
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thinking activity on T .p. kailasam

Respected Maa'm,

Here I am talking on my views on your task.

(1). Write something about your favourite teacher. Give some reason for it

        Here I am going to talk about my one of favourite  teacher. When I in 10th in my school there is a maths teacher. We call him jani sir. He is                              
very honest and good natured man. He taught us Maths in easy manner that we understand it easily properly. He never pressure on us that make your Assignment and complete the books yet all students  do it on time. He also aware us about  the current situation, matters and many time inspire us. He always clear our douts on any type of subject ,confusion and our problems.All are enjoying to learning Maths during  sir's lecture. No one get boring. 

(2). How are you as student?  Think and write. 

       I think that as a student  I have to obedient student. I have to obey the rules and regulations of my institute. Moroever I have to always present in class, learn in proper way whatever teacher teaching us. If l have any doubt I have to raise a question which I am not doing still. As a student I should respect my all teachers which is most important thing according to me. Actually , till today I am good student. No one teacher scold me on any matter till today. I am doing my all work on time. I am punctual of time. I have to share my ideas ,views and problems with teacher. 

(3). What is difference between the education system in past and today's time ? Take help of your parents to write this. 

        Here first I would like to talk about my parent's education. For this I take  my parents help. They tell me that in their time there is no pressure  of education. No one notice them that whether he or she is studying well or not. There is no high level but simple education. They have no homework to do at home. After the school  they are free. They don't need to go in tution or classes. They  have to give only one exam which is yearly exam. There is no buildings of school ,no facilities in classroom, no electronic device like computer, mobile, study on, with the lack  of many facility they are studying well. My parents tell me that in their time "The education is without load" There is no lengthy  syllabus at all .There is the government school are more rather than  self -finance. So, all getting free and good education. In their  time to study till 10th is enough. 
               Now, I am talking about our genera ration ,our education system ,our education. We have a lengthy syllabus .in out times we have no option rather than study, for some students it is like pressure. According to their time many changes are coming in which some are good and beneficial for us and some are not good. We have a lots of facilities like mobile, computer, study on projector,etc.we can give unit test, weekly test on online. We have to face many test or exam during one year. We have a semesters. In this time education is more costly. We have to spend more money on school and tution classes. The education is high level who is happening hard day by day. Nowadays ,we have to study atlist 12th or graduate level only than we get a job. In our time, our parents are concerning or worried about us that whether we are studying or not?  They provide us all things which we need. They doing lots of sacrifice for studying us. 

Thank you.......

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Film screening on movie : Lagaan

On the special day 15th Aug, 2018 we have watched  the movie Lagan (2001) directed by Ashutosh Gowariker.

    This film covers various topics like patriotism, postcolonialism, religion and many more.

In the beginning of the movie we can see that the through the drought scene all villagers are in trouble. Since a very long time there is no rain and all the farmers are facing lack of water. They have to face many problems and the villagers are losing hope day by day. Meanwhile, the villagers are waiting for rain and when it comes, it brings happiness for them. Now they find hope again.

The protagonist of the film Bhuvan does not belong to a rich family but he belong to a middle class farmer's family . Naturally the hero got all the qualities and stand like a perfect leader and he can face each and every problem with positiveness. He is always worried  about all people of village. He believes in unity of village.He sacrificed  for the sake of the village.

There is a strong believers of religion. We can see the influence of God over the mind of villagers who are doing prayer again and again. Specially when they are facing problem. Temple is always used for reflecting the religious mindset of people, that how they are doing prayer in their worst condition.

Effect of postcolonialism :

         Here we see the effect of postcolonialism is still present  among Indians. In the film, there is colonial game cricket which was played by the Indians to win the challenge given by the Britishers .There is strong impact of the Britishers over the mind of Indians that still in present they are not able to come out from this game.

Leadership  Quality : 

In the  film we can see the leadership qualities in Bhutan. He got all the leadership qualities such as, team building, deal with each and every member equality. He solve all the problem with positive attitude. He has ability to forgive people. In the last when he comes to know about the cheating of Lakha, he gave him second chance. When all want to fight and beat to Lakha brutally, that time Bhutan saves him.
In the film there is one character  named "kachra".He was untouchable and his name also reflects the unwantedness of the character. All the villagers hatred him. No one give respect him. All called him as a "kachra".he is playing  cricket  good. So, Bhutan want to take Lachesis in team but all villagers  are refused because  of his untouchability. No one like Lachesis. But at that time Bhutan agreed all villagers  to take kachra in team and and we can't imagine that he is playing too good from the other player. In the match he shows his talent and all the villagers are shocked and surprised. He covers many runs in the match. And after the match all accepted him happily. 

 In the film we also the theme of love. We can see the triangle of love.bhuvan and Radha loves each other. And Elizabeth  was also love the Bhuvan.But beacause of problem  of language  Bhuvan don't  know that Elizabethan love for her. He  not aware about it that his coach master Elizabeth  loves him. 

Thinking activity on Hamlet.

Hamlet is a Tragedy by William Shakespeare in English literature. We have seen movie Hamlet directed by Kenneth Branagh on 30th Aug, 2018. Film is adaption of Shakespeare 's play Hamlet

Major characters of Hamlet :

1.king  Hamlet - Father of Hamlet.
2. Prince Hamlet - son of the late king.
3. Gertrude - Queen of Denmark.
4. Claudius - king of Denmark.
5. Polonius - The lord Chamberlain.
6. Laertes - son of Polonius.
7. Ophelia - daughter of Polonius.
8. Rosencrants &Guidenstern  - friend of Hamlet.

How faithful is the movie to the original play ?

I think that movie  is much faithful  for me because I have not read original full book of Hamlet by Shakespeare. But, after disscusion during the movie screening I can say that many scenes are added by director which are not described  in real Play.

Ex :  In Shakespeare  Hamlet there is not a statue and camera roll on statue but, it is happened in film.

• Film showed the glory of kingdom but in book we don't find any type of writing about court relates.

• Kenneth Branagh had showed  the physical relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia but in play it is not mentioned and in original play we can't find any type of detail about dressing sense and in film all courtyards with good cloths.

After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed ?

Absolutely yes, after  watching the movie my perception about play, characters or situations are changed. Before watching movie my imagination was a little bit different. Because I thought that as a young prince Hamlet was looking good and as a prince of Denmark he will be very attractive person but in movie I don't find him as my imagination .in film I found that Hamlet is a older than my imagination. Mirror scene was beyond my  imagination.


        My imagination about ghost was not good but as a fearful person and a scared out looking. But in film the ghost of Hamlet' s body structure  was good.

Do you feel aesthetic delight while watching the movie  ? If yes, exactly  when did it happen ?If no,  can you explain with reasons ?

Yes,  I feel delight while watching movie.when gravedigger were digging the grave of Ophelia and they were singing song. This scene was more delighted  for me.

Do you  feel "catharsis " while or after watching movie ? If yes, exactly  when did it happen  ? If no, can you  explain  with reasons ?

 Yes,  I feel catharsis  during the movie  screening.
 A. Hamlet's very bad and cruel behaviour with Ophelia.

B.  When Hamlet was in depression  about her mother's marriage  within couple of months with his uncle. 

C.  When king Claudius and Laertes both were decided about fencing fight at that time Gertrude come and said that ;
"your sister's drowned, Laerters".(Iv,vii)

D . Polonius Death due to Hamlet's misunderstanding. 

E.  When king Claudius repenting at that time Hamlet thinks to take revenge rather than do work? 

Does screening of movie help you in better understanding  of the the play  ? 

Yes,  screening  of movie help me a lot in better understanding  of the play because in play we can't  see facial expressions ,dressing sense, movements of characters. But in movie we can see many type of facial expressions like Anger, pity, fear, smile.
I think that everything is not covered  through only reading  so it is necessary to watch movie.Everyone can't read original play because of it is too bulky. So it is better to watch movie to know about the structure of play. After watching movie my imagination is little bit changed and I can better understood the play. And also with the help of movie screening I can write about questions 's answers through  the imagination. 

Was there any particular  scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish literature  ?

Yes,  when gravedigging scene was coming at that time Hamlet came and said that ;

" I loved Ophelia ,forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum- what will thou do for her? (Act v ,scene I) 

At   first time we find that Hamlet brcame rude with Ophelia but after her death during her funeral ceremony we found his love for Ophelia. 

If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remarking if movie on Shakespeare's Hamlet  ?

As a director of film, first at all I would  like to remove all unnecessary scene.  Ex ;   fencing fight scene was too long. So l will make it short. And as a Hero of the play the character of Hamlet will be stronger than other characters. I would like to shown him as a young prince of Denmark and the character  of Ophelia was also weak in Kenneth Branagh 's play. I will make bold character of Ophelia and change some critical situations. 

In the beginning of the movie, Canara rolls over the statue of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle. The more ends with similar sequence wherein the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust  what sort of symbolism do you read in this? 

Actually  ,Before the class discussion  I don't understand the falling statue of king Hamlet. But after class discussion we can say that the "Revenge" is not a right way for moral answer. The falling statue signifies the fall of Empire And the father king Hamlet suggest his son Hamlet to take revenge and he also wanted his murder to be avenged. 

While studying the play through movie which approach do you find more applicable to the play  ? Why? Give reasons with illustration. 

Here are the approach which I find more applicable  to the play :
# Moral and philosophical Approach. 
# psychological Approach. 
# Feminist  Approach. 
# Cultural  Approach. 
# Mythological Approach. 
# Historical and Biographical Approach. 

I found psychological Approach  is more applicable  for the play. Hamlet don't want to became king but due to his father's  Ghost he decides to take revenge of his father's murder. Hamlet's delay to take a revenge also kind of psychological Approach. In the play Hamlet is suffered from"oedipus complex".He felt hatred for his mother's marriage with his uncle. We found him as a mad person in the play. 

Which of the above mentioned  approaches appeals you more than others?  Why? Give reasons. 

From my point of view, I think that Feminist Approach should be appeals more than others because  in the play we find female characters are weaker ;

"Frailty, thy name is woman! "(Act I, II) 

Above quote expresses Hamlet's feeling that all women are weak, cheater and the destroyer of men. 
Ophelia is surrounded by powerful men and these men in her life ultimately become the cause of her madness. 
Gertrude could be viewed as an negative stereotype of women shaped by patriarchal society of Shakespearean time. Within the play she represents many roles like :
• she is hamlet's mother. 
• Queen of Denmark. 
• she is also the widow  of ghost. 
• Claudius's wife. 

So, I think that in Shakespeare 's play women were presented very weaker than men. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Online discussion on Mario Vargas Llosa

Discussion on Mario Vargas Llosa.

Jeorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa,1st Marquies of Vargas Llosa,more commonly  known as Mario Vargas Llosa
  Is a Peruvian writer, politician, journalist, Essayist  and college professor. Vargas Llosa  is one of the Latin America's  most significant  novelists and Essayist and one of the leading writers of his generation. Some critics consider him to have had a   larger international  impact and world wide audience  than any other writer of the Latin America Bomb.    
                                              In 2010 He won the Noble prize in literature ,"for his cartography  of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual 's resistance  revolt and defeat.    
His Novel :

1) The Time of the Hero -1962
2) The feast of the goat -2000
3) The Bad girl  - 2006
4) Aunt Julia and the scrip writer -1977
5) The green house -1996
6) The Neighbor.

# Here are some ideas which I like most from the interview .

1. If you respect literature you must accept  not only the very idealist, altruist of human beings but also the infernal of them.             

2. For the first time, in a culture  that is totally global, without differences between East and West, we are all part of this new culture in which images, we are the great protagonists.                                                 

3. I am convinced  that the feminist   movements voice should be heard, but he don't accept  this idea of censorship for literature or for culture in general.     

4. Most of the time all writers  are autobiographical in some writer,thesis more explicit and obvious in other more hidden.                                                         

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...