scene of "BUG" where this six characters of novel are use to scare to
Americans.One more thing is that when God's call comes then Varun ask the same question that why have you put America on Top or on Higher place; why the India is not like it ?? There we find a very good answer from God that America is not the happiest country or not super.  He gives reason that America is involved in many fights with many country they don't have any kind of peace.Compare to it our India is far better good. So, we can conclude that with very smartness Chetan Bhagat has presented the theme of Nationalism.

Thank you so much for reading my blog!!!!!!!🤗🙂

Friday, December 13, 2019

Thinking activity on Lead writing and Feature Writing.

Hello, My dear all friends!!! Very warmly welcome to my blog. So, this blog was a part of my Academic task on ELT -2. So, in this we supposed to work on Journalism (unit :- 2, paper no :-16).So, here I am going to talk about journalism as per my understanding and my, Here first at all let's see about Lead writing and Feature Writing.

#What is Lead writing????

• A lead is the first paragraph or several paragraphs of a story, be it a blog entry or a long article. Its mission is to catch readers' attention and draw them in. Getting them truly involved is the duty of the rest of the story; getting them to that point is the job of the lead.In journalism, the beginning sentences of a news story are everything. Called leads or “ledes,” they must convey essential information, set the tone and entice people to continue reading. If you’re interested in becoming an expert journalist, understanding how to write a lead is a key skill for your toolbox.
, if I am talk about my view then in the 21th century we all like to this kind of short information quickly and instant. Nobody are free or ready to read thoroughly full article or news. Even when we are going to read book if we read Abstract then we can come to know about the concept of the particular book.So, with this we can come to know about the subject or concept of the thing.

•  In addition,that recently we had studied the "One night@the call center"written by Chetan Bhagat,very unique and well known writer. In his book I found his St of writing was a quite a different from other writers. So, in this book I find Prologue which he writes in beginning of his book and at the end he put Apilogue. I thought Prologue is a kind of thing which catches our interest in book and we are going to read full book.It includes many other things also but here I described as per my understanding.

• so,  now let's talk in briefly about Feature Writing.

#What is Feature Writing???
• so , it was a another way of writing which includes some other characteristics regarding Feature. Basically it needs a lot of research.

It's key function is to humanize,to add colour,to educate,to entertain and to illuminate. It will often be longer in size than a traditional news story. A feature writing is typically longer than a standard news story. It's written in a different style
typically with more detail and background based on more extensive research than would be required to simply report about news.

• Thank you so much for reading my blog !!!!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Thinking activity on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Hello ,Readers warmly welcome to all in my blog .so, this was a task given by  Dilipsir on a very famous Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie . Here we supposed to listen her 3 videos,her speech and we have to apply in our syllabus and suppose to write our view on her life as well as upon literature.

About  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:-

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (born 15 September 1977)is a Nigerian writer whose works range from novels to short stories to nonfiction.She was described in The Times Literary  Supplement as "the most prominent" of a "procession of critically acclaimed young anglophone authors [who] is succeeding in attracting a new generation of readers to African literature"

Now, let's talk about her videos :-

1) Talk on importance of Story / Literature:-

• In this particular video the speaker shows the importance of literature very well. Firstly she describes her childhood and from where she comes. Through the video we can find out that she was a very early reader as well as writer. She was very much attracted towards writing and literature. She belongs to middle class Nigerian Family. She has a black skin here she reffered chocolaty color of her body. Actually I can feel that what is the life and conditions of having black skin. In Africa there haven't any kind of race issue. In beginning she portrayed her childhood that how she grown up. Having a black skin ,we have to tolerate of superior people; it becoming a universal problem of this particular scenario.As a female writer with black skin to opens up her own self was a very good things. With this point I want to say that if there is this kind of Author and they are going to write upon it and it creates history or literature of that kind of grous or people.If there are this kind of writer only then we can read it anytime, anywhere and we can come to know about her struggles ; next generation should also have aware about it.As she says that she doesn't believe that kind of her people have space in literature she can't believe. I studied the "BLACK SKIN, WHITE MASK" by Frantz Fanon which also deal with mainly racism  where we can see how White or superior people ruled over Black or lowerclass people.As my point of view to having black skin and if we are writing anything then we have to face alot of difficulties and have to fight always for our rights.She also deal with Migration process and when she goes to America how she feel there and what problems she faced there? If I seriously say then I really like her ideas and views about this kind of people.

• In the second video she talks about some very interesting thing. She is referring here Feminism ,all called her as a faminine. Here the one most good thing was she directly touch upon our heart as she focuses on reality,she talks about the reality in which the womens are living,their issues, problems,which kind of place they are getting in our society or nation.She talks with feminine perspective but she said what was truth . As a feminist writer she is not only taking side of women. If I give a vary live example then even if in family there was a baby girl born then they distribute the "JALEBIES" and in case there was a boy then they will distribute the "PENDAS". There were many differences in growing or taking care of children.She refers her school's one incident where because of some reason she doesn't choose as Monitor. She said there were more population of Womens but in real they are not getting such kind of respect or some higher place in real life.In Business if the men and woman both have done same work still men paid more rather than women. So,we can't find similarities between them. Seriously Women do whatever but they can't take place of men ,this kind of old rigidity was also here.With very humorous way she speaks all what she want to against men's society.

•  In the last video she addresses the Students at Harward, Cambridge University. Where she gives some motivation and asked about writing. She says if our writing was not praising or recommended then also stuck with your ideas.If we are real and we have confidence on our writing then we should write and expose it to the world.So, at last I like to conclude that she was a very influential writer of Nigeria and she has a power in her speech to speak truth of whatever happens with her . As a black skin representator she presents herself very well.

Thank you.......

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thinking activity on Arundhati Roy :-

Hello , Everybody welcome to my blog!
This blog was about Indian Author Arundhati Roy, about her life and her two most famous novels.So, here we have to share and write our own views upon her .So, here I am going to share my ideas according to my understanding.

 •  Suzanna Arundhati Roy (24 November,1961) was an Indian Author, activits,worked also in movie .she was a very good writer of that time. She was such an one of best female writer. In her Novel she recalls her childhood and also writes on the contemporary time's political as well as Social or Economic condition of her aroundings.She well touch upon the idea like 'Caste system', political issues,"The concept of UNTOUCHEBALE".It was very hard to go against government or to write about politics and it was by women.She also writes upon some political leaders with sone kind of metaphors and she makes satire.she was writing for simple people and the reality of life .She also writes on the Marxism and communist party .He get Man Booker prize for fiction for the novel " The God of small things" in 1977.For this novel she get wordly fame.

Arundhati Roy's Two major famous work :-
1] . "The God of small things"
2]. " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness"

1]" The God of Small things".

•  The God of Small Things is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It is a story about the childhood experiences of fraternal twins whose lives are destroyed by the "Love Laws" that lay down "who should be loved, and how. And how much." The book explores how the small things affect people's behavior and their lives. It won the Booker Prize in 1997.The story set in Ayemenem town in Kerala.The story revolves around the Rahel and Estha - twins of Ammu. Ammu marries with man after she realize that he was alcoholic and give divorce to him . Then she gives birth to this twins and get back to live at Ayemenem.Ammu's brother Chacko who comes from England after divorce with the Margaret.Here I am not going talk much about summary. Here I find that Ammu belongs to wealthy and rich family and Arundhati Roy here discuss about class and caste system. There was a man maned velutha who was a Dalit and working in their pickle factory,be belongs to lower class ,but Ammu and his children falls in love with him which was a biggest sin of that time. Roy write about Indira Gandhi's Green revolution. After the 23 years twins met and reunited after seperating in childhood. These both twins have some extra attraction towards eachother.So, at the end we can say that as a woman writer she collects very fresh and  good issues of her life and time.

2] The Ministry of Utmost Happiness:- 

•   The Ministry of Utmost Happiness is the second novel by Indian writer Arundhati Roy, published in 2017, twenty years after her debut, The God of Small Things. It has been translated into 50 languages, including Urdu and Hindi.The novel weaves together stories of people navigating some of the darkest and most violent episodes of modern Indian history, from land reform that dispossessed poor farmers to the 2002 Godhra train burning and Kashmir insurgency. Roy's characters run the gamut of Indian society and include an intersex woman (hijra), a rebellious architect, and her landlord who is a supervisor in the intelligence service.The narrative spans across decades and locations, but primarily takes place in Delhi and Kashmir. Here ,she puts one Major issue of all around the world which was to be Hijra . Not belong to male or female.From very ancient time we are facing this kind of Hijra community who have to suffer alot and they don't have respect in society,they have to fight for their rights. This was a common issue which takes place in all world.She reffered here many politician with indirectly and with metaphors and she has done satire on politics. Secondly she focuses on some social and political issue of some States of India.

 •  Arundhati Roy's perspective towards life :- 
when I read the life of Arundhati I am shocked and impressed also. In her novel she recalls her childhood and to write upon all issues which happened with her in her childhood as well as at young age. She was very brave woman as she portrayed the real picture of country without any kind of fear of anyone.Her style of writing was very innovative and she directly put her point on which she want to speak.So, according to me she has a very broad and superb perspective to accept the situation and people and also to write upon it.

Thank you....😀🤗

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thinking activity on Education and Technology.

Hello, Everyone warmly welcome to my blog! This was an academic task which was given by Dilip sir in context of ELT :2. It was about Education and Technology in which we have to see below videos and share our views about that .

  • Video - 1: Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigm :- 

• In  the very first  video the speaker Sir Ken Robinson talks about"Changing Paradigm" in the context of Education and Technology.So,here we mainly talk about Education. So, speaker first says that give some students to some challenges and then see there are three kind of rewards for different kind of students. From that we reward most to top performer and we ignore the lower perfomer but have ever thought about the middle students who don't count in top or lower. What happens with them ?It happens in current scenario also that in whichever kind of competition of any kind of field we always remember winner or looser. So,it was a very bad condition for middlers . Then speaker talks about the job . In ancient there was easy to get job you just have to do your graduation and you able to get job but time has change now and now with graduation or post-graduation there is no guarantee for job. Further in job to paid more to employees you can get more work. So, I personally see at many places like ,in factory or mall where my some of relatives are working so,if they do overtime on job they get extra salary for it. Then he said that there are 3 factors which are leading to better performance & personal satisfaction:- 1) Autonomy.  2) Mastery  3) Purpose .so, Autonomy is our desire to be self- directed ; I think self directed is better than anything. We know what we do then for what are waiting? Was someone told us that do this or that only then we do is not a good idea.In mastery there was a kind of Management so it was a great if you want complience. But if you want engagement which is what we want in the our life.Here he gave example from Atlassian and Australian companies so there they can do whatever they want and with any way but at at the end the Honour of the company will see the results of the work done by employees. So, this is how they works.Infact some people are doing work not for only money but they are doing for they peace or delight and pleasure.

  • Video 2:Sugata Mitra: School in the cloud- SOLE :- 

• In the second video by Sugata Mitra in which he deal with the School in the Cloud :- SOLE - Self Organised Learning Environment.The first I like this video and it's ideas that he talks about Future of Learning. So, first the speaker says about the 19th centuries's people that how we done our study in school and in present time students are getting more facilities with technology. He told that in Victorian time they have done with bureaucratic administrative machine. In 21st century all children having Mobile phones in their home so, they are habituated with the very tiny age. Then we have to think about that what kind of job they will be does.I mostly like his idea of SOLE where he does such kind of experiments with the different kind of students at many country. Hole in the wall with computers and within such short time students can get its browse whether it was in English language.Even they don't know English they never give up they are trying. If I am giving live example of our English department then we also have a kind of all facilities or technology and we also have teachers who teach us. So, we don't have to bother but we have a wish to learn new kind of thing with day to day life. I think we are very lucky to have a such a great teachers and technology. I wish and hope that I also come in to help of some students who don't get this kind of Facilities.If we gave mobile and net to students then they can give better answer than teacher. Moreover he says that,we have to think about learning; which was the product of educational Self-organization,if you allow the educational process to self organised then learning emerges it's not about making learning happen it's about letting it happen.
SOLE :- broadband+ collaboration+encouragement and admiration.In addition he says that the teacher has to only raise the questions and then can admire of students. At the end of the video he shares his wish which was very good and helpful for human being.

  • Video 3: Sugata Mitra: Future of Learning :- 

• In 3rd video the speaker was also Sugata Mitra who here also throw some glimpse on technology. Here students in primary have to listen the instructions by teachers like ; Seat quietly, don't make noise,keep mum,pay attention,listen me and try to remember, improve your handwriting. But now it happens that science is discovering a machine which can replace by teachers. We can saw in this video that without the help of any teacher students can get easily with some period of time. The speaker secondly deal with the invented of paper and says it is difficult to get good teachers in remote places and group of children can learn to use the internet on their own. Students can aslo learn about science, biology,chemestry, about DNA . Another thing was a concept of granny he said. At last he said that children can search accurately by themselves what if they land themselves in trouble. Pupils should be taught to recognise that the past is represented and interpreted in different ways and to give reasons for this.

  • Video 4:Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education :-

• Now in 4th video the speaker Salman Khan  talks with the topic like :- Let's use video to reinvent education. Here as he was a young man and he knows today's needs and facilities. So he gives importance of Video which could be related to any field. We can see video in many languages of any text,book,novel, play if we don't understand it by reading. So, videos plays vital role which clears our background for our issues. With the help of videos of Khan academy teacher are happy because there was a app named Khan academy in which we can see videos annd easily learn it. So, teachers are using it for flipping learning. Students have to only see videos at home with any depression or tension then the homework kind of exercise will be teach by teachers.Flipped learning was a very good learning phase where students can get alot information and knowledge related to syllabus as well as, in Khan academy there are many categories from which we can learn and they provided the exercise for our practice and at last they give us badges or kind of certificates.So, in a way it helps us alot and we keep it continues with this kind of App.

    Video 5: Marc Prensky: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants  :- 

 • In the5th video was by Marc Prensky :- in which he talk about Digital Natives,Digital Immigrants. So here this above two words are using for Two generation. One is Digital Natives means the people who born in the era of digital or technology. As they parents must have mobile or they surely Television at home. So ,they grown up with the technology. In recent time if we don't know anything or we want to learn then it was so easy to learn from Google. Within some minutes we can learn all. If I gave my example of my school days then we don't have any options,if we don't pay attention at school with teacher's lecturer then we can repeat it or ask teacher. So, then we miss it. But now in 21st century there was nothing like this : they can many times from Google . So it becomes easy for today's students. But now the Digital Immigrants who don't born with the Technology. We don't have even smart phone to our parents.  Now at young age we came to know about it and  we have to learn,we have to first learn and then we can use it. 

    Video 6: David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on Engish: - 

 • :-  In the 6th video the speaker was :- David Crystal who talks about the "The Effect of New Technologies on English". So, he starts with that when new technologies comes along it influences, as we are belong to the 21st century that we can feel and see the effect of technology on every kind of social platforms. Technology has major influence on English language. If we talk about the 20th century's people then they don't have particular facilities like Mobile Phone or internet and technology. They believe telephone as a disaster thing and also they also believe that internet has a very bad effect on people's mind. As it is showing good as well as bad things,it has no boundary or limitation. They are not well occupied with 4G kind of internet.He talks about many social media like YouTube , Twitter,who arrives in recent times.So, I personally feel as I am using this many kind of platform in my daily life; it has it's own features.These apps like you tube, Facebook, Twitter are using more nowadays; it is helping us to know about the world or people's current activities. If I am giving my example then I am posting post on Facebook on whatever new happend at my academic or non academic life ; then it improve my language as well as my ability to think critically and my writing skills are growing.As we know that the coin has two sides; same as every matter has it's two sides. Here I mean to say that everybody are saying that internet and social media are not good for students but I am not agree with it, it totally dependent upon us that we are going to use it. If we want to learn good things then there was nobody to stop us.

    Video 7: David Crystal: The Biggest Challange for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet:

    Video 8: David Crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English Language :- 

Both video's views are merge below:- 

 • Here the speaker David crystal try to touch upon the idea ; The Biggest Challenge for English Language Teachers in the times of internet.So, I am very excited to listen this video, because in future I am also going to be teacher.So, first I want to clarify the difference between our teachers through which we are studied and today's teachers . So, when I studied; for me my teacher was the full package of knowledge, I was believe that only teacher has knowledge only he can taught me. Accept teacher we can't even able to think, it has one most effecting reason was social media, technology. But today's generation's students getting major facility and they are more smart. If we example of Mobile,then if we give mobile to little children then they can easily get all functions and they can handle it rather than us.So , today's teachers have to be more alert and two step further than students. Our sir always mentioned that Every generation has far better or smarter than it's back generation. As here speaker mention that the most difficult job is to teach ,so I am agree with that.  I am thinking about my future,when I be the teacher then what should I do ? How I can be more smart or two step ahead then my student?In the last video the speaker as same as above video which talk on one interesting thing; Texting is "Good" for English Language. So, here David Crystal argue and give all appropriate answer of his against counter point with very well. So, I feel so amazing with this debate. Here we have to see is that the questions are also raising by all with a well manner. So the thing which we have to learn is we have to learn that how to ask or raised questions rather than believing in whatever giving us.Here he said that 80% texting are done by adults. Texting has starts late 90s. I think texting is the most integral part of technology and every kind of platform through we are passing.

Thank you.........

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Task on quality and Authenticity of web resources.

Hello! Everyone!! Warmly welcome to my blog. This blog is about our views or a kind of feedback we can say About"Workshop on quality Authenticity of web resources" Which was organised at our English department by Dr.Dilip Barad.

In 21st century in which we are living we can feel that internet or social media or also mobile was integral part of our life . We can't live without it. We can see that every common man has using Phone and technology with some innovative ideas and social media. But there are many websites on internet on which we can find what we want ? But........ Was it Authentic or relyable for us? Are we getting real information or truth? Can we trust on any kind of website?

Now thatwith a single click we can find information from Google , internet; Whenever we open first page we can find Wikipedia , with every page's information we find it first. So, Wikipedia gives us some baisc and with simple language, we can easily come to understand it. There are many other  websites also which provides us good knowledge. In recent time I am also using internet for academic purpose. Whichever text or novel which I can't understand in class then I can repeat it with internet and I can learn whatever I want and at whatever time. There are some website which gives us good quality and aslo quantatity,with we also have to check originality and Authenticity,etc. So, with the progress of internet we have to be alert that we will not be fool and we get real, we have to keep notice on some perameters which are;


• so, with the above perameters we can observe or evaluate the particular website which we are using in our routine, with technology in recent time it can possible that we can evaluate and can get website with authenticity. One app URKUND which we are using for us quality chaleck of our Assignment. Whether we have written our Assignment with himself or doing cut copy paste from direct, URKUND shows how many percentage we have copied from internet and how many percentage we have written by ourself.Same Turnitin was a company which shows plagiarism and it can realise our real self that are we able to do anything. Moreover there are jstore,Grade saver,poetry foundation,cliffnotes,etc. There are some evaluation about how to evaluate particular site with which we are dealing.we can also improve our language writing and Reading as it gives us information with,Now everybody have to do it.

So, it was a very fruitful and useful session for us . We learn alot new things from, warmly Thank you to Dr. Dilip Bard for organising this such a wonderful workshop for betterment of students as well as stufdents....

Thank you.......

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thinking activity on"A Grain of wheat".

Hello! Everyone warmly welcome to my blog.

This was a academic task which was given by Heena ma'am . It was about the African literature and  "A Grain of Wheat " it is a Novel written by Ngugi Wa Thiongo in 1987.Here I am going to write About "Robinson Cruso" Novel by Daniel Defoe.So here I am writing in context of Colonizer and Colonial aspect.

Moreover, let's first talk about Robinson Cruso Novel by Daniel Defoe. So, here we can directly see the Master-Slave relationship between Friday and Crusoe. There Crusoe belong to the Christian community and he was a white man who like to rule over Black or Backward people. But here first Crusoe saves Friday and kept him with his as a slave or as a servant. Crusoe use to taught him language and at first he gives a Christian name FRIDAY to his servant without asking him so it clarifies the superior power of master on slave. Yet Crusoe gives him all facilities, language,all basic need to live life,etc still Crusoe will put Friday as lower than him. Crusoe told him as her man but it never be so. So, we can say Friday as a colonizer and a slave and Crusoe as a Colonial powerful man .In Sem-3 of M.A we studied the Black skin ,White Mask by Frantz Fanon,which focuses on the Racism, Black and white people. After studying that book we can come to know about how black people have to suffer from very Ancient time to till current scenario. How they were ruled by White people.

In addition that,"A Grain of wheat" By Ngugi Wa Thiongo was also writes upon this kind of problems. He was himself African and Black people. So,he writes as a black people what he has to tolerate and we can also find Colonizer and Colonial man perspective. Here he writes about Kenya , how Britain rule over Kenya,it's condition. How Africa has to suffer at that time by White people? I want to say that even in 21st century,too developed or progressive world with technology and so many other aspects,still there were some people who want to rule over Black people which not going to be happened in this time yet it take place everywhere.So, to sum up we can say that we can think Robinson Cruso with A Grain of wheat by the context of Colonizer aspects.

Thank you🙂🤗

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Thinking activity on Mass Media and communication.

Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog! This is my first Academic task of sem 4. It was given by Vaidehi ma'am. It was about our paper no. 15 - Mass Media and communication.So, here I am going to talk about  contemporary time's mass media and communication.

So, if we talk about this then it was a huge platform to connect and contact with many people and to communicate it was very useful and helpful. Nowadays social media plays a vital role for mass media. In social media there was a subcategory platform like; Whats app Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,Google,Hello app,G-Mail,you-tube. Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine also known as  a important part of Mass media.We are living in the 21st century; so we are using tools for using social media like; Mobile, Laptop,etc. But In current time people have a craze of Mobile Phone rather than any other tools.With very softly and easily we can use mobile anytime, anything, anywhere and we can know about whatever happing in the state, country as well as in the world. Social media was a fastest way to sent information to the people and we can get response immediately. Google was the app where we can learn  anything, anytime and  we can repeat it whichever time we want. According to me I think that we are so luckiest that we get a chance to use this kind of superb technology and media. Nowadays everything becomes online. As we know we can order food,cloth, whichever item we want we can buy through online. We can reserved the tickets of train,bus and also room of hotel. So,we can say that online app becomes today's market. It gives profit in business,we can do work at seating home with online and it also provides good facilities for Education also. So,I think internet gives a full package of our more thing with mass media people are getting married with app. ,🤗😘.

Now,I would like to talk about some tools which I am using in my daily life. So, i am using Whats app,facebook, Instagram, Google,You-tube. So, let's talk about them in detail.

1] Whats App:-

 It was a app or platform which was a common for all, because evey person has it ,even a common who doesn't know technology or have a smartphone than he also has whats app.Generally I can connect with my friends,relatives, classmates. With this app we can share and get information fastest. Here we have a privacy system. So we can keep control with whom we want to talk and with whom not? If, I give example than ,At our department if we want to do some survey or information about all students then we can just have a message in group and within some minutes we get response and our work will be easy and burden less. As it is providing facilities like, Messages, Video calling, Voice calling, Record and send,GIF, Music, documents, videos, Audio clips,etc. So, it was a easiest app for anybody.In current scenario everybody have a habit to check their mobile and specially whats app before sleeping and at morning after waking up they first mobile and then does other things.

2] Facebook:- 

It was widely used app but still not through every common man who has a smartphone. I think it was a global platform where we can connect with any person. Here I find some Proffesor or educated person who posted some good information which was helping in our studies. We can come to know about daily current events. Specifically if I share my experience of using this app, I use to post about my some Events which was done by me or our department, so I find alot improvement in my writing skills and in my language. So with this our Reading and writing skills becomes good.There are many posts related to art and creativity with which we can learn new things of life.

3] You-tube :- 

So, as per my point of view,I think you-tube was used by each and every person. Some are using it for entertainment,some for Academic life,some for business,it was also used by children for cartoons. I find it helpful because I use to watch some videos of books,novels,plays. It teaches some lessons with easy language with our comfort zone. We can create our Own you-tube channel and can share our videos.

• Moreover,as we know that everything has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. So, social media also has some Disadvantages,as we have to face some difficulty like,some fake account,some viral videos and news,some wrong information,we can't full rely on it. So, at last I can say that social media and it's tool become an part of our life. Anyone can't live without it.😀

Thank you.............😊💐

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Paper no 11 Assignment Term :- Post colonialism and Post modernism.

Hello, Everyone welcome to my Assignment which is the part of my Academic work.

Name :- Divya d. Vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Sem :- 03
Batch :- 2018-20
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190044
Email Id :-
Paper no :- 11 Postcolonial literature
Words :- 1510
Topic :- Term - Postcolonialiasm
                        - Post modernism
So,here first I would like to talk about Post colonialism .

• What is Postcolonialiasm ??
Defination :- By definition, postcolonialism is a period of time after colonialism, and postcolonial literature is typically characterized by its opposition to the colonial. ... Many critics now propose that the term should be expanded to include the literatures of Canada, the United States, and Australia.
In many works of literature, specifically those coming out of Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, we meet characters who are struggling with their identities in the wake of colonization, or the establishment of colonies in another nation. For example, the British had a colonial presence in India from the 1700s until India gained its independence in 1947. As you can imagine, the people of India, as well as the characters in Indian novels, must deal with the economic, political, and emotional effects that the British brought and left behind. This is true for literature that comes out of any colonized nation. In many cases, the literature stemming from these events is both emotional and political.
Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands. Post colonialism is a critical theory analysis of the history, culture, literature, and discourse of European imperial power. The namepostcolonialism is modeled on postmodernism, with which it shares certain concepts and methods, and may be thought of as a reaction to or departure from colonialism in the same way postmodernism is a reaction to modernism. The ambiguous term colonialism may refer either to a system of government or to an ideology or world view underlying that system—in general postcolonialism represents an ideological response to colonialist thought, rather than simply describing a system that comes after colonialism. The term postcolonial studies may be preferred for this reason. Postcolonialism encompasses a wide variety of approaches, and theoreticians may not always agree on a common set of definitions. On a simple level, it may seek through anthropological study to build a better understanding of colonial life from the point of view of the colonized people, based on the assumption that the colonial rulers are unreliablenarrators.

Postcolonialism includes a vast array of writers and subjects. In fact, the very different geographical, historical, social, religious, and economic concerns of the different ex-colonies dictate a wide variety in the nature and subject of most postcolonial writing. Wisker has noted in her book that it is even simplistic to theorize that all postcolonial writing is resistance writing. In fact, many postcolonial writers themselves will argue that their countries are still very much colonial countries, both in terms of their values and behaviors, and that these issues are reflected in their work. In her essay on postcolonialism, Deepika Bahri agrees, noting that while the definition of postcolonialism may be fairly boundaried, the actual use of the term is very subjective, allowing for a yoking together of a very diverse range of experiences, cultures, and problems. This diversity of definitions exists,...

• What is post modernism??

•Postmodernism is a movement that focuses on the reality of the individual, denies statements that claim to be true for all people and is often expressed in a pared-down style in arts, literature and culture.

As per dictionary meaning,a late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.Postmodernism is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late 20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism, marking a departure from modernism. The term has been more generally applied to the historical era following modernity and the tendencies of this era.

• Postmodernism, also spelled post-modernism, in Western philosophy, a late 20th-century movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism; a general suspicion of reason; and an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and maintaining political and economic power.A general and wide-ranging term which is applied to literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, and cultural and literary criticism, among others. Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality. In essence, it stems from a recognition that reality is not simply mirrored in human understanding of it, but rather, is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality. For this reason, postmodernism is highly skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions, or races, and instead focuses on the relative truths of each person. In the postmodern understanding, interpretation is everything; reality only comes into being through our interpretations of what the world means to us individually. Postmodernism relies on concrete experience over abstract principles, knowing always that the outcome of one's own experience will necessarily be fallible and relative, rather than certain and universal.
These both teams are inextricably inter-woven considering their radicle platform where Literary writers,critics,theorists,followers,etc.put their chaallenges rather than to facing it. These terms do not find any solution but raise the questions and challenges in lieu of answering the questions. Literature during British rule on India, literature after independence of India and the literature written from four corners of the world protesting against oppressors' hands, especially in their writing are the gush in literature in general sense of the term . In the case of India, Pakistan,South Africa and other Third World countries after Second World War, whatever Literature written by these country writers was taken into consideration as a new literature by Ex- Colonies like Ireland ,Canada and Australia,too. To be very conspicuous in explaining about the literature was written by those who were at the centre means those who politically and economically powerful over powerless and now literature written by those who are on the periphery and powerless over the so - called powerful.
• Colonial and imperial rules were legitimatized by anthropological theories which increasingly portrayed the people of the colonized world as inferior, child-like,or feminine, incapable of looking after themselves and requiring the paternal rule of the west for their own best interests. About India,Britishers or sahibs came for their interests and benefits,so colonized the place.Colonies came into existence.Idea of Racism and colour - discrimination got the momentum. Class consciousness spread throughout the country.Cultural imperialism thirsted upon Colonized. Psychological programing of the laymen was common and as usual. Colonial power remains changed and challenged if the balance of power is slowly limited. The beginning of 19th century came with the concept of Ex- Imperialism of Western countries. Not only biological but also mental existence was incarcerated. It was colonial period that was the challenge of its next.

Post-  colonialism,after colonialism,came in the form of absolute protest to it. Inclusion and exclusion was minutely observed when post - Colonial Age established. Robert Young also expresses his idea in following remark,

         " If you are someone who does not identify yourself as
          western country,or someone who is part of culture
         and yet excluded by its dominant voice,inside yet outside,
         then Post-Colonialism offers you a way of seeing things
• These western countries like America, England,France ,Spain , Germany,etc.had ruled before 1950s but then Post-colonial Countries like Africa,India ,Iran ,etc. In general ,Middle Eastern countries have the turn to be unruled and confronted the imposed system of Imperialism. Country like Britain had special cultural and traditional prototypical thoughts of Africa and Hindustan. Now the colonial countries are in return as a reciprocal ,concentrating and observing teh westren countries and challenging their archetypal images of themselves. So the former British Empire is a particular focus. So whatever ruled and occupied by Britishers in new re- empowered and to be enjoyed as Swaraj.
• Such a Post colonial combat against colonial countries came into consideration to experience the  British Raj and its political domination. Such a post colonial literature also so known as new literature or commonwealth literature was once under the dependency of European literature. Therefore, what they showed in the literature and it  give rise to Anti colonial literature. If any reader mentions about those revolutionaries who objected the imperial power then can it be called Anti - Colonialists ? Marx was also  strongly against the inequality among the king and slave struggle then though he was 19th century revolutionary socialist and theorist, can hi called the anti colonialist of the 21th world of literature. For such challenging task, serious debate is needed. His ideology about the socialization and equal distribution of the income of the country among the three classes is a quite new backbone in the discussion of Anti colonialism. The postcolonial critics like Edward said, Homi Bhabha, Frantz Fanon, Gayatri Chakravorty spivak, V.S. Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Michel foucault, Derrida,etc. Have bestowed the best culmination in the field of the anti colonialism and literature. In the process of postcolonial observation and analysis the  particular words like'Dalit', 'inferior', 'lower', 'second class', 'third world', 'peripheral', 'aarna going to be redefined reconstructed with its new form namely 'subaltern'. It is now belonging to the the specific intention or period of time but going from the process of generalisation from where it was particularised. And now the idea of postcolonialism came into to being that does not belong to the peculiar age but the  universal movement. If the person goes in, becomes a post colonialist. In general sense of the term if someone is given injustice and he raises his voice against the existing evil like phenomenon he is post colonialist that is what Robert Young has in his account, whether they are feminists, Dalitists , Subaltern's voice , Marxists or Fanonists.

Thank you.........

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...