
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Assignment of female characters of Tom jones

Name : Divya d Vaghela
Course : M. A (sem -1)
Batch : 2018-20
Roll no :08
Enrollment no :2069108420190044
Email ID :
Paper :2 The Neo-classical literature
Topic : female characters of Tom Jones
Submitted to : MKBU Department of English

Tom Jones by Henry fielding 

About Henry fielding :

Henry fielding was an English novelist and dramatist known for his rich, earthy humour and satirical prowess, and as the author of the picaresque novel Tom Jones. He born at 8th October 1754, Lisbon, Portugal.
Her education  : university of Leiden, Eton college
          Scottish writer sir Walter Scott called Henry fielding the " father of the English novel "..... Henry fielding was an 18th century English writer and magistrate who established the mechanisms of the modern novel through such works as tom Jones  writing career as a playwright  and editor of satirical publications,  he found his footing by penning Joseph Andrews and other parodies though later works such as Tom Jones, fielding earned acclaim for helping establish the foundation of the modern novel. He attended Eton college, where he studied classical authors and energed ready to tackle the literary world.  Fielding finished his first play in 1728, one of more than two dozen.                                         
he penned in the span of a decade. He then enrolled at the university of Leiden in Holland, but left to return to London in 1729.
Unable to find meaningful work, fielding began studying law at middle temple and became a barrister. In the meantime, he married Charlotte craddock and edited the champion ; or British mercury, a satirical political publication.

About  Novel : 

The History of Tom Jones, a foundling often known simply as Tom Jones, is a comic novel by English playwright and novelist Henry fielding. It is both a bildungsroman and a picaresque novel. It was first published on 28 February 1749 in London,  and is among the earliest English prose works to be classified as a novel. It is the earliest novel mentioned by w. Some rest maugham in his 1948 book great novelists and their novels among the ten best novels of the world. It totals 346,747 words divided into 18 smaller books, each prepared by a discursive chapter, often on topics unrelated to the book itself. It is dedicated to George Littleton. The novel is highly organized despite it's length, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's argued that it has one of the " three most perfect plots ever planned. It became a bestseller, with four editions being published in it's first year alone. Tom Jones is generally regarded as fielding's greatest book and as a very influential English novel.

List of characters :

1. Master Thomas Tom Jones
2. Miss sophia
3. Master William Blifil
4. Squire All worthy
5. Squire western
6. Miss Bridget Allworthy
7. Lady Bellaston
8. Mrs. Honour blackmore
9. Dr. Blifill
10. Captain John Blifil
11. Lawyer Dowling
12. Lord fellamar
13. Brain Fitzpatrick
14. Harriet Fitzpatrick
15. Miss Jenny Jones
16. Mrs. Miller
17. Miss Nancy Miller
18. Mr. Nightingale
19. Mr. Benjamin
20. Mrs. Partridge
21. Mr. George
22. Miss Molly
23. Mr. Thomas Square
24. Mr. Roger Thwackum
25. Miss western
26. Miss Deborah wilkins

Now I am going to talk about all female  characters :

[1] Miss Sophia western :

Daughter of Squire Western, Mrs. Sophia Western is the heroine of the novel. She is based upon Fielding's much-loved first wife, Charlotte Cradock.
Sophia is an intelligent and beautiful young woman - "Her mind was every way equal to her person; nay the latter borrowed some charms from the former"
Sophia is drawn to Tom's gentlemanly ways, though she believes him low-born. She is wilfful, as she shows when she runs away from the arranged marriage with Master Blifil, but also wants to make others happy.Sophia is the only one voting no on a match with Mr. Blifil: she tries to tell her dad that she wouldn't marry Mr. Blifil if he were the last man on earth. But Squire Western does not take this news at all well, and he locks Sophia in her room until she agrees to marry Mr. Blifil—he's not going to win Father of The Year any time soon.

[2] Miss Bridget Allworthy :

Sister of Squire Allworthy, she is unmarried at the beginning of the story, but becomes Mrs. Blifil when she marries Captain Blifil. She is an unattractive woman alleged to have been immortalized by Hogarth in his sketch "Winter's Morning." Bridget is the mother of Master Blifil and, after her death, is revealed to be Tom Jones's mother.Squire Allworthy's fortune makes his sister Bridget very attractive to guys who want to get rich quick. Since the squire is a widower and has no intention of remarrying, Bridget and any children she might have will inherit Squire Allworthy's crazy amounts of land when he dies. One of these gold-digging dudes is Captain Blifil, who sets out to woo and marry Bridget ASAP.Tom's real mother was Bridget Allworthy, the squire's sister, who slept with a young friend of Squire Allworthy's named Mr. Summer. When Squire Allworthy traveled to London all those many years ago, Bridget paid Jenny Jones and her mother to help cover up her pregnancy. Bridget had always meant to tell Squire Allworthy the truth, but then Squire Allworthy took to Tom right away without even knowing Tom's real parentage. So Bridget started thinking it was not urgent for her to tell her brother the details of her shame—after all, he would take care of Tom either way.

[3] Lady Bellaston

London-based lady whom Sophia turns to when she flees her home. Lady Bellaston falls for Tom herself, and tries to keep him and Sophia apart. A vicious flirt, and entirely cruel.Lady Bellaston may act like she is fine with the ongoing Tom-Sophia drama, but secretly she wants to get Sophia out of her way. Lady Bellaston knows that there is a wealthy nobleman, Lord Fellamar, who is extremelyinterested in Sophia. So she pulls Lord Fellamar aside and recommends to him that the only way that Lord Fellamar will be able to get Sophia to marry him is by raping her first. If he forces himself on Sophia, she will have to marry him.

[4] Mrs. Honour black more :

Sophia's loyal servant. Honour loves her mistress and organizes her own dismissal to stay with her lady. She is sometimes indiscreet but is well meaning. She sometimes affects air and graces to seem above her station. Ultimately ends up working for Lady Bellaston. Goes by Mrs. Abigal Honour.

[5] Miss Jenny Jones :

A bright young woman, Jenny is "as good a scholar as most of the young men of quality of the age." Jenny Jones is initially believed to be Tom Jones' mother. She is in the employ of the Partridges and is dismissed by the jealous Mrs. Partridge. Squire Allworthy provides for her in another parish in a bid for her to mend her wanton ways.Jenny Jones, a servant in the household of the local schoolmaster. Squire Allworthy brings Jenny in to question her, and she admits that she was the one who put Tom in the squire's bed. She absolutely refuses to say who Tom's father is, though.Squire Allworthy gives Jenny Jones some money so that she can move away and escape her bad reputation in the area. The rest of the village assumes that, because Squire Allworthy didn't send Jenny to jail for giving birth to a baby outside of marriage (seriously), he has to be the biological father. (It's a shame this book takes place a long time before paternity tests.)
It is later revealed that Jenny was paid to confess to being the mother of the child to protect the honor of Miss Bridget Allworthy.

[6] Mrs. Miller 

Kind and benevolent lady with whom Tom and Partridge take rooms in London. Mother of Nancy Miller and cousin of Mr Anderson, the failed highwayman. Mrs. Miller's support of Tom is crucial towards his success. Also owes Allworthy for having helped her earlier in life.

[7] Miss Betty Miller

pre-adolescent daughter of Mrs Miller.

[8] Miss Nancy Miller 

Mrs. Miller's daughter. A sweet girl who falls in love with Nightingale, and has his baby. They ultimately marry.

[9] Mrs.  Partridge 

A bitter and jealous woman, Mrs Partridge attacks her husband when she thinks he is the father of Jenny Jones's child. She then accuses him of beating her, which helps to ruin his reputation.

[10 ] Miss Molly 

Daughter of Black George, Molly is the first girl to whom Tom is attracted. She is a beautiful and passionate girl who has little modesty or virtue. When she becomes pregnant, Tom admits to being the father and she is happy to sustain this pretense even though it is untrue.

[11] Mrs. western 

Squire Western's unmarried sister, who wrongly believes herself to "know the World" (both international and national politics and social mores).Squire Western's sister Mrs. Western is visiting the estate. She realizes that Sophia is in love, but she gets the love object really, really wrong: she thinks her niece wants to marry Mr. Blifil. She passes this idea on to Squire Western, and he gets really excited. If Sophia marries Mr. Blifil, not only will she make a ton of money (since Mr. Blifil is Squire Allworthy's heir, and Squire Allworthy is super-rich) but she will also wind up settling next door to her dear father. As soon as Mr. Blifil hears of this potential marriage, he quickly gets on board: Sophia is rich, and Mr. Blifil likes that in a girl.Mrs. Western has finally found out that Sophia loves Tom instead of Mr. Blifil, so she tells her brother the true state of Sophia's feelings. Squire Western decides that he violently hates Tom, and goes to Squire Allworthy to read him the riot act.

[12] Miss Deborah willikins : brideget's servant.

 Thank you................ 

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