
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Task on quality and Authenticity of web resources.

Hello! Everyone!! Warmly welcome to my blog. This blog is about our views or a kind of feedback we can say About"Workshop on quality Authenticity of web resources" Which was organised at our English department by Dr.Dilip Barad.

In 21st century in which we are living we can feel that internet or social media or also mobile was integral part of our life . We can't live without it. We can see that every common man has using Phone and technology with some innovative ideas and social media. But there are many websites on internet on which we can find what we want ? But........ Was it Authentic or relyable for us? Are we getting real information or truth? Can we trust on any kind of website?

Now thatwith a single click we can find information from Google , internet; Whenever we open first page we can find Wikipedia , with every page's information we find it first. So, Wikipedia gives us some baisc and with simple language, we can easily come to understand it. There are many other  websites also which provides us good knowledge. In recent time I am also using internet for academic purpose. Whichever text or novel which I can't understand in class then I can repeat it with internet and I can learn whatever I want and at whatever time. There are some website which gives us good quality and aslo quantatity,with we also have to check originality and Authenticity,etc. So, with the progress of internet we have to be alert that we will not be fool and we get real, we have to keep notice on some perameters which are;


• so, with the above perameters we can observe or evaluate the particular website which we are using in our routine, with technology in recent time it can possible that we can evaluate and can get website with authenticity. One app URKUND which we are using for us quality chaleck of our Assignment. Whether we have written our Assignment with himself or doing cut copy paste from direct, URKUND shows how many percentage we have copied from internet and how many percentage we have written by ourself.Same Turnitin was a company which shows plagiarism and it can realise our real self that are we able to do anything. Moreover there are jstore,Grade saver,poetry foundation,cliffnotes,etc. There are some evaluation about how to evaluate particular site with which we are dealing.we can also improve our language writing and Reading as it gives us information with,Now everybody have to do it.

So, it was a very fruitful and useful session for us . We learn alot new things from, warmly Thank you to Dr. Dilip Bard for organising this such a wonderful workshop for betterment of students as well as stufdents....

Thank you.......


Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...