
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thinking activity on Education and Technology.

Hello, Everyone warmly welcome to my blog! This was an academic task which was given by Dilip sir in context of ELT :2. It was about Education and Technology in which we have to see below videos and share our views about that .

  • Video - 1: Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigm :- 

• In  the very first  video the speaker Sir Ken Robinson talks about"Changing Paradigm" in the context of Education and Technology.So,here we mainly talk about Education. So, speaker first says that give some students to some challenges and then see there are three kind of rewards for different kind of students. From that we reward most to top performer and we ignore the lower perfomer but have ever thought about the middle students who don't count in top or lower. What happens with them ?It happens in current scenario also that in whichever kind of competition of any kind of field we always remember winner or looser. So,it was a very bad condition for middlers . Then speaker talks about the job . In ancient there was easy to get job you just have to do your graduation and you able to get job but time has change now and now with graduation or post-graduation there is no guarantee for job. Further in job to paid more to employees you can get more work. So, I personally see at many places like ,in factory or mall where my some of relatives are working so,if they do overtime on job they get extra salary for it. Then he said that there are 3 factors which are leading to better performance & personal satisfaction:- 1) Autonomy.  2) Mastery  3) Purpose .so, Autonomy is our desire to be self- directed ; I think self directed is better than anything. We know what we do then for what are waiting? Was someone told us that do this or that only then we do is not a good idea.In mastery there was a kind of Management so it was a great if you want complience. But if you want engagement which is what we want in the our life.Here he gave example from Atlassian and Australian companies so there they can do whatever they want and with any way but at at the end the Honour of the company will see the results of the work done by employees. So, this is how they works.Infact some people are doing work not for only money but they are doing for they peace or delight and pleasure.

  • Video 2:Sugata Mitra: School in the cloud- SOLE :- 

• In the second video by Sugata Mitra in which he deal with the School in the Cloud :- SOLE - Self Organised Learning Environment.The first I like this video and it's ideas that he talks about Future of Learning. So, first the speaker says about the 19th centuries's people that how we done our study in school and in present time students are getting more facilities with technology. He told that in Victorian time they have done with bureaucratic administrative machine. In 21st century all children having Mobile phones in their home so, they are habituated with the very tiny age. Then we have to think about that what kind of job they will be does.I mostly like his idea of SOLE where he does such kind of experiments with the different kind of students at many country. Hole in the wall with computers and within such short time students can get its browse whether it was in English language.Even they don't know English they never give up they are trying. If I am giving live example of our English department then we also have a kind of all facilities or technology and we also have teachers who teach us. So, we don't have to bother but we have a wish to learn new kind of thing with day to day life. I think we are very lucky to have a such a great teachers and technology. I wish and hope that I also come in to help of some students who don't get this kind of Facilities.If we gave mobile and net to students then they can give better answer than teacher. Moreover he says that,we have to think about learning; which was the product of educational Self-organization,if you allow the educational process to self organised then learning emerges it's not about making learning happen it's about letting it happen.
SOLE :- broadband+ collaboration+encouragement and admiration.In addition he says that the teacher has to only raise the questions and then can admire of students. At the end of the video he shares his wish which was very good and helpful for human being.

  • Video 3: Sugata Mitra: Future of Learning :- 

• In 3rd video the speaker was also Sugata Mitra who here also throw some glimpse on technology. Here students in primary have to listen the instructions by teachers like ; Seat quietly, don't make noise,keep mum,pay attention,listen me and try to remember, improve your handwriting. But now it happens that science is discovering a machine which can replace by teachers. We can saw in this video that without the help of any teacher students can get easily with some period of time. The speaker secondly deal with the invented of paper and says it is difficult to get good teachers in remote places and group of children can learn to use the internet on their own. Students can aslo learn about science, biology,chemestry, about DNA . Another thing was a concept of granny he said. At last he said that children can search accurately by themselves what if they land themselves in trouble. Pupils should be taught to recognise that the past is represented and interpreted in different ways and to give reasons for this.

  • Video 4:Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education :-

• Now in 4th video the speaker Salman Khan  talks with the topic like :- Let's use video to reinvent education. Here as he was a young man and he knows today's needs and facilities. So he gives importance of Video which could be related to any field. We can see video in many languages of any text,book,novel, play if we don't understand it by reading. So, videos plays vital role which clears our background for our issues. With the help of videos of Khan academy teacher are happy because there was a app named Khan academy in which we can see videos annd easily learn it. So, teachers are using it for flipping learning. Students have to only see videos at home with any depression or tension then the homework kind of exercise will be teach by teachers.Flipped learning was a very good learning phase where students can get alot information and knowledge related to syllabus as well as, in Khan academy there are many categories from which we can learn and they provided the exercise for our practice and at last they give us badges or kind of certificates.So, in a way it helps us alot and we keep it continues with this kind of App.

    Video 5: Marc Prensky: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants  :- 

 • In the5th video was by Marc Prensky :- in which he talk about Digital Natives,Digital Immigrants. So here this above two words are using for Two generation. One is Digital Natives means the people who born in the era of digital or technology. As they parents must have mobile or they surely Television at home. So ,they grown up with the technology. In recent time if we don't know anything or we want to learn then it was so easy to learn from Google. Within some minutes we can learn all. If I gave my example of my school days then we don't have any options,if we don't pay attention at school with teacher's lecturer then we can repeat it or ask teacher. So, then we miss it. But now in 21st century there was nothing like this : they can many times from Google . So it becomes easy for today's students. But now the Digital Immigrants who don't born with the Technology. We don't have even smart phone to our parents.  Now at young age we came to know about it and  we have to learn,we have to first learn and then we can use it. 

    Video 6: David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on Engish: - 

 • :-  In the 6th video the speaker was :- David Crystal who talks about the "The Effect of New Technologies on English". So, he starts with that when new technologies comes along it influences, as we are belong to the 21st century that we can feel and see the effect of technology on every kind of social platforms. Technology has major influence on English language. If we talk about the 20th century's people then they don't have particular facilities like Mobile Phone or internet and technology. They believe telephone as a disaster thing and also they also believe that internet has a very bad effect on people's mind. As it is showing good as well as bad things,it has no boundary or limitation. They are not well occupied with 4G kind of internet.He talks about many social media like YouTube , Twitter,who arrives in recent times.So, I personally feel as I am using this many kind of platform in my daily life; it has it's own features.These apps like you tube, Facebook, Twitter are using more nowadays; it is helping us to know about the world or people's current activities. If I am giving my example then I am posting post on Facebook on whatever new happend at my academic or non academic life ; then it improve my language as well as my ability to think critically and my writing skills are growing.As we know that the coin has two sides; same as every matter has it's two sides. Here I mean to say that everybody are saying that internet and social media are not good for students but I am not agree with it, it totally dependent upon us that we are going to use it. If we want to learn good things then there was nobody to stop us.

    Video 7: David Crystal: The Biggest Challange for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet:

    Video 8: David Crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English Language :- 

Both video's views are merge below:- 

 • Here the speaker David crystal try to touch upon the idea ; The Biggest Challenge for English Language Teachers in the times of internet.So, I am very excited to listen this video, because in future I am also going to be teacher.So, first I want to clarify the difference between our teachers through which we are studied and today's teachers . So, when I studied; for me my teacher was the full package of knowledge, I was believe that only teacher has knowledge only he can taught me. Accept teacher we can't even able to think, it has one most effecting reason was social media, technology. But today's generation's students getting major facility and they are more smart. If we example of Mobile,then if we give mobile to little children then they can easily get all functions and they can handle it rather than us.So , today's teachers have to be more alert and two step further than students. Our sir always mentioned that Every generation has far better or smarter than it's back generation. As here speaker mention that the most difficult job is to teach ,so I am agree with that.  I am thinking about my future,when I be the teacher then what should I do ? How I can be more smart or two step ahead then my student?In the last video the speaker as same as above video which talk on one interesting thing; Texting is "Good" for English Language. So, here David Crystal argue and give all appropriate answer of his against counter point with very well. So, I feel so amazing with this debate. Here we have to see is that the questions are also raising by all with a well manner. So the thing which we have to learn is we have to learn that how to ask or raised questions rather than believing in whatever giving us.Here he said that 80% texting are done by adults. Texting has starts late 90s. I think texting is the most integral part of technology and every kind of platform through we are passing.

Thank you.........

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Task on quality and Authenticity of web resources.

Hello! Everyone!! Warmly welcome to my blog. This blog is about our views or a kind of feedback we can say About"Workshop on quality Authenticity of web resources" Which was organised at our English department by Dr.Dilip Barad.

In 21st century in which we are living we can feel that internet or social media or also mobile was integral part of our life . We can't live without it. We can see that every common man has using Phone and technology with some innovative ideas and social media. But there are many websites on internet on which we can find what we want ? But........ Was it Authentic or relyable for us? Are we getting real information or truth? Can we trust on any kind of website?

Now thatwith a single click we can find information from Google , internet; Whenever we open first page we can find Wikipedia , with every page's information we find it first. So, Wikipedia gives us some baisc and with simple language, we can easily come to understand it. There are many other  websites also which provides us good knowledge. In recent time I am also using internet for academic purpose. Whichever text or novel which I can't understand in class then I can repeat it with internet and I can learn whatever I want and at whatever time. There are some website which gives us good quality and aslo quantatity,with we also have to check originality and Authenticity,etc. So, with the progress of internet we have to be alert that we will not be fool and we get real, we have to keep notice on some perameters which are;


• so, with the above perameters we can observe or evaluate the particular website which we are using in our routine, with technology in recent time it can possible that we can evaluate and can get website with authenticity. One app URKUND which we are using for us quality chaleck of our Assignment. Whether we have written our Assignment with himself or doing cut copy paste from direct, URKUND shows how many percentage we have copied from internet and how many percentage we have written by ourself.Same Turnitin was a company which shows plagiarism and it can realise our real self that are we able to do anything. Moreover there are jstore,Grade saver,poetry foundation,cliffnotes,etc. There are some evaluation about how to evaluate particular site with which we are dealing.we can also improve our language writing and Reading as it gives us information with,Now everybody have to do it.

So, it was a very fruitful and useful session for us . We learn alot new things from, warmly Thank you to Dr. Dilip Bard for organising this such a wonderful workshop for betterment of students as well as stufdents....

Thank you.......

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thinking activity on"A Grain of wheat".

Hello! Everyone warmly welcome to my blog.

This was a academic task which was given by Heena ma'am . It was about the African literature and  "A Grain of Wheat " it is a Novel written by Ngugi Wa Thiongo in 1987.Here I am going to write About "Robinson Cruso" Novel by Daniel Defoe.So here I am writing in context of Colonizer and Colonial aspect.

Moreover, let's first talk about Robinson Cruso Novel by Daniel Defoe. So, here we can directly see the Master-Slave relationship between Friday and Crusoe. There Crusoe belong to the Christian community and he was a white man who like to rule over Black or Backward people. But here first Crusoe saves Friday and kept him with his as a slave or as a servant. Crusoe use to taught him language and at first he gives a Christian name FRIDAY to his servant without asking him so it clarifies the superior power of master on slave. Yet Crusoe gives him all facilities, language,all basic need to live life,etc still Crusoe will put Friday as lower than him. Crusoe told him as her man but it never be so. So, we can say Friday as a colonizer and a slave and Crusoe as a Colonial powerful man .In Sem-3 of M.A we studied the Black skin ,White Mask by Frantz Fanon,which focuses on the Racism, Black and white people. After studying that book we can come to know about how black people have to suffer from very Ancient time to till current scenario. How they were ruled by White people.

In addition that,"A Grain of wheat" By Ngugi Wa Thiongo was also writes upon this kind of problems. He was himself African and Black people. So,he writes as a black people what he has to tolerate and we can also find Colonizer and Colonial man perspective. Here he writes about Kenya , how Britain rule over Kenya,it's condition. How Africa has to suffer at that time by White people? I want to say that even in 21st century,too developed or progressive world with technology and so many other aspects,still there were some people who want to rule over Black people which not going to be happened in this time yet it take place everywhere.So, to sum up we can say that we can think Robinson Cruso with A Grain of wheat by the context of Colonizer aspects.

Thank you🙂🤗

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Thinking activity on Mass Media and communication.

Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog! This is my first Academic task of sem 4. It was given by Vaidehi ma'am. It was about our paper no. 15 - Mass Media and communication.So, here I am going to talk about  contemporary time's mass media and communication.

So, if we talk about this then it was a huge platform to connect and contact with many people and to communicate it was very useful and helpful. Nowadays social media plays a vital role for mass media. In social media there was a subcategory platform like; Whats app Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,Google,Hello app,G-Mail,you-tube. Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine also known as  a important part of Mass media.We are living in the 21st century; so we are using tools for using social media like; Mobile, Laptop,etc. But In current time people have a craze of Mobile Phone rather than any other tools.With very softly and easily we can use mobile anytime, anything, anywhere and we can know about whatever happing in the state, country as well as in the world. Social media was a fastest way to sent information to the people and we can get response immediately. Google was the app where we can learn  anything, anytime and  we can repeat it whichever time we want. According to me I think that we are so luckiest that we get a chance to use this kind of superb technology and media. Nowadays everything becomes online. As we know we can order food,cloth, whichever item we want we can buy through online. We can reserved the tickets of train,bus and also room of hotel. So,we can say that online app becomes today's market. It gives profit in business,we can do work at seating home with online and it also provides good facilities for Education also. So,I think internet gives a full package of our more thing with mass media people are getting married with app. ,🤗😘.

Now,I would like to talk about some tools which I am using in my daily life. So, i am using Whats app,facebook, Instagram, Google,You-tube. So, let's talk about them in detail.

1] Whats App:-

 It was a app or platform which was a common for all, because evey person has it ,even a common who doesn't know technology or have a smartphone than he also has whats app.Generally I can connect with my friends,relatives, classmates. With this app we can share and get information fastest. Here we have a privacy system. So we can keep control with whom we want to talk and with whom not? If, I give example than ,At our department if we want to do some survey or information about all students then we can just have a message in group and within some minutes we get response and our work will be easy and burden less. As it is providing facilities like, Messages, Video calling, Voice calling, Record and send,GIF, Music, documents, videos, Audio clips,etc. So, it was a easiest app for anybody.In current scenario everybody have a habit to check their mobile and specially whats app before sleeping and at morning after waking up they first mobile and then does other things.

2] Facebook:- 

It was widely used app but still not through every common man who has a smartphone. I think it was a global platform where we can connect with any person. Here I find some Proffesor or educated person who posted some good information which was helping in our studies. We can come to know about daily current events. Specifically if I share my experience of using this app, I use to post about my some Events which was done by me or our department, so I find alot improvement in my writing skills and in my language. So with this our Reading and writing skills becomes good.There are many posts related to art and creativity with which we can learn new things of life.

3] You-tube :- 

So, as per my point of view,I think you-tube was used by each and every person. Some are using it for entertainment,some for Academic life,some for business,it was also used by children for cartoons. I find it helpful because I use to watch some videos of books,novels,plays. It teaches some lessons with easy language with our comfort zone. We can create our Own you-tube channel and can share our videos.

• Moreover,as we know that everything has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. So, social media also has some Disadvantages,as we have to face some difficulty like,some fake account,some viral videos and news,some wrong information,we can't full rely on it. So, at last I can say that social media and it's tool become an part of our life. Anyone can't live without it.😀

Thank you.............😊💐

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...