
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Paper no 11 Assignment Term :- Post colonialism and Post modernism.

Hello, Everyone welcome to my Assignment which is the part of my Academic work.

Name :- Divya d. Vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Sem :- 03
Batch :- 2018-20
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190044
Email Id :-
Paper no :- 11 Postcolonial literature
Words :- 1510
Topic :- Term - Postcolonialiasm
                        - Post modernism
So,here first I would like to talk about Post colonialism .

• What is Postcolonialiasm ??
Defination :- By definition, postcolonialism is a period of time after colonialism, and postcolonial literature is typically characterized by its opposition to the colonial. ... Many critics now propose that the term should be expanded to include the literatures of Canada, the United States, and Australia.
In many works of literature, specifically those coming out of Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, we meet characters who are struggling with their identities in the wake of colonization, or the establishment of colonies in another nation. For example, the British had a colonial presence in India from the 1700s until India gained its independence in 1947. As you can imagine, the people of India, as well as the characters in Indian novels, must deal with the economic, political, and emotional effects that the British brought and left behind. This is true for literature that comes out of any colonized nation. In many cases, the literature stemming from these events is both emotional and political.
Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands. Post colonialism is a critical theory analysis of the history, culture, literature, and discourse of European imperial power. The namepostcolonialism is modeled on postmodernism, with which it shares certain concepts and methods, and may be thought of as a reaction to or departure from colonialism in the same way postmodernism is a reaction to modernism. The ambiguous term colonialism may refer either to a system of government or to an ideology or world view underlying that system—in general postcolonialism represents an ideological response to colonialist thought, rather than simply describing a system that comes after colonialism. The term postcolonial studies may be preferred for this reason. Postcolonialism encompasses a wide variety of approaches, and theoreticians may not always agree on a common set of definitions. On a simple level, it may seek through anthropological study to build a better understanding of colonial life from the point of view of the colonized people, based on the assumption that the colonial rulers are unreliablenarrators.

Postcolonialism includes a vast array of writers and subjects. In fact, the very different geographical, historical, social, religious, and economic concerns of the different ex-colonies dictate a wide variety in the nature and subject of most postcolonial writing. Wisker has noted in her book that it is even simplistic to theorize that all postcolonial writing is resistance writing. In fact, many postcolonial writers themselves will argue that their countries are still very much colonial countries, both in terms of their values and behaviors, and that these issues are reflected in their work. In her essay on postcolonialism, Deepika Bahri agrees, noting that while the definition of postcolonialism may be fairly boundaried, the actual use of the term is very subjective, allowing for a yoking together of a very diverse range of experiences, cultures, and problems. This diversity of definitions exists,...

• What is post modernism??

•Postmodernism is a movement that focuses on the reality of the individual, denies statements that claim to be true for all people and is often expressed in a pared-down style in arts, literature and culture.

As per dictionary meaning,a late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.Postmodernism is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late 20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism, marking a departure from modernism. The term has been more generally applied to the historical era following modernity and the tendencies of this era.

• Postmodernism, also spelled post-modernism, in Western philosophy, a late 20th-century movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism; a general suspicion of reason; and an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and maintaining political and economic power.A general and wide-ranging term which is applied to literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, and cultural and literary criticism, among others. Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality. In essence, it stems from a recognition that reality is not simply mirrored in human understanding of it, but rather, is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality. For this reason, postmodernism is highly skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions, or races, and instead focuses on the relative truths of each person. In the postmodern understanding, interpretation is everything; reality only comes into being through our interpretations of what the world means to us individually. Postmodernism relies on concrete experience over abstract principles, knowing always that the outcome of one's own experience will necessarily be fallible and relative, rather than certain and universal.
These both teams are inextricably inter-woven considering their radicle platform where Literary writers,critics,theorists,followers,etc.put their chaallenges rather than to facing it. These terms do not find any solution but raise the questions and challenges in lieu of answering the questions. Literature during British rule on India, literature after independence of India and the literature written from four corners of the world protesting against oppressors' hands, especially in their writing are the gush in literature in general sense of the term . In the case of India, Pakistan,South Africa and other Third World countries after Second World War, whatever Literature written by these country writers was taken into consideration as a new literature by Ex- Colonies like Ireland ,Canada and Australia,too. To be very conspicuous in explaining about the literature was written by those who were at the centre means those who politically and economically powerful over powerless and now literature written by those who are on the periphery and powerless over the so - called powerful.
• Colonial and imperial rules were legitimatized by anthropological theories which increasingly portrayed the people of the colonized world as inferior, child-like,or feminine, incapable of looking after themselves and requiring the paternal rule of the west for their own best interests. About India,Britishers or sahibs came for their interests and benefits,so colonized the place.Colonies came into existence.Idea of Racism and colour - discrimination got the momentum. Class consciousness spread throughout the country.Cultural imperialism thirsted upon Colonized. Psychological programing of the laymen was common and as usual. Colonial power remains changed and challenged if the balance of power is slowly limited. The beginning of 19th century came with the concept of Ex- Imperialism of Western countries. Not only biological but also mental existence was incarcerated. It was colonial period that was the challenge of its next.

Post-  colonialism,after colonialism,came in the form of absolute protest to it. Inclusion and exclusion was minutely observed when post - Colonial Age established. Robert Young also expresses his idea in following remark,

         " If you are someone who does not identify yourself as
          western country,or someone who is part of culture
         and yet excluded by its dominant voice,inside yet outside,
         then Post-Colonialism offers you a way of seeing things
• These western countries like America, England,France ,Spain , Germany,etc.had ruled before 1950s but then Post-colonial Countries like Africa,India ,Iran ,etc. In general ,Middle Eastern countries have the turn to be unruled and confronted the imposed system of Imperialism. Country like Britain had special cultural and traditional prototypical thoughts of Africa and Hindustan. Now the colonial countries are in return as a reciprocal ,concentrating and observing teh westren countries and challenging their archetypal images of themselves. So the former British Empire is a particular focus. So whatever ruled and occupied by Britishers in new re- empowered and to be enjoyed as Swaraj.
• Such a Post colonial combat against colonial countries came into consideration to experience the  British Raj and its political domination. Such a post colonial literature also so known as new literature or commonwealth literature was once under the dependency of European literature. Therefore, what they showed in the literature and it  give rise to Anti colonial literature. If any reader mentions about those revolutionaries who objected the imperial power then can it be called Anti - Colonialists ? Marx was also  strongly against the inequality among the king and slave struggle then though he was 19th century revolutionary socialist and theorist, can hi called the anti colonialist of the 21th world of literature. For such challenging task, serious debate is needed. His ideology about the socialization and equal distribution of the income of the country among the three classes is a quite new backbone in the discussion of Anti colonialism. The postcolonial critics like Edward said, Homi Bhabha, Frantz Fanon, Gayatri Chakravorty spivak, V.S. Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Michel foucault, Derrida,etc. Have bestowed the best culmination in the field of the anti colonialism and literature. In the process of postcolonial observation and analysis the  particular words like'Dalit', 'inferior', 'lower', 'second class', 'third world', 'peripheral', 'aarna going to be redefined reconstructed with its new form namely 'subaltern'. It is now belonging to the the specific intention or period of time but going from the process of generalisation from where it was particularised. And now the idea of postcolonialism came into to being that does not belong to the peculiar age but the  universal movement. If the person goes in, becomes a post colonialist. In general sense of the term if someone is given injustice and he raises his voice against the existing evil like phenomenon he is post colonialist that is what Robert Young has in his account, whether they are feminists, Dalitists , Subaltern's voice , Marxists or Fanonists.

Thank you.........

Paper no 12 Assignment Basic Skill : LSRW

Hello, Everyone welcome to my Assignment which was apart of Academic Work.
Name :- Divya  d. Vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Sem :- 03
Batch :- 2018-20
E-mail Id :
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190044
Paper no :- 12 ( ELT - 1)
Topic :- Basic Skill LSRW.
Words :- 1532
So,Now let's talk about what is ELT ??
• ELT :- English Language Teaching.
• English Language Teaching, or ELT, refers to the activity and industry of teaching English to non-native speakers.

Many large editorial companies have ELT sections which publish books for English teachers and learners to use.

∆ English Language Teaching (ELT) is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners. ... Teaching English as a foreign language.
General Notion :- The main objective of teaching is not simply to make the learner the LSRW Skills.
" Every social person is a bundle of personae,a bundle of parts, each part having its lines,If you do not know your lines,you are no use in the play."
# Functionally determined subcategories:-
First Language
Second language
Foreign language
Classical language ( it is sanskrit,Greek or used in past )
• Main function as a Teacher according to Students.How to pursue our needs for English in a multilingual setting?What is the kind and amount of English that the learners with need.What are the roles of different languages in our multilingual setting? What are the topic and situations that will necessitate the use of English?
# Different Functions of English:- At National Level - It is " Window of the world"
                                                         "Language of Development"
                                                         "Link Language"
                                                         " Library Language"
At Individual level:- " The language of opportunity"
                               " The language of upward social mobility"
# Primary aim of Teaching English:-
- Ability to read easily and with understanding.Readiness, To write English without errors,To carry conversation in English,we should have active command on our own language and on fact,To ensure that English is a service language, For teacher there is no specific age limit,You have to promote your cultural awareness.

• Education Commission 1964-66:-
The language question is the the most complicated problem that the country has faced since independence and one that has resisted solution. Kapil Kapoor argues here there is no place to you ask why this question become a problem since independence or why and what are the political reasons  involved and should have been involved. Of course it was a complicated problem because the national course was not adopted . It could reconstruct English as a foreign language but instead English was used to promote. The three language formula is a product of this thinking and policy. To make English and integral part of school education in India. It ironically restricted the learning and use of Hindi in non Hindi areas by allowing the student to learn English as a second language. If your aim is produce whole generation of young people who are not just ignorant of their identity and their heritage but have in fact a  positive contempt for it then they must not be taught Sanskrit the language of the powerful heritage. They must be taught English and through that the the Western values so that the Indian youth naturally respects the modern. In spite of this the standard of English have always fallen short of the ideal.
• now let's talk about four basic skills : - LSRW
It is a common desire for all of us to speak a second language well. To do this we need to know what skills are required to become a good speaker. This short article will help you to understand four important skills that you need to develop:
1).  Listening:- difference between listening and hearing. Basic types how to be good listener question mark. Connected with the speaking skill. Technique write  about own technique or content.Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. ... Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships.Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. ... Listening in any language requires focus and attention. It is a skill that some people need to work at harder than others.According to Oxford Living Dictionaries, to listen is to give attention to sound or ... Active listening is having good listening skills.

2] . Speaking Skill :- different types of speaking skills. Process through three parts 1. Interactive 2. Partially interactive 3. Non interractive .
• important types :- to be active listener, quick organisation of thought, structure of your speech, tractors and interact, know your audience.
• principal  of the formula :- keep it short and simple. Ending should be memorable. Fluency (speaking -  correct language)
We can say that speaking means to converse, or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language. ... Speaking skills: Speaking skills are the skills that give us the ability to communicate effectively.Speaking is the second language skill. This page looks at what speaking is and is not, and what it involves for English learners.Speaking effectively is defined as speaking in such a way that your message is clearly heard and, if possible, acted upon.
3] . Reading skill:- reading in particular and depend on mood ,choice, text etc,
1. Choosing the text ( note talking while reading is very important)
2. Not talking
3. Rereading text
4. Types of  Rereading : skimming, scanning, extensive reading, intensive reading.
Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows. Fundamental skills required in efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning of a word from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and to identify antecedents and references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage about its contents, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to answer questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the literary devices or propositional structures used in a passage and determine its tone, to understand the situational mood (agents, objects, temporal and spatial reference points, casual and intentional inflections, etc.) conveyed for assertions, questioning, commanding, refraining etc. and finally ability to determine writer's purpose, intent and point of view, and draw inferences about the writer (discourse-semantics).

Ability to comprehend text is influenced by reader's skills and their ability to process information. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read. There are many reading strategies to improve reading comprehension and inferences, including improving one's vocabulary, critical text analysis (intertextuality, actual events vs. narration of events, etc.) and practicing deep reading."Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear).Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read.
4] Writing Skill :- Basic type of writing.1. academic writing it should be very objective. 2. Non academic writing- it should be very subjective.
Basic things which connected with academic and non academic writing.1. basic rules of grammar.2. it is necessary to write everyday. 3. Handwriting. 4. Drafting it has six stages : prepare a draft , editing and accuracy , reducing errors, editing for consistency, linking, proofreading, feedback.Writing is a medium of communication. Writing skills help a person to express the ideas, opinion and thoughts in an easy and clear way. It is widely used for personal and official communication. Writing skills help to develop and compose any type of writing contents.Writing is a medium of communication. Writing skills help a person to express the ideas, opinion and thoughts in an easy and clear way. It is widely used for personal and official communication. Writing skills help to develop and compose any type of writing contents.To write clearly it is essential to understand the basic system of a language. In English this includes knowledge of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Vocabulary is also necessary, as is correct spelling and formatting.

A writer may write for personal enjoyment or use, or for an audience of one person or more. The audience may be known (targeted) or unknown. Taking notes for study purposes is an example of writing for one's self. Blogging publicly is an example of writing for an unknown audience. A letter to a friend is an example of writing for a targeted audience. As with speaking, it is important to consider your audience when writing. There are many different styles of writing, from informal to formal.

Thank you.......

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Assignment of Paper no : 10 The American Literature ....

Hello! Everyone welcome to my Assignment.
Name :- Divya d.vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Sem :- 03
Batch :- 2018-20
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190044
Email lD :-
Paper no :- 10 ( The American Literature)
Topic name :- Major character reading and feministic reading of the Mourning becomes Electra .

So,let's start.first "Mourning becomes Electra " is a play by Eugene O'Neil written in 1937.

• About Eugene O'Neil :-

Eugene Gladstone O'Neill was an American playwright and Nobel laureate in Literature. His poetically titled plays were among the first to introduce into U.S. drama techniques of realism earlier associated ... O'Neill's plays were among the first to include speeches in American English vernacular and involve characters on the fringes of society. They struggle to maintain their hopes and aspirations, but ultimately slide into disillusionment and despair.He hasn't given any colourful character on atmosphere,his colour are full.

• He got Noble prize for literature in 1936. He also got Pulitzer prize for drama.

• His most important Full length plays :-
The first man
 The Hairy  ape
Desire under the Elms
The great god brown
A Touch of the poet
 About play :- Mourning Becomes Electra is a play cycle written by American playwright Eugene O'Neill. The play premiered on Broadway at the Guild Theatre on 26 October 1931 where it ran for 150 performances before closing in March 1932.
We can find the topic like in play :-
Greek myth - Agamemnon
Tragedy in 3 parts
War- Society
Family members relationship helps us to understand psychology,human mind.
Here are 3 parts in the play :-
 1] .Home  coming
 2]. The  Haunted
  3].  The  Hunted
The major character of the play:
•  Ezra  Mannon
 •  Christine  Mannon
 •  Lavinia  Mannon
 •  Orin   Mannon
  •    Adam  Brante
• It was a story of Mannonfamily.Where Ezra Manon and Christine both are husband &Wife and Lewinia and Orin are siblings (Sister-brother).It was an psychological play.It shows the minds condition of the characters.Here we can see the Oedipus and Electra complex. Here son loves mother and daughter loves father. Son want his father's place in mother's life and daughter want her mother's place in father's life.Because of jealousy and love we can find some death of the character.Here Brigediar general Ezra Mannon belongs to Reputed status or family. His wife Christine was a beautiful young and lovely.She hated her husband because he has rude behaviour or he behaved like strange,he has not kind feelings as noraml person have .
• Story starts with 1st part , Home coming ,when Ezra died.In second part Orin come back from war. He has more attracted towards mother.Lavinia told her that Christine give poison to her Father. But Orin doesn't believe in this.we can find the binaries like :- Love and Revenge ,Hatred - Loyalty, Forgiveness - Disloyalty. Family is the centre of attention the basic factor informing Individual's personality.Past does not become a past but keeps or moving as a round character till the end of the story.The house in which the family lives gives us the sense of depression and isolation . O'Neil displays the condition of the family and it's members by showing a large,secluded house that is unique and far from the village. Here we can connect the Myth of Agamemnon ; In Greek mythology, Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae.Here related characters or pair of play and myth;
Myth:-                                play :-
Agamemnon.              Ezra Mannon
Clymensta                 Christine
Agistus.                    Adam Brant
Electra.                    Lavinia
Orestes.                    Orin
1] Christine :-
She was a beautiful,lovely and kind wife of of Ezra Mannon.She hated her husband and don't happy or satisfy with her husband. He don't like his company.When Ezra returns from war is night-a night was full of mystery . Everything is warning a looming bad event.
" well,I hope you realize I never would have fallen in love with Adam ,if I would have Orin with me . When he had gone there was nothing left- but hate and a desire to be revenged and a longing for love and it was then I met Adam . I saw he loved me ".

 Through this quote from original text,Christine said that why she had relation with Adam.She said that in absence of Orin,she need anyone's love ,as he don't love Ezra . She said that in the absence of Orin I made an affair. I feel lonely and I need someone company which I found in Adam . She developed an extra marital affair with Adam . She love him and with the help of her lover she kills her husband,she gave a poison to him it is claimed.She doesn't feel any love feeling or sympathy towards her husband. She wants to kill and spent her life with Adam.she was not respected by her . Both attracted towards Adam. So, Lavinia don't want Adam's relation with Christine.Orin -sun of Ezra and Christian Mannon he loves her mother. Here we find Oedipus complex that son loves her mother. He is never going against his mother. He always following her.He  was more attracted towards her and didn't want to loose her. He want her father's place in mother's life . When he comes to know about her mother's affair he kill  Adam . After he was not happy he write the history of Mannon family and he also writes that the real criminal ,or main person behind some death ,the only reason behind this all ,was  Lavinia. He acclaimed Lavinia as a sinner. Here I thought that if Christine loves Adam than why she can't rid of Orin. Why she wants put control on Orin. Why she can't leave Orin? Why she is not accepting the reality of her relation with Adam . Why she is pretending as she was connected or loves to Orin ?

2] Lavinia :-
Lavinia was a daughter of Ezra Manon and Christine Mannon . She was beautiful and jealous girl. Here with Lavinia's Character we find Electra complex that daughter loves father.She don't like her mother or hatred when she comes to know about her mother's affair. She was more attracted towards her father. She wants to take place of  her mother in her father's life. She was always waiting for father. She reject or refuse for marriage or purposal of Peter who loves her and want to get married.She was always try to reveal the truth of Christine infront of father and Orin. Once, she looked Christine with Adam and then she argues with her. Adam was also attracted towards Lavinia . Adam has not good intention as he had an affair with mother and daughter.She said that "Father needs me " , that she can't married with Peter. When Ezra dies than she wants to take revenge from Christine . When Orin comes back from the war she tells truth about Christine, first he don't accept or believe. Lavinia wants kill Adam lover of her mother.She don't get place in Ezra's life ,she don't like her mother and she also make a plan to kill Adam through the hand of Orin. She claim that Christine was the main reason for this all bad situation. She has kill her husband,then had an affair with Adam ,and keeps orin into control. She believes that her mother was responsible for this all.She don't want to be happy or neither she can see happy to her mother. At the end she is not happy or don't get Happiness to other. All knows about her private and dangerous motif to kill Adam and don't need her mother. When Orin writes history of Mannon family then he claimed Lavinia as responsible person for all tragedy.At the end,she remains alone and whatever she wish she can't get it .

3] Adam Brante :-
 He was an young and handsome boy,who came from the Mannon families 's past background. He came with a hide motif ,he hasn't good intention. He comes to take revenge. As he try to play with mother and daughter.With mingling Christine he kills Ezra Mannon. After death of Ezra ,when Orin comes back ,than he was also killed by Orin ,as Lavinia told to him.

4] . Orin :-
A young and lovely son of Ezra and  Christian Mannon. He was more attracted towards his mother,as he is suffering from Electra complex. He loves alot her mother and he don't want to loose and to be with her . He want to spent his full life with mother. He want to take place of his father in his mother's life. When he comes from was he was very happy to meet his mother. He don't respect more or attracted towards her father.She believe only in Christine . When he comes  to know about her mother's affair with Adam he was tored. He can't accept it and Don't want to accept it. He got angry on her mother that why she has an affair with our enemies . He was told to kill Adam and he has done. He kills Adam and Christian don't likes this ,she is arguing Orin that why you killed him ,now with who l lived ,I can't lived,it was my love.etc....When Christine died after that he writes history of Mannon family and he proves or give some Points which prove Lavinia as a criminal of all things.

Thank you......

Assignment paper no: 09 The modernist literature ( Comparative study of the character Vladimir and Estragon).

Name :- Divya d. Vaghela
Roll no :- 07
Batch :- 2018-20
Sem :- 03
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190044
Email Id :-
Paper no :- 09
Topic :- Comparative character study of Vladimir &Estragon
Submitted to :- Department of English.

Hello,Everyone welcome to Assignment which was a part of my Academic work.

So,Here I am going to write about the Character Vladimir and Estragon from "Waiting for Godot " play .

• " Waiting for Godot" is a absurb play written by Samuel Beckett in 1949.

✓ About Samuel Beckett :-

Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish novelist, playwright, short story writer, theatre director, poet, and literary translator. A resident of Paris for most of his adult life, he wrote in both English and French.Beckett was awarded through the Noble prize in 1969 for Literature and died in 1989 in Paris.

• Most Famous Beckett's subsequent plays :-
1] Endgame
2] Krapp's Last
3] Happy days .

Now,let's talk about the play .Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting they engage in a variety of discussions and encounter three other characters.It was a Beckett's first play originally written in French 1948.It begin in very tiny theatre.
• Major characters of the play :-
• Estragon
• Vladimir
• Pozzo
• Lucky
 •  A little boy (Messenger )
• Godot ( never appeares in play )
The play decided into two acts.It was a story about two person who are waiting for Godot.Eventually they don't know who is GODOT ? They don't know the reason why they are waiting and what are they doing.Even they don't know if Godot comes then what good happens and if still now godot hasn't come then what is going wrong with them. They have only one work that waiting for Godot but they don't know when the Godot is comes ? They get a message from a messenger (a little boy).Time is going on and on they have to wait from morning to the night .For the timepass they are doing many different and interested activities.They use tool like belt,hat and shoes with different kind of perspective.
Here,I want to connect the Situation of Vladimir and Estragon with The Myth of Sysphus because he is getting punishment from the god for his some sin or bad work. He supposed to take one huge marble stone on the mountain through the down to top .He has doing it everyday and God makes put it down every morning and still he has doing it all  day.Then we have a question that why he is doing for all time .why he is not rebeling or going against God. Why he can't raise his voice that why he should do it everyday.why can't rid our of it.well,maybe he likes this work,He likes to do repetation of work.He is getting it as enjoy.Same we can see that Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot .Then why they are waiting? Is it necessary? Why they can't stop it .So, maybe they likes this work of waiting.
• " Waiting for Godot " in many ways simply extends those uncertainties ; Why are we here ? Are we alone in an uncaring universe,or not ? what are we to do while we are here? How can we know? And ultimately,what does it matter?Here we find the reference of Hamlet.Hamlet,similarly , questions the kind of universe .we live in whether there is an afterlife with rewards and punishments,whether justice can be found in this world or the next,and whether we can ever know with certainty the truth of our situations and then act with moral responsibility,and if we think we do.
Here I would like to refer Albert Camus ; He identifies three characteristics of the absurb life :-
1). Revolt :- ( we must not accept any answer of reconciliation in our struggle)
2). Freedom :- ( we are absolutely free to think and behave as we choose)
3). Passion :- ( we must pursue a life of rich and diverse experiences)
• Albert Camus gives four examples of the absurb life:-
1. The seducer :- who pursues the passions of the moment
2. The actor :- Who compresses the passions of hundres of lives into a stage career
3. The conquer,or revel :- whose political struggle focuses his energies ;
4. Artist :- Who creates entire world's
Further more, I would like to talk about the Vladimir :-
 • He was a major character of the play.He has a complimentary personalities .He was a practical man and very intelligent.He was always remember that they are waiting for Godot.He thinks about all things as practical.He is persistent.He is hopeful for Godot.He is doing conversation with a boy who was a messenger from Godot.He was a kind of protector.He was more intelligent than Estragon.They both are talking as they have alot of knowledge about world and their questions were of  high level.He don't like to listen or stand for Estragon's dream or his talk.He was stinking breath . He had a very good mind and memory.He remembers past events,he was a good memory . He was always remind the events of past and he can't forgot that what was their purpose of doing things. Due to his, memory he can't sleep and eat.As he was connected with memory,sort of anxiety, anguish and restlessness.Here we can take two examples of the movies like ; Memento and Ghajini.Memento talk about memory.Vladimir  was upset by the stories.when the the boy comes ; a messenger of god at that time Vladimir talks with him or he curious to know about the god . He asked the god how was god ? Fair or black? He asks about behaviour of God and also asked to a little boy that "Have you seen god ".when Estragon sitting on a low mound,is trying to take off his boot.He pulls at with both hands.when Estragon was disappointed at that time Vladimir give hopes to him and said we haven't done real hardwork.why we can't do. We can ,we have to practice more and more .But at last both have same condition."Nothing to be done " here we can see the beauty of beauty of the simplicity of the language. He use to sing Lullaby for the Estragon.

2] Estragon :-
Estragon tells Vladimir about the coloured maps of the Holy Land and that he planned to honeymoon by the Dead Sea; it is his short-term memory that is poorest and points to the fact that he may, in fact, be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Al Alvarez writes: "But perhaps Estragon's forgetfulness is the cement binding their relationship together. He continually forgets, Vladimir continually reminds him; between them they pass the time.They have been together for fifty years but when asked–by Pozzo–they do not reveal their actual ages. Vladimir's life is not without its discomforts too but he is the more resilient of the pair. "Vladimir's pain is primarily mental anguish, which would thus account for his voluntary exchange of his hat for Lucky's, thus signifying Vladimir's symbolic desire for another person's thoughts." These characterizations, for some, represented the act of thinking or mental state (Vladimir) and physical things or the body (Estragon). This is visually depicted in Vladimir's continuous attention to his hat and Estragon, his boots. While the two characters are temperamentally opposite, with their differing responses to a situation, they are both essential as demonstrated in the way Vladimir's metaphysical musings were balanced by Estragon's physical demands.Both have ulterior ego,with eachother,both want to seperate but next morning both met. He claims to be a poet and idealist. He is also volatile. He has kind of Dreams and he use to sleep anywhere, anytime,any moment. He likes to sleep whenever. He was stinking feet.He can also get hungry for several times.He tells Funny stories to Vladimir. He was skeptical.He always forget that for whom they are waiting,for what they are waiting? Why they are there ? When boy comes he was slept. He can't see or talk with a boy.He was a weaker ,so he was beaten.He create Ver funny scene when Pizzo and Lucky comes.He tries to understand the relation of master and slave and he was surprised looking at lucky's loyalty or his slavelibess through his master pozzo.Many times Estragon try to immitate of lucky and he going against pozzo and asked lucky that why are you doing this slavery. Why don't you get rid of it. Why you allow to pozzo to keep control on you.When they are talking about get out of your servant job , lucky don't get this or don't be ready to listen against his master . He likes to do this even he is carrying a whip through which Pozzo is beating him.still he tolerate this all things and torture.In act 2 When pozzo becomes blind at that time also he don't left Pozzo and his slavelibess is going on and on. He was fully devoted to his master as blindy.As a servant he is fully fill his duty or responsibility but it should not be as blind person.

Thank you...........

Paper no : 11 The postcolonial Literature.PPT..

PPT of Paper no : 12 ELT -1.....

Paper no : 09 The modernist Literature (PPT ).....

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Youth festival of MK bhavnagar University 2019.(25th to 28th sep.)

Hello,everyone welcome to my blog!

Here I am going write about my personal experience of 3days youth festival of Bhavnagar University which was held in Sardar Vallabhbhai University campus, has five different Dias for students to present their skill or preparation about unfortunately I am not able to see all performance or event during this three days . I have miss this golden opportunity still I attend little performance ,I have to grasp this golden opportunity.
The youth festival head between 25th to 28th September,2019.This was a very good season for the students of Bhavnagar University to show their interest or ability in various field . It held in a huge way as he concluded more 30 or 35 event for students. Each student can participate according to own capacity or art.For the inauguration of the programme there was many guest like Mayabhai Aahir,Kirtidan Gadhavi,Gujarat's Education ministery Bhupendrasinh Chudasma. As this youth festival celebrates as a 150th birth anniversary they giving respect to guest by Khadi and sutar.

On the very first day (25th) of the youth festival there was a KALAYAYATRA starts from Shamaldas Arts college and passes with some other college.Every college should have to present some theme in this.So, most of the colleges present their theme on Mahatma Gandhi.

There was a theme of kalayatra like ;
• There was some scene about the movement of independent time , scene about Mahatma Gandhi's freedom event or some good decision taken by him. Only through the visualisation they indicates alot .
• 11 Mahavrat taken by Gandhi.
 • Concept of New india
 • Gandhi's dream about India.

# On the 26th September,there was a inauguration program at Amphitheatre at 10 a.m.After the this session the youth festival has been leave open for students.Then at all stage any one competition is going on.Due to rain there was some changing places of event by the time Very well.  From the department of English we 20 students participated in 17 Event.very unlucky we haven't get prize or rank but still we learner alot from this. I personally participated in two events  1. Quiz competition and 2. Western group song. I gain very useful knowledge about this fields.

• Western group song :-

 There was only five participants team in this competition. We are one of them team. Due to rain venue was changed and also time was scheduled early half all came with good preparation or instruments. All team chooses songs like religious and reffered with was an interesting event to listen western song.

Traditional group song :-

There are many sub parts of the singing ,western song, traditional song ,Classical song ,it divided in two one as a group event and second was a solo event. So it becomes an interesting session to listen .

 One act play :-

 It was held at Atal auditorium , so with sitting we can't enjoy it because we have to critical view upon it we can't see it for sake of enjoyment , we have to apply some themes with our studies. According to Aristotelian tragedy we feel pity ,emotion , feelings and fear with the character of play.we feel the catharsis with the actor or actres.There are themes about women and right for women ,they role in society,their voice in society.

 Skit :-

 I have only one theme of skit which was presented by our department,it was about LGBT.Now,the government also declares that now any one can take realtion of Lesbian and Gay ,they have no one to restricted them. With a good chain of dialogue it was shown to the audience. Theme was connected towards current situation.My classmate performed well on their role .

  • Art skill ( Lalit Kala,poster making,clay modelling, painting, installation,Rangoli,etc.)

 This type of Arts are rare find in all students, because only some of the students have this quality. So theme or subject given on the spot to participants and they have to made as per their understanding.

• Quiz competition :-

 The competition of Quiz, Elocution and Self made read poem were organised at the department of English. I participated in quiz with my two classmate.  For quiz competition you need sense of past ,political knowledge or also have to aware about current affairs. There are some confusing questions,we know the answer but still we confused for a second.So, I feel that I need more reading about General knowledge then it would be better.

 • Group dance :-

 There were also many type of Group dance like ; Western , traditional,classical form
 It divided into group and solo, I saw the folk dance of Gujarat GARBA,it was an energetic and full of excitement garba. All pairs of Garba playing well . I also see the Tippani and more two performance of that. I liked it very much ,when I'm looking garba I feel also to paly garba at going on stage.

 So,this three days youth festival was organised very well by the organising committee of University. I felt that maybe I present in all event it would be a more great memory for me ,I can write more about the event. In a way , Don't worry,still whatever I saw was very good and I enjoyed a lot it and if next time if I got this kind of opportunity I will surely grasp it.i'll never let it go.

So,here I want to thankful to #Dilip Barad sir ,for encouraging us for took participate in youth festival and give us opportunity to be a part of this Amazing I appreciate all participants of English department for their participation.

Thank you.........

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...