
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Academic task youth festival 2018

"Aeshvaryam yuva manthan"
Youth festival 2018

We have three days 26th 27th and 28th October youth festival in our MK Bhavnagar University "Aeshvaryam Yuva Manthan" organized by Takshshila institute of science and commerce. So, this blog is a part of task activity given by our professor Dr.Dilip Barad sir in which we have to write on events which we were attended and try to interpret with various literary theories.

Here is the event list which I attended :
1 ) Kala yatra.         
2) poetry recitation 
3) mono acting.         
5)one act play.       
6) mime.            
7) skit.              
8) on the spot painting,  collage, installation, Rangoli. 

A month ago, all the students started their preparation for youth festival. There were many rules of youth festival. All the participates got their own identity card.

             I could not attend all events. Because I was presented at our department as a volunteer. Quiz and Essay writing competitions were organised at our department. On 26 October, the first round of Quiz was stared. On 27 October, the final round of quiz and essay writing were organised. The time of final round of quiz was at 9:00 a.m. , but it was postponed due to some problem of electricity. So the final round was began at 11:00 a.m..

[1] Kala yatra : opening ceremony of youth festival begun with Kala Yatra in which various colleges took part and presented their themes. There were total 18 to 19 themes are presented, more than half of themes related to Indian Culture, students gave their hundred percent to impress people through their themes but I liked two themes among them, one about Nine rasa by KPES college because students wonderfully presented nine Rasa with gestures and other is LGBT theme by Shamaldas College in which they gave message about LGBT people, they also a part of our culture so they try to evoke society through their theme.

Then I look western song and I enjoyed a lot it I also feel proud on the group of our department who got the second rank in the youth festival. I also observed that the group of our department has dress code of  'Tri-Ranga'. Orange, white, blue, white, green. I like their dress code.

                 This is also an interesting and very difficult form of art. In this art we have to convey our message to audience without any kind of dialogue. It is about your body language and various kinds of gestures and postures. In this event many colleges performed mimes on the theme  of Indian Mythology like Mahabharat, Ramayan and couple of theme on Ashoka. So, somehow the topics of the mimes were traditional but very well presented. I haven't found any modern theme in the mimes mostly connected with myths and common but we feel Catharsis from these arts. I liked its sound system, it is not easy to make gesture along with music. So, it was eye opening mime.

Mono Acting:
                            Mono acting also wonderfully performed by artist. I have seen only three. Monologue is my favorite form in literatures. I like monologues of Dr. Faustus it is evergreen for me, which I have studied in my 1st part of master degree. All three acting somehow criticized patriarchal power and women humiliation in which I liked 3rd acting by my classmate. She performed the role of lady hawker in which she used countryside dialect superbly. In this acting she presented two types of role comic and emotional, audience have felt catharsis through this acting.

One act play :

Jammu & Kashmir, choice of sound and performed along with music also have plus point of that one act play. Yes but many one act play do not follow Aristotelian concept like unity of time, unity of place etc.

On the spot painting, collage, Rangoli 

OK so youth festival is filing to as a very good way

Thank you.......... .

Monday, October 15, 2018

Review on movie Robinson Crusoe

                       On 22 Sep, we have watched the film Robinson Crusoe is novel written by Daniel Defoe. The full title of the novel is The life and surprising adventure of Robinson Crusoe. This is a adventure  story of Robinson Crusoe .We can say that the movie is quite faithful to the novel because we find that before life of Crusoe and his first two voyages are not shown in the movie. We can find that film was no so longer so that many scenes were not covered by film. In novel we find I think 2-3 sea voyages while in film we can see only last voyage through that Crusoe reaches at the island. In novel there is description about Robinson's father's wish that he develop his career in law. But in movie we can't find any information about his family. When Crusoe reached island he was alone though he didn't lose his hope and he try to survive on island and spent twenty eight years of his life in island.

When film starts we see that it starts with sea voyage of Crusoe and he becomes victims of storm during his voyage. He was alone on island .He spends 28 years of his life on this island. When on island at sea - shore he finds footprint of human being, he becomes afraid and matches it with his footprint. On island he builds a Hut for his residence and gather some essential things from ships. He has pet animals like dog and cat as like his family members. 

Oneday Crusoe saves a boy. He meets him on Friday. He names him Friday. Crusoe teaches him English and western customs and turns Friday into a servant. Crusoe does not trust him at first, believing Friday to also be a cannibal who would kill him if given the chance. He builds a door to the cave in which he takes to sleeping. When Friday enters without permission late one night to get an axe , Crusoe puts leg irons on him. The next day, however, Crusoe relents and takes them off. Then he comes to trust on Friday. 

In this movie we find Master- slave  relationship. We find Crusoe as master and Friday as slave. Crusoe's behaviour was cruel with Friday. He talks with Friday in higher  tone as like his boss or master. He first teaches him "Master" word. And during we can't see any female character. Only onetime when Friday wear a woman dress that time he remember his wife. And Crusoe commanded him that remove it. 

After 28 years, Friday saves crusoe's life from a cannibal sneaking up behind him. Then Robinson Crusoe leaves for home with Friday , having 28 years. So, we can say that this movie is about voyage and adventure of Crusoe. 

Thank you ...............                                             

Thinking Activity on Paradise Lost

              Paradise lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th - century English poet John Milton (1608 - 1674). The first  version  published in 1667, consisted of ten books. A second  edition followed  in 1674, arranged into twelve books.It is considered  by critics to be Milton's major work. The poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of Man,  the temptation of adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion  from the garden of Eden .Milton's purpose, stated in Book 9, is to "justify the ways of God to men".                                                         

 (1) write a critique on the character  of Eve. 

Along with Satan, Eve is the most important character in paradise lost, it is her idea to separate from Adam and she is the one who first eats the forbidden fruit and then convinces Adam to eat it. Eve ate first, but Adam also ate the fruit ,for his own reasons. The thing to keep in mind then is that Eve isn't always as bad or stupid as she seems or as she is portrayed. Milton has portrayed weakness of women through the character of Eve. Milton has portrayed Eve weaker than Adam. She easily tempted by Satan. 

(2) whose argument did you find more convincing? 

In Milton's paradise lost book 9, I find three characters more lively. 
• Eve 
• Adam
• satan

According to my view Adam's argument is more convincing, because Eve is easily tempted by Satan than Adam. We find Eve's character as weaker than Adam .So Satan decides to tempt or deceipt her than Adam. Satan find that Eve is better for his aim than Adam. When Eve tell Adam that they can do more work if they work separately, Adam knows what Eve is more likely to be tricked by Satan so, he argues against separation. Always Adam shows the proper respect and relationship in graceful speech and manners.                                                   

                After when Eve comes to Adam
and force him to eat fruit at that time also Adam makes arguments with Eve.But then Adam becomes emotional with her charm and eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge because he bear to be without Eve. 

(3) How do you look at divine perspective in the Genesis of the holy Bible and human perspective in John Milton's paradise lost book 9 ?

In holy book Bible we find God centric world. God was at the center and all human beings as like puppet. We can see that everything is done by God. Bible represents God's lively character. We find that due to God's creation of forbidden tree "Fall of Man happens "

But in Genesis, that God  created Man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female. We find in Milton's paradise lost human as the central character of world .He has not presented God as a central character. Milton is a human being and as a poet Wrote human perspective. In Bible we find divine perspective is prominent while in paradise lost " Human perspective " is principle than divine perspective .                                           

Thank you..........

Assignment paper no-15. Mass Media and Mass communication.

Assignment Topic:- Mass media and communication Prepared by :- Divya Vaghela Batch :- 2018-20 Roll no :- 07 Enrollment no:- 206910842...