
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Thinking activity on Dr.faustus

      Dr.Faustus : A play by Christopher 
  This play is directed by Matthew Dunster for globe theatre.
My answer are here ;

Respected sir,
Ans - 1)

I think that in last scene Lucifer with wide wings shows his victory as in play. We can say that there is devil who is more powerful than god and God is not able to save Dr.faustus and devil is happy to win against God. Evil wins at the end of the play. In the last scene Dr.faustus regreat a lot and did not want to go to hell but it was already late for redemption.Dr.faustus wants more hour,one more day,or one more year to repent that his soul may save from devilish world that is hell. But his own decision led him to fall in hell. So,image shows the victory of evil upon god.

Ans - 2)

I think that there is god and there is no god in play.There is the reason behind this, if we see we can say that there is god but as a good angle, that good friends and old man but we can see at other view we can say that there is no god in this play because if Lucifer can come on the stage then why God is not there to save Dr.faustus' soul.God is not able to save him.with the help of necromancy he calls Mephistophilis for the quest of knowledge.But the evil draws Dr.faustus to the world of lust.

Ans - 3 )                             

           The image shows two Greek mythological character -The father Daedalus and his son lcarus.The father gave wax wings to the sun to escape and he also warn him that don't fly too high otherwise you fall down but after getting power the son lcarus forgot the warning and he is starting to fly high near to sun and his wings are melted away and he fall same way we can see Dr.faustus. Dr.faustus first choose to do necromancy for getting knowledge but he was not able to maintain himself with power and that is the reason he also fall like lcarus.

Ans - 4 )

                The image shows the Naturally picture.we can see here that there are many sheeps with the shepherd. A farmer is person is swimming in the this image all are busy in their work.They are doing hard working and live happily.They are very satisfied people.They are not interfering in anyone's life.


Thinking activity on post truth

Meaning of post truth :

" Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.

            Post truth word is choosen in 2016, because of during that period most of experience of fact news by the political party.

My opinion about post truth :
                  I think that normally people be fool through politicians,media, Emotional  personality,fake news.many politician and leaders are making people full with their conversation,they  speak lies but yet people are believing on them.

                  People makes society but people do not know about reality of their society.people are not aware about that politician are trying convert them on their ways or ideas.During  the modern time people are interested in this type of subject s and matters then society became post truth and people are involved in their ways.

Thinking activity on metaphysical poetry

Metaphysical poertry
         On 17 to 19 Aug,we have a lecturer on Metaphysical poetry by Dr.Mandaliya sir.Our Interaction with Mandaliya sir was very well.Mandaliya sir has a unique style of teaching and word pronouncing was excellent. so, Through Mandaliya sir we learn so many things about Metaphysical poetry and also History of English literature.
*  Metaphysical  poetry :
        The metaphysical poetry occupies a unique place in the History of English  poetry. It is known as the school of  John Donne because he was the pioneer who established this new trend of writing poetry.                                       

The term 'metaphysical poetry' was first time used by Dr.Samuel Johnson in a negative sense in his book 'lives of the most eminent English poets but after time passed it become admirable for Samuel Johnson.

* Metaphysical poets :

* John Donne ( 1572-1631)
*George Herbert (1593-1633)
*Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
* Henry Vaughan (1621-1695)
* Richard crashaw (1612-1649)

Characteristics of Metaphysical poetry :

1. A conscious attempt was the first feature of Metaphysical poetry.
2. Far fetched images and conceits are also  the important characteristics of the Metaphysical poetry.
3. They brought images from Engineering, Agriculture,AArchitecture,Geography, Geometry and so on.
4.There is a fine fusion of emotion   and intellect. Emotions are analysed in  Intellectual manner.                                    
5. There is a complex sentence patterns,words are easy to understand,but ideas are more difficult to understand.

List of John Donne's poem: 

1) The Flea.

2) Death,Be not proud.  
            3) Song : sweetest love,l do not go.

4) Elegy x : The dream.     
5) The Ecstacy.                   

* Death, Be not proud.

Death be proud is a tenth holy sonnet by John Donne.He tries to nullify the fear of death in the present sonnet .The poem is addressed by the poet to death itself .The poet tells death not to be proud because death has nothing with it. The poet mentions that even the best of people have gone with death the soonest so there is no reason for anybody to be afraid of it.The poet consider death a slave of fate,chance,king and people.
 According to the poet there are three dwelling places of death they are poison,war and sickness.Death is bound to be there where these 3 elements are place it.      


Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...