
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Language Lab review

Hello , readers welcome to my academic page or blog.

•  I supposed to first go through Language Lab software in computer in lab of department as well as we have to  go through the Language lab software in NAMO E TAB which is provided by government of Gujarat. In all tablet there has a language lab and many more other useful, here I am defining my ideas about both. This task is given by Dilip sir. Here is link of his blog.Click here

•  So first let's talk about Language Lab software in computer:- 

• So, according to me in this 21st century to work computer rather than Mobile is a little bit hard. The second thing was that the computer takes more time to open or work,it was a kind of boring thing to wait for it.  We also need remember some such kind of password or username for open this software.Moreover it works slowly,sometimes it gets hanged type so we have to work with too patience .In additional it introduces three kinds of level and also have 5-6 subcategory part in each one.So, in every part has it's own many lessons in it ,so in short we can say that it is very long ,lenghty subject to study. Somehow we dealt it with in group of 7. Whichever part we open first we get introduction page ,then some basic information then lesson to read for exercise and then it takes excercise. However it is good that it giving three options like VERIFY, SHOW ANSWER and RETRY.So, with the help of it ,if we are wrong then we can easily set our answer second time or we can see answers.

Some points about this software:-

• It is time consuming or we can say boring

• We have to do it only on lab or we can only sit on chair for  long time

• We have to work with patience

• we can't take it anywhere or do in our comfortable zone

• yet it's fundamental skill is good as it provides speace to us also that we can record our voice then compare and analyse it with software which I don't find in mobile. I think it is advantage of it's.

• The grammar excercise and language is easy to learn.

• We have to keep our attention to it.

• We find many new words from it.

• At the end I would like to conclude that as Every coin has it's two sides good or bas as the same this software has also but still I say that it provides a lot of information or knowledge about how it works in ancient time or which kind of problems people have to face earlier.It also teach us that  as we are going with smart and brilliant technology whether we can handle this kind of tipical traditional idea or software. But one thing which I found that as we enters in it we feel more interested with it, we like to do more and more it. So , really I am satisfied and happy after learning it.

Now, furthermore let's talk about Namo e tab and it's Language Lab software.

• so,  first I was surprised after knowing that Namo e tab has providing this kind of facilities for us. I think many less students who uses this tablet don't know about this. I came to know about it after installing it. In comparing of computer it is easy to open , we don't need to remember anykind of password and it doesn't take more time. It is providing knowledge for Arts,commerce , science,others as well. In contemporary time if u asked anyone that which tool you prefer or choose for learning then everyone choose the mobile. In my words it is a biggest and best advantage that it providing in mobile so ,it is handy. We don't need to do in Language Lab. Moreover it improving our  LSRW as well as other many skills .

Some good and bad points about mobile's language lab:- 

It don't take much time .

• It works well , we don't bored by it

• We can access it anywhere, anytime . 

• It is handy so, we can work with it anytime, anywhere, we can do it with our comfortable mode. We don't need to stick on chair or to hold mouse of computer. 

• It covers more course or knowledge or we can say major presented skills rather than computer.

• It is giving us first preparation or previewing task, then summary or video with Transcript ; that if we are not interested in looking or listen then we can read it and at last there are 2-3 task to do.

 • It has disadvantage that in speaking skills, it don't give space to us , we supposed to only listen , we can't record then compare or analyse like the computer software is giving.

 • It doesn't necessary that we have to do it only at our study time because this mobile software we can use it at our home also, as it is not time consuming or working easily.

 • It maybe happens that if in mobile we are doing then notification of social media never let us to do whole course and we can't concentrate on this particular thing.
So, hereby I discuss some good points about both  Language Lab as per my views. I enjoyed in both learning and also gain good quality of knowledge which will be useful for my further future life. 

Thank you!!!!!!!!


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