
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Webtools :- Google translate.

•• Hello, readers welcome to my blog!!
Here I am going to share my views upon am interesting task which is about webtools. In which we supposed to find one or two web tools or to say App from which we can atleast learn any two or three skills from LSRW. Which kind of facilities it provides us.So, let's go to further. I hope you enjoyed.

•••• So, here I take one webtool named Google Translate which is providing by Google which has some interesting and useful features for us. Through this we can improve our Speaking and writing and also listening skill. Basically at first I am using it only for Gujarati meaning of particular world. But afterwards I found that it has some other amazing fetures as well. So, it's first use is that you can came to know the particular word's gujarati meaning.It is good and noticeable thing of this app is that it is providing 104 languages in which we can translate any language into any language.In this translation you can use to write as well as you can speak also and you get meaning.Within this you also got that particular word is a noun or pronoun and then the definition of it's particular. Moroever it is giving some examples also and synonyms with itself.So, with a very single click you can came to know more about the thing.You can copy the particular meaning from there and paste when we need.

••• Secondly, the facility which this giving is handwriting. It gives us space and place for out handwriting,we can write without the keyboard with our fingers. And you can translate or get meaning of particular things. You write and after it you can convert in any language which is given here and got meaning.

•••• Furthermore, third tool is conversation. In which you can speak one sentence to paragraph and it is translating with voice ; speaking phase. So you are speaking then your reply in meaning is also speaking.So, here you are free to learn or use any language.You can repetitively use and stop to listen it. So, if you don't want to write then you can speak and if you don't want to see answer than you can listen it's voice.

••• Lastly and fourth tool is camera is also there. Immediately we have a question in mind that in such kind of translation app why and for what we need camera. Which kind of facilities given by camera.So, once you open camera than you supposed to put particular thing or book or anything on which English is written you can find it's translation but still it is not pure. It might give blur and not comfortable one. So, whenever, wherever you see new world you can translate it through the camera of this app. If In other State and country we are traveling than it is helping alot,to understand their language.One most big advantage of this is that it includes 104 language. You can also import some writing from your gallery of phone and there you have touch upon word on which we want translation. So we get each and every word's translation.In edition,that you can go or jump to your previous and past history.

••~•• Limitations:-

- As it is said that  a coin has two sides heads and tails,same as every thing has it's two sides. Both can't be good enough at one place and one time.So, it has some disadvantages or to say laking.
• First and foremost thing is that it is not run without internet. You need internet. Without it you can't be able to access it or translate anything. This is very big and problematic thing. If it is providing offline all helps than it would be better for all users.
• In this you can't record your voice and save it. And can't find translation in audio or can just speak and listen.
• In camera we can get translation of one language to other language. But if we don't know the any language's name then it's not helpful. We can't get it.It can give information only about written things.
• It is not fruitful and useful for LSRW (all ) skils.

••• Here I want to genuinely mentioned the another one web tool is What's app. Which is the most used by Everyone,but every body is not using it for learning basic skills of language.In what's app we can record our voice,can send audio ,video,can send anykind of Documents,images, emojis,Gifs, etc. With this you can improve your all four skills.Here anykind of link is working. So, I think it is the simple and easiest way to learn LSRW.From this we can prove our Pronunciation,as we have to record our voice and pronunciation and you can listen it or someone can suggest it. That's how it is working well.

Thank you......

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Thinking activity on the Sense of Ending.

••• Hello! Everyone welcome to my blog.This is my academic work page where I supposed to reflect my views upon particular unit. Here I am going to write about the Thinking activity on"The sense of ending" by Julian Barnes.So, I hope you will enjoy this blog. This task is given by our professor,Dilip Barad. So,if u want to know more about this task thenClick here

Que :- 1] . How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.
Ans :-  Here I would like to put couplet of definition of History which is given in the novel :-

• History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation'.

•• ' History isn't the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It's more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated'

'History is the lies of the victors'

'History is the self-delusion of the defeated'

First at all Memory is concerned with individual or personal one while the History is not reffered individual's life. History is about some specific events , experiments,etc. So, our memory is changing day by day and making some changes or if we are writing then we are writing in favour of us only. We try to keep clean and good side of our. Further the history is history whether it is good or bad it keeps infronts of us. It showing reality to us.There are many references of Memory and history in novel. Here Tony is the Narrator itself so, he is writing hisself good and he was not quite sure about his past and memory. Sometimes he is making statement after sometime he hisself broking his statement. He is not confident with what he is saying.He makes comments also upon history.By his memory his Narration is keep on Changing with time to time.we can't come to conclude with our memories. With the memory of Tony he got "Unrest ,Great unrest "at the end of novel.

Que :- 2] How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th century Existential Philosophy and this 21st century novel The Sense of an Ending?

Ans:- The concept of Suicide is a very broad concept in literature and life. During discussion of the novel we have seen 10 author's suicide. We also have example of Shri Rama from Ramayana that he also do suicide in the river saryu. There are many reasons behind the Suicide. But I impressed by Virginia Woolf's death and Adrian's deathe. They both have logical and good reason. They have enjoyed their life. Virginia has wrote alot at the end by happiness she accepts death and decides to leave his life. Here Adrian also do suicide. But the death should be your own choice.The birth is not in our hand but death  is in our hand. We can finish it whenever we want to complete it. In the Hamlet,suicide is a kind of sin. In recent it is given freedom to people to commit suicide.In about the Hamlet  then it's soliloquy "To be or not to be " is more popular. Hamlet is always confused with what to do or not .He can't take immediate action and decision. He was known as philosophical person.  Here Adrian's death is also consider as philosophical death but not reliable.

Que: - 3 ] Adrian's diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. Why did Sarah Ford own it? Why was it in the Possession of Veronica?

Ans :- Here in novel at the end we find that and little bit shocked with one event that a letter written by Tony is found from Sarah Ford ( Mother of Veronica). Actually when Tony goes to Veronica's house at that alos he was warned by his that be careful and stay away from Veronica,so it seems that both mother and daughter have not good relationship. When Veronica leave Tony and accept Adrian,at that time Tony writes letter Adrian about Veronica that she is not good and trustworthy girl. He added that you should go to Sarah Ford and asked him about Veronica and you got truth. So, here Sarah and Adrian built a relationship and have a child. That's why the letter of Tony Found from Sarah Ford. This all situation is Veronica trying say or understand to Tony but Tony don't understand as before he don't and he will never.

Que :- 4 ] Unreliable narrator: “Was this their exact exchange? Almost certainly not. Still, it is my best memory of their exchange.” (Pg 19)

Ans :- We found the unreliable narrator from Tony Webster. As he is narrating story or event. But subsequently we find it is broken or deconstruct by himself.As he is talking about History regarding his memory, and I  have already mentioned about Memory and History in first answer. He is not confident or sure about his memory. He is telling as far as he remembered,that this and this kind of things,their childhood,their school time,their friends,their teachers.One thing is happening is here is very interesting if we are reading the original book, then as a reader we believe what first Tony described about his memory and his self,but ahead we find that he is reconstructing whole event.The Narration is very good that first we haven't any doubt or we believe and suddenly to change whole thing was a kind of different technique.

Que :- 5]      Julian Barnes center in not to discuss ‘class difference’ or ‘culture’. They are rather shifted on the periphery of his discourse that centers on ‘memory’, ‘history’, ‘time’ and ‘quest for truth’. Illustrate with your reading of ‘The Sense of an Ending’.

Ans :- Julian Barnes's styles of writing is a quite different from other. He tries to touch upon many topics. As mainly he deal with Memory and History throughout the whole novel. But still there are some minor topics which not mostly discussed still it has it's deep significant. As we can see the class difference between Veronica and Tony. Hence Barnes not focused on it,but through the character of Tony we can come to know about. When he goes to Veronica's home there he damaged , insulted by her Father and brother,Tony said that it doesn't matter or worried for him still somewhere , somehow this situation causes him,gave him deep wound in memory.In Ford's family also Sarah Ford has to suffer from class difference.So, that is how the class difference is not directly discuss but still it mentioned it's space in novel.

Thank you....

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ode to Autumn ( Group task)

•• Hello Everyone welcome to my blog! Here is the group task which was given by Heena mam. It is about poem "Ode to Autumn" by John Keats.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Swamp dwellers (Group task)

• Hello, Everyone this is a group task done by me and Sejal Parmar which was given by Heena mam  from African Literature. I hope you enjoy this .

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Short story :- A potrayal of a lady by Khushwant Singh.

••• Hello, Everyone welcome to my blog!!
Here I am going to write about one Short story which is my favourite during Bachelors. Hope you enjoyed this blog .

•• The Portrait of a Lady’ is written in first person and is in the biographical mode. In this story, the writer gives a detailed account of his Grandmother with whom he had a long association. Khushwant Singh recalls his Grandmother as short, fat and slightly bent. Her silver hair was scattered untidily on her wrinkled face. She hobbled around the house in white clothes with one hand resting on her waist and the other telling the beads of her rosary. Khushwant Singh remembers her as not very pretty but always beautiful. He compares her serene face to that of a winter landscape, During their long stay in the village, Grandmother woke him up in the morning, plastered his wooden slate, prepared his breakfast, and escorted him to school. While he studied alphabets, she read the scriptures in the temple attached to the school. On their way back home she fed stale chapattis to stray dogs. The turning point in their relationship came when they went to live in the city. Now, the author went to a city school in a motor bus and studied English, law of gravity, Archimedes’ principle and many more things which she could not understand at all.

•• Grandmother could no longer accompany him to school nor help him in his studies. She was upset that there was no teaching of God and scriptures at city school. Instead he was given music lesson which, according to her, was not meant for gentlefolk. But she said nothing.

•• When Khushwant Singh went to a university, he was given a separate room. The common link of their friendship was snapped. Grandmother rarely talked to anyone now. She spent most of her time sitting beside her spinning wheel, reciting prayers, and feeding the sparrows in the afternoon. When the author left for abroad, Grandmother did not get disturbed. Rather, she saw him off at the railway station. Seeing her old age, the narrator thought that it was his last meeting with her. But, contrary to his thinking, when he returned after a span of five years, Grandmother was there to receive him. She celebrated the occasion by singing songs of the home coming of warriors on an old dilapidated drum, along with the ladies of the neighbourhood.

•• Next morning she got ill. Although the doctor said it was a mild fever and would go away soon, she could foresee that her end was near. She did not want to waste time talking to anyone. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling the beads till her lips stopped moving and the rosary fell from her lifeless fingers. To mourn her death thousands of sparrows flew in and sat scattered around her body. There was no chirruping and when Khushwant Singh’s mother threw breadcrumbs to the sparrows, they took no notice of the bread. They flew away quietly when the dead body of Grandmother was carried away for last rites.

•• So, here generally we can see that How the writer recalls his childhood days with his grandmother,which kind of life living with her. The writer has done very minor observation of each and every thing. From description of grandmother to education system,way of living. When Khushwant Singh goes to university then how the all atmosphere changed. It takes to urbanization. Here he more attached with his grandmother and when he lost her he feel bad for it.

Thank you.....

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...