
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Thinking activity on metaphysical poetry

Metaphysical poertry
         On 17 to 19 Aug,we have a lecturer on Metaphysical poetry by Dr.Mandaliya sir.Our Interaction with Mandaliya sir was very well.Mandaliya sir has a unique style of teaching and word pronouncing was excellent. so, Through Mandaliya sir we learn so many things about Metaphysical poetry and also History of English literature.
*  Metaphysical  poetry :
        The metaphysical poetry occupies a unique place in the History of English  poetry. It is known as the school of  John Donne because he was the pioneer who established this new trend of writing poetry.                                       

The term 'metaphysical poetry' was first time used by Dr.Samuel Johnson in a negative sense in his book 'lives of the most eminent English poets but after time passed it become admirable for Samuel Johnson.

* Metaphysical poets :

* John Donne ( 1572-1631)
*George Herbert (1593-1633)
*Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
* Henry Vaughan (1621-1695)
* Richard crashaw (1612-1649)

Characteristics of Metaphysical poetry :

1. A conscious attempt was the first feature of Metaphysical poetry.
2. Far fetched images and conceits are also  the important characteristics of the Metaphysical poetry.
3. They brought images from Engineering, Agriculture,AArchitecture,Geography, Geometry and so on.
4.There is a fine fusion of emotion   and intellect. Emotions are analysed in  Intellectual manner.                                    
5. There is a complex sentence patterns,words are easy to understand,but ideas are more difficult to understand.

List of John Donne's poem: 

1) The Flea.

2) Death,Be not proud.  
            3) Song : sweetest love,l do not go.

4) Elegy x : The dream.     
5) The Ecstacy.                   

* Death, Be not proud.

Death be proud is a tenth holy sonnet by John Donne.He tries to nullify the fear of death in the present sonnet .The poem is addressed by the poet to death itself .The poet tells death not to be proud because death has nothing with it. The poet mentions that even the best of people have gone with death the soonest so there is no reason for anybody to be afraid of it.The poet consider death a slave of fate,chance,king and people.
 According to the poet there are three dwelling places of death they are poison,war and sickness.Death is bound to be there where these 3 elements are place it.      


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